
  • 网络camping
  1. 在一些意外状态下,这种电池也会非常有用,比如在酒吧一直待到手机没电,或者去野外露营四天——这时,你可能需要保持手机上的GPS处于激活状态。

    A battery can be so useful in unexpected scenarios ranging from getting stuck out at the bars until your phone is dead , to going camping for four days in the wilderness - that 's when you may need to keep the GPS alive on your phone .

  2. 但是连续在野外露营三天之后,我就感觉受不了了。特别是最后一夜在凡尔登(Verdun)附近的LeForetduMortHomme度过,翻译成英文就是“死人森林”。

    But after three consecutive nights of camping out I 'd had enough , especially since the last had been spent near Verdun in Le Foret du Mort Homme , which translates as Dead Man 's Forest .

  3. 我建议到野外露营度假。但凯里有不同的主意。

    I suggested a camping holiday , but Carey had other ideas .

  4. 寒冷的天气在野外露营并不意味着一整天都非常寒冷。

    Camping in cold weather doesn 't have to mean being cold all day .

  5. 若时间许可,我爱和朋友到野外露营。

    If I have time , I enjoy camping in the wild with my friends .

  6. 预期这个连当天在野外露营,次日返回驻地。

    The company was supposed to bivouac overnight and then return to the post the next day .

  7. 如果你经常野外露营,可以购买一个没有化学品的水净化器。

    If you do a lot of camping , invest in a water purifier that uses a chemical-free system .

  8. 你能学会适应。野外露营我也喜欢,住四季大饭店我也喜欢。

    You learn flexibility . I am happy to camp . I am happy to stay at the four seasons .

  9. 不过,如果你想带上这款相机参加夏天的野外露营活动,那可能需要等到明年才行。

    If you 're hoping to take it out on a summer camping trip though , you 'll likely have to wait until next year .

  10. 这是一个令人称奇的时刻,一名男子周末去野外露营,在他驾车回家的时候,一只大熊向他挥手告别。

    This is the amazing moment a man driving home after spending a weekend camping out in the wilderness is greeted farewell by a giant bear .

  11. 可用于:演唱会、舞厅、生日、聚会、婚礼、宴会、晚会、节日、庆典、郊游、野外露营等场合的照明和装饰;

    Can be used for : concerts , dance halls , birthday , parties , weddings , parties , party , holiday , celebration , picnic , camping and other outdoor lighting and decorative occasions ;

  12. 他计划到野外去露营。

    He planned to camp out in the wild .

  13. 经过一段时间的野外生活,露营者变得精神饱满,感到恢复了青春的活力。

    eg. After living a while in the open , campers become as fresh as paint . They feel rejuvenated .

  14. 年轻人喜欢到野外去散步或露营。

    Yong people may go walking or camping in the mountains .