
  1. 遵纪守法,尊重人格。

    Obey the law and respect other 's personality .

  2. 尊重人格尊严保障患者权利

    Respecting Personal Dignity and Safeguard Patients Rights

  3. 要求双方认识时要进一步的调查和了解,双方友谊进展期间,应相互尊重人格和尊严。

    Want further inquisition and understanding while requesting both parties to know , both parties the comity make progress a period , should respect personality and dignity mutually .

  4. 用肯尼迪的话来说,这样的环境与“要尊重人格尊严的理念格格不入”,也是违反宪法的“残忍且罕见的处罚”。

    Such conditions are , in Mr Kennedy 's words , " incompatible with the concept of human dignity " and amount to unconstitutional " cruel and unusual punishment . "

  5. 调适两者冲突的原则有:公共利益原则、保密原则、尊重人格尊严原则和禁止权利滥用原则。

    The principles applied in adjusting these conflicts include the public interest principle , principle of confidentiality , principle of respecting personal dignity and principle of prohibition of abuse of rights .

  6. 因此,对新闻报道进行规范,使之尊重人格、尊重人性,已成为新闻界必须面对的话题。

    Therefore , it has already become the topic which the press must be confronted that the journalistic reportage should be standardized and be made to respect human dignity and human nature .

  7. 因为人本管理理念是一种以人为中心的管理,提倡在尊重人格独立与个人尊严的前提下,充分调动人的潜能,提高员工对企业的向心力、凝聚力。

    Because " people-oriented " ideology is a people-centered management , to promote respect for individual dignity , personal independence and the premise of full mobilization of human potential , enhance the enterprise employees centripetal force .

  8. 它是在尊重人格平等的基础上,为解决现代人所面临的不公平、不平等的困境,为增进公民福利和社会公共利益而产生的一种法学思潮。

    Based on respecting the equality of personality , it is arising from a legal idea , which is intended to solve the the unfair and unequal dilemma of modern people and to promote the civic welfare and public interests .

  9. 对罪犯不仅保障应有的生活条件,更应尊重人格,禁止侮辱。禁止承包人将工程分包给不具备相应资质条件的单位。

    Criminals are not only provided with proper living conditions , but their human dignity is also respected . Humiliating of prisoners is forbidden . The contractor is prohibited from sub-contracting any part of the project to an entity not appropriately qualified .

  10. 在高校公共关系建立中应遵循双向沟通原则、互利互惠原则、发展创新原则、实事求是原则以及尊重人格等原则。

    The establishment of the college public relations should follow the principle of two-way communication , the principle of mutual benefit , the principle of innovative development , the principle of seeking truth from facts , and the principle of respecting for human dignity .

  11. 在引入市场机制和竞争机制的过程中,新闻报道中不尊重人格、漠视人性的现象已经变得非常普遍,使新闻传播的权威性、公正性和纯洁性受到了严重的损害。

    In the process of introducing market mechanism and competition mechanism , it has become quite widespread that the human dignity is not respected and the human nature is disregarded , which has seriously blemished the authority , impartiality and purity of the news dissemination .

  12. 首先,对隐私权的理论背景作了简要介绍,并通过对隐私权的基础理论不同观点的研究,得出本文的观点,即隐私权的理论基础是尊重人格和尊重人们对自己隐私的控制。

    At first , on the basis of a brief introduction to the background - theory about the right of privacy and research of its basic theory , the author concludes that the right of privacy rationale is respect for the personality and domination of privacy .

  13. 对器官移植与人身权关系问题的探究,既可以解决器官移植带来的负面影响,也有利于充分尊重人格尊严,促进器官移植法的制定和完善,实现现代民法以人为本的核心精神。

    Studying the relationship between organ transplantation and personal right not only can solve the passive effects but also stand on human dignity . In addition , it can improve the enactment of law of organ transplantation and realize the spirit of humanism of modern civil law .

  14. 尊重之人格是诚实,对人们信守诺言!

    I respect that honesty , honor its promise to the people who .

  15. 尊重学生人格,创造和谐的育人环境;

    Respect the dignity of students , create a harmony environment in teaching .

  16. 置入一个以「安全」好好油润过的、以「尊重个人人格」为模型的锅子。

    Place in a pan well greased with security and lined with respect for personality .

  17. 这太过分了,而且非常不尊重他的人格。

    It was out of line and very disrespectful to who he was as a person .

  18. 在尊重个人人格尊严的同时如何对隐私权进行充分的保护与合理的限制成为隐私权理论研究的重要课题。

    So how to provide sufficient and rational protections and restrictions is a significant theory task .

  19. 我们同志的态度要谦和,要诚恳,要尊重其人格,尊重其意见;

    Our comrades should be modest , friendly and sincere , respecting them and listening attentively to their opinions .

  20. 其次是修正了木石前盟的爱情条件&相互尊重和人格平等的知己之爱;

    Second , he changed the love prerequisite of the marriage vow-respect each other and equal in personality as boson friends .

  21. 把犯人当成人看,尊重犯人人格成为边区狱政工作的指导思想。

    Regarding prisoners as human and respecting the personality of prisoners became the guiding ideology of the work in border region .

  22. 从历史渊源看,它可以分为出于医生权威的知情同意与出于尊重患者人格、尊严、个性化权利的知情同意。

    Historically , it includes informed consent out of doctors ' authority and informed consent out of respect for patients ' personality , dignity and individual rights .

  23. 人格歧视行为违反了尊重他人人格尊严的法定义务,侵害了受害人的人格尊严。

    The act of discrimination of personality constitutes a violation of the legal obligation to respect other person 's dignity and infringes upon the victim 's dignity of personality .

  24. 就算你跟我一样曾在某些问题上与她持有不同观点,而且有时严重对立,但是你没有办法不尊重她的人格以及她对英国全体国民的生活做出的贡献。

    Even if you disagreed with her as I did on certain issues and occasionally strongly , you could not disrespect her character or her contribution to Britain 's national life .

  25. 学困生一直以来是教育界比较关注的对象,尤其是新一轮基础教育课程实施以来,尊重学生人格、关注个体差异成为在课堂教学过程中值得注意的重要问题之一。

    Students with learning difficulties has been the object of concern to the education sector , especially the new one since the implementation of basic education , respect their dignity and attention to individual differences as in the classroom teaching process one of the important issues worthy of attention .

  26. 小学儿童尊重行为与人格、班级环境的关系

    The Relations among Respecting Behaviors , Personalities and Class Environment of Primary School Children

  27. 一个人只要还有点起码的人道之心,只要多少还尊重自己的人格,就不会做出这种事来。

    No man of common humanity , no man who had any value for his character , could be capable of it .

  28. 三是学生主体性,教师在教学中必须尊重学生的人格,让学生主动参与教学过程;

    Students being subject , that is the teacher must respect the students ' personality , let the students participate in teaching process actively ;

  29. 改变传统的德育模式,尊重学生的人格,关注每个学生的发展;

    The traditional moral - education mode should be altered , the personality of students should be respected , the development of every student should be cared about ;

  30. 一个人的工资高,但没有安全感,没有尊重,缺少人格尊严,没有幸福感。

    A person 's wages are high , but there is no sense of security , lack of respect , lack of human dignity , there is no happiness .