
  • 网络New customer;New Client
  1. 新客户华为(Huawei)在全球智能手机行业排名第三,拥有5%的市场份额。

    New customer Huawei is world number three in smartphones with 5 per cent market share .

  2. 图9显示了一个ManageCustomer页面,通过该页面,用户可以执行一些操作,如添加一个新客户、查找一个客户、查看数据库中的所有客户。

    Figure 9 shows an example of a Manage Customer page through which the user can perform operations like adding a new customer , searching for a customer , and viewing all customers in the database .

  3. 他还因为带来了很多新客户拿到一笔佣金。

    He also got a commission for bringing in new clients .

  4. 他已经安排了周末和新客户们开会。

    He has arranged a meeting with his new clients for the weekend .

  5. 这种影响不可夸大,获得最高评级的企业可以享受快速增长,因为新客户会被良好的评价所吸引,并随后提供更积极的反馈。

    The impact cannot be overstated Businesses that attract top ratings can enjoy rapid growth , as new customers are attracted by good reviews and subsequently provide yet more positive feedback .

  6. 当新客户机变为可用时,它就实例化一个新的Client对象,该对象代表了那个客户机的状态。

    When a new client becomes available it instantiates a new Client object representing the state of that client .

  7. 市场上最有竞争力的贷款银行FirstDirect停止对新客户提供抵押贷款。

    The Great Mortgage Disappearing Act First Direct , which was the most competitive lender on the market , has stopped offering mortgages to new customers .

  8. 在环境中创建新客户机时,Setup策略用于新客户机。

    Setup policies are applied to new clients as they are set up in the environment .

  9. LotusDomino邮件服务器是否能为这种新客户机提供相符的性能,对于用户来说是非常重要的。

    It is critical that Lotus Domino mail server scale with this new client .

  10. 到今年年底或明年年初,他们就没有更多的IP地址提供给新客户了。

    By the end of this year , or early next year , they will have no more IPs for their new clients .

  11. 通过把修改后的Web服务作为一个独立的包进行部署,我们使旧客户机能够继续运行,同时使新客户机能够使用服务的新版本。

    By deploying the revised Web service as a separate bundle , we enable the old clients to ontinue to work while enabling new clients to use the newer version of the service .

  12. 因此,客户关系管理(CRM)的策略主要在于维系现有客户,而不是一味地争取新客户。

    The strategy of Customer relationship management ( CRM ) aims at holding existing customers , not wining new ones over blindly .

  13. 它还将修改新客户机的MAC地址和UUID。

    It will also modify the MAC address of the new guest as well as the UUID .

  14. 詹森说,六月份发布的iPhone,是苹果公司第一次进军手机市场,同样也带来了新客户。

    The iPhone , launched in June as Apple 's first foray in the cell phone market , has also brought newcomers , Johnson said .

  15. 每个select()调用返回一组事件,指出新客户机可用;新数据准备就绪,可以读取;或者客户机准备就绪,可以接收响应。

    Each call to select () returns a collection of events indicating that a new client is available , new data is ready to read , or a client is ready to receive a response .

  16. 每当在线贸易网站阿里巴巴(alibaba)的销售人员签下一位重要的新客户时,整个销售部门都会发出胜利的欢呼。

    Every time a salesperson at online trading site Alibaba signs up an important new account , the entire sales department cheers in triumph .

  17. 尽管这个过程非常简单,但是它解释了如何使用KVM实例化新客户操作系统。

    While simple , this process illustrates how you can instantiate new guest operating systems with KVM .

  18. 在之后的两年中,该公司在印度的班加罗尔和瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩设立了研究中心,这是IBM的经典手法,帮助华为拉近了与潜在新客户的距离。

    In the next two years , it established research centers in Bangalore , India , and in Stockholm , a classic IBM technique that helped Huawei get closer to potential new customers .

  19. 例如,在CRM系统创建新客户将生成一个事件,ESB将该事件分发给这种事件类型的订户。

    For example , the creation of a new customer in a CRM system would generate an event that the ESB would distribute to the subscriber to this event type .

  20. 许多Informix新客户没有认识到他们必须更新统计数据,因此由于缺少最新的优化器统计数据,他们的数据库性能很差。

    Many customers new to Informix do not realize they must update statistics , and see poor performance due to the lack of optimizer statistics .

  21. infosys和塔塔咨询(tataconsultancy)等信息技术外包公司会利用这次活动与现有客户加强联系,同时培养一些新客户。

    Information technology outsourcing companies , such as Infosys and Tata Consultancy , use the event to network with existing clients and to cultivate new ones .

  22. 最后将该分析型CRM应用到证券业客户,对某证券公司客户进行了细分,评估了各分类客户的忠诚度及新客户忠诚度的预测。

    At last , the analytical CRM was applied to the securities industry clients to make customer segmentation of a securities company and evaluate customer loyalty of different customer base and predict the loyalty of new customer .

  23. 对于AML的情况,人们希望这个评估是基于从新客户特定支票和交易活动中所收集的新帐户信息。

    For the AML case , it is expected that this assessment is based on new account information gathered around the new customers ' specific checks , and on transaction activities .

  24. 论述了CRM系统所涉及到的客户价值评估选择、客户市场分割、赢得新客户、连带或增值销售以及客户维持这五个主要方面的核心应用。

    The important applications in CRM ( e.g. the assessment of customer values the selection of customers , consumer market division , the gain of new consumers , related increment sales and consumers maintenance etc. ) are discussed .

  25. Montel说,“为了获得新客户,首先你需要见到他们。”

    Montel says ," To woo ( woo ) new clients , you need to meet them first . "

  26. 如果它发现此客户是LOB的新客户,LOB系统就可以把新客户信息提交给它的事务数据库。

    If it is determined that the customer is a new customer for that LOB , the LOB system could commit the new customer information to its transactional database .

  27. 花旗集团驻香港分析师孟昕(MichaelMeng)表示:过去,中国移动补贴手机只是作为一种奖励高附加值客户忠诚度的手段,而不是作为一种激励手段去挖掘新客户。

    Michael Meng , analyst at Citigroup in Hong Kong , says : In the past , China Mobile would subsidise handsets only as a loyalty premium for high-value-added customers , not as an incentive to poach new ones .

  28. 这个MDM服务会清理和标准化新客户的信息,并针对MDM存储库执行匹配逻辑,从而判断在LOB系统或企业中是否已经存在此客户。

    The MDM service would cleanse and standardize the new customer information and perform matching logic against the MDM repository to determine if the customer already exists within the LOB system or within the enterprise .

  29. 随着3G业务的发展,电信运营商之间的市场竞争日益激烈,在市场拓展的过程中,如何发展新客户和减少老客户的流失是市场营销中重要的工作任务。

    With the development of the 3G services , the competition among the telecom operators becomes increasingly fierce . In the process of the market expansion , how to develop new customers and reduce the loss of the old customers is the most marketing tasks .

  30. 例如,在添加新客户的业务过程中,业务线(LOB)系统通过一个MDM服务检查这位客户是新客户,还是现有的客户。

    For example , as part of a process to add a new customer , a Line of Business ( LOB ) system would consume an MDM service to validate if this customer is a unique customer or an existing customer .