
yě yínɡ
  • camp;bivouac
野营 [yě yíng]
  • (1) [camp;bivouac]∶在野外搭帐篷住宿

  • (2) [camp-out]∶某个团体进行露营的时刻

  1. 野营的警卫人员每天晚上调换。

    The camp guards are exchanged every night .

  2. 如果这些孩子要野营十天,他们需要知道烹调的基本知识。

    If the boys are going to camp for ten days , they 'll need to know the fundamentals of cooking .

  3. 我想去野营,但这个想法很快遭到了其他人的反对。

    I wanted to go camping but the others quickly vetoed that idea .

  4. 他们每年去法国野营。

    They go camping in France every year .

  5. 野营地只提供最基本的设施。

    The campsite provided only basic facilities .

  6. 我们买了一辆野营车,所以我们啥时想去野营就可以去。

    We bought a camper van so we could go away whenever the fancy took us .

  7. 你去野营度假吗?

    Do you go camping ?

  8. 随着成千上万的人决定到户外宿营度假,新福里斯特的野营地很快人满为患。

    Campsites in the New Forest quickly filled up as thousands decided to spend the holiday under canvas .

  9. 野营用品在漫长的雨季里受潮了。

    The camping supplies were dampened during the long rainy season .

  10. 野营部队要从咱们村过。

    The troops will be passing through our village on their camping trip .

  11. 他们年年都去同一个营地野营。

    They go to the same campsite year in year out .

  12. 野营者用毯子裹住身子,挨着火睡觉。

    The campers wrapped themselves in blankets and slept near the fire .

  13. 参加野营的学生过着军事化的生活。

    The students who went camping followed a military regime .

  14. 男孩子们喜欢在好天气里野营。

    The boys like camping out in good weather .

  15. 她最近心血来潮,想到撒哈拉沙漠去野营!

    Her latest flight of fancy is to go camping in the Sahara desert !

  16. 我得说,我肯定是来享受野营的。

    I must say that I have certainly come to enjoy camping .

  17. 野营在英国是非法的。

    Wild camping is illegal in England .

  18. 有时,他们正是几个月或几年前营救野营者的消防员。

    Sometimes , they are the very firefighters who rescued the campers months or years earlier .

  19. 在我看来,他不会在明天的会议上提出关于去野营的建议,因为费用太高了。

    In my opinion , his suggestion about going camping won 't at tomorrow 's meeting because of the high cost .

  20. 这家店铺供应野营所需的一切。

    That shop furnishes everything that is needed for camping .

  21. 野营者在乡村商店买食物。

    The campers got their provisions at the village shop .

  22. 在客厅或后院里支起野营帐篷。

    Camp out in the living room or backyard .

  23. 例句我原本非常想今年夏天去野营,但这个想法被搁置了。

    I was really keen1 on going camping2 this summer , but that idea has fallen by the wayside .

  24. 经过两周的考试,安德鲁和他的朋友们周末去野营消遣。

    Example : After two weeks of exams Andrew and his friends went camping for the weekend to blow off steam .

  25. 超亮太阳能LED电筒,可用于休闲、野营及普通使用等等。

    Ultra bright solar1W LED flashlight for recreation , camping , and general use .

  26. Iknowathingortwoaboutit.我对此很熟悉。你在树林里野营过吗?

    A : Have you ever gone camping in the woods ? B : I know a thing or two about it .

  27. 目前产品覆盖充电应急照明台灯,手电,野营灯,通道应急灯和室内外的LED照明灯饰。

    Our products cover Torch , Camping light , Emergency light and LED indoor and outdoor lighting .

  28. Tony要和另外两个小男孩去野营。

    Tony is going camping with two other little boys .

  29. LH:我不是害怕野营。下星期二要期中考试,你忘啦?

    LL : I still don 't understand why you are afraid to go camping .

  30. 玩着iPad、吃着垃圾食品长大的这一代,能适应野营炉具和厕所的艰苦吗?

    Is a generation raised on iPads and junk food up to the rigours of the camp stove and the camp potty ?