
  • 网络the new social strata
  1. 新社会阶层在我国宪政建设中的作用

    The New Social Strata 's Impacts on the Construction of China 's Constitutional Government

  2. 第三部分则是探讨如何进一步培育和扩大新社会阶层。

    Thirdly , explore how to cultivate and expand the new social strata to a further step .

  3. 论新社会阶层的社会属性和社会功能

    On the social attribute and function of the new social class

  4. 新社会阶层统战工作探析

    Discussion on the United Front Work of the New Social Ranks

  5. 统一战线与中华民族凝聚力的互动&新社会阶层统战工作思路及对策初探

    The Interaction of United Front and Chinese Nation 's Cohesive Force

  6. 新社会阶层的出现给统战工作带来巨大变化。

    Its appearance brings great changes to the united front work .

  7. 新社会阶层在构建社会主义和谐社会中的作用

    The Effect of the New Social Class on Building Socialist Harmonious Society

  8. 准确理解在新社会阶层中发展党员的问题

    Issues in Correct Comprehension on Recruiting Party Members in New Social Stratums

  9. 我国新社会阶层形成及发展的政治生态基础

    Political Ecosystem Foundation of China 's New Social Stratum

  10. 试析新社会阶层的共同特征

    On the Common Characteristics of the New Classes

  11. 新社会阶层的政治属性与统战政策选择

    The Political Nature of New Social Classes and the Choice of United Front Polices

  12. 新社会阶层的政治参与

    The New Social Class 's Participation in Politics

  13. 论我国新社会阶层政治参与的偏好&从众模型

    The Preference-conformity Mode of Our Country ′ s New Social Stratum ′ s Political Participation

  14. 新社会阶层的优秀分子入党带来的问题及对策思考

    Problem and Countermeasure of Admitting the Advanced persons of the New Social Status into the Party

  15. 新社会阶层政治参与研究&基于江苏的调查数据

    A Study on the New Social Classes ' Political Participation & An Empirical Survey in Jiangsu Province

  16. 新社会阶层理论的哲学基础与作用管窥

    A Tentative Approach to the Philosophic Foundation and the Function of the Theory of New Social Stratum

  17. 新社会阶层党员队伍建设与保持党的先进性

    Construction of the CCP Members ' Troops in New Social Class and Maintaining the Party 's Progressiveness

  18. 政党的政治参与功能与政治稳定&新社会阶层成员入党的一种解读视角

    Participating Role of Political Parties and Political Stability - Views on New Social Stratum Members'Joining the Party

  19. 新社会阶层参与社会主义核心价值体系构建的现实路径

    The Realistic Ways for New Social Strata to Take Part in Building the Socialist Core Value System

  20. 新社会阶层无论从人数上还是从实力上,都已经成为我国经济建设和社会发展中举足轻重的力量。

    New social strata have been a decisive power in china , no matter in number or strength .

  21. 但在现实生活中,新社会阶层还没能广泛地参与到政治领域中。

    But in real life , the new social classes can not extensively involved in the political sphere .

  22. 政治安排的滞后性一度造成了新社会阶层政治参与的茫然。

    A time lag of the political arrangements created new social classes and political participation at a loss .

  23. 论文主要内容如下:第一章,新社会阶层的发展状况及整体评价。

    Thesis as follows : The first chapter , the development of new social strata and the overall evaluation .

  24. 建立新社会阶层人士科学评估体系做好新社会阶层代表人士工作

    Build Scientific Appraising System of New Social Stratum Personage , Do a Good Job in New Social Stratum Representative Personage

  25. 第三,以新社会阶层给我国带来的利弊影响开展正反两方面的分析。

    Thirdly , the author analyzes both the good and bad influences bought by the new social stratum to China .

  26. 得出新社会阶层虽然对我国社会产生了一些不利影响,但是其产生的有利影响却是占据主导地位的。

    It comes to a conclusion that the new social stratum produces some bad influences in china but the good influences dominate .

  27. 作为改革开放的产物,新社会阶层已成为我国公民中的重要社会群体。

    As the product of reform and opening up , new social stratum has become the important social groups in our citizens .

  28. 保持党的先进性必须加强新社会阶层党员队伍建设;

    To keep the Party 's progressiveness , we must enhance the construction of Party members ' troops in new social class .

  29. 私营企业主是新社会阶层的重要组成部分,是当前构建社会主义和谐社会的重要影响因素之一。

    Private entrepreneur is an important part of the new social stratum , and an important factor in constructing the harmonious socialist society .

  30. 加强新社会阶层党员队伍建设直接关系到党的先进性的具体保持与体现。

    Strengthening the Construction of the members ' troops in new social class is closely related to the maintaining and embodiment of the Party 's progressiveness .