
  • 网络emotion and feeling
  1. 大学生不良学习情绪和情感的自我调节

    University Students ' Self-Adjustment to Bad Study Fettle and Emotions

  2. 成人学习情绪和情感的培养策略

    The Cultivating Tactics of Adult Learning Feelings and Emotion

  3. 表达自己的情感在压力下,我们的情绪和情感都会受到影响。

    Express your feelings when under stress , our emotions and feelings are affected .

  4. 其中包括了扁桃体这样的器官,而扁桃体在调节人的情绪和情感方面则扮演了颇为广泛的角色。

    These include structures such as the amygdala , which have a wider role in regulating emotions and mood .

  5. 表情是情绪和情感的外部表现,分为面部表情、身段表情和语调表情。

    As the external performance of emotion , expressions are divided into facial expression , body expressions and vocal expressions .

  6. 通过对有关青少年社会性发展过程中情绪和情感发展的特点、模式的介绍,揭示影响其发展的因素。

    Through the introduction of its characteristics and mode , the article uncovers the factors which exert effect on it .

  7. 人的心理因素就其个性心理而言,分为动机、认知、情绪和情感,人格等。

    Generally speaking , psychological factors , in terms of individual psychology , involve motivation , cognition , affection , personality , etc.

  8. 音乐是表现艺术,是时间艺术,其音响组织能直接表达人内心世界情绪和情感的变化。

    Music is an art of manifestation and timing , whose sound can express the spiritual and emotional changes inside human being .

  9. 怨恨是日常生活中人的一种情感体验,表现为报复感、嫉妒、憎恨等多种情绪和情感。

    Resentment is a human emotional experience in everyday life , and it performances as a sense of revenge , jealousy , hatred and other feelings .

  10. 不同于传统机器人,纳丁有自己的个性、情绪和情感,她可以根据谈话内容表现出高兴或是悲伤。

    Unlike conventional robots , Nadine has her own personality , mood and emotions . She can be happy or sad , depending on the topic .

  11. 而人类社会学和文化社会学对情绪和情感的研究则是一种历时态的,即演化过程的研究。

    The study on emotion and affect is synchronic in the sphere of psychology while diachronic or evolutional in terms of anthropological sociology and cultural sociology .

  12. 当情绪和情感得到更好的你,当他们开始干扰你的职业或个人关系的时间来做出改变。

    When moods and emotions get the better of you when they begin to interfere with your career or personal relationships it 's time to make a change .

  13. 声乐演唱实践中,演唱者通过情绪和情感的调动,使其声音的表现力丰富多彩,塑造不同的人物形象和演绎多种风格的作品。

    Practice of vocal music , the singer by mood and emotion , makes it sound expression of rich and colorful , shape different characters and works of various styles .

  14. 当我研究了时钟的灵感,我碰到它再次,并决定对这些诗的适应工作,因为他们转达了如此强烈的情绪和情感,我的。

    When I was researching inspiration for the clock , I came across it again and decided to work on an adaptation of these poems since they conveyed so strongly the mood and feelings I was looking for .

  15. 原因之二是,青少年学生心理发展尚未成熟,情绪和情感还不稳定,他们好冲动,自制力差,极易丧失理智。

    The second reason is that young students have not yet ripe for the development of mental , emotional and emotional stability is not , they better act on impulse , poor self-control and could easily lose their senses .

  16. 现代白话文学语言的形成除了特定地方语言的形式与结构,以及运用语言的技巧的制约,最终还要和作家沉淀萦绕在心里深处的情绪和情感、经验与感受有关。

    The modern vernacular literary language in addition to the formation and structure of specific local language , the restriction of language skills , as well as related to the emotion , experience , feeling deep in the heart .

  17. 但是情绪和情感不一样,情绪由四个要素即兴趣、好奇、愉快和焦虑构成。而从情感要素出发,关注的主要是兴趣和愉快两个要素。

    But setting out from the emotional elements , they concern only on two elements , that is interest and pleasure . The emotion is composed of curiosity , interest , pleasure and anxiety , so the feeling is just one part .

  18. 本文从内部因素和外部表现两方面分析了大学生的学习心理,深入研究了非智力因素即动机、兴趣、情绪和情感、意志、性格对大学生学习心理的影响。

    This text displays the study psychology of analyzing university students of two respects from inside factor and outside , it further investigates to be intelligence factor whether motive , interest , mood , emotion , will , personality study influence of psychology to university student .

  19. 在19世纪60年代,他用电流使他的实验对象的“面部肌肉收缩,来表达情绪和情感。”杜氏认为,一个人通过学习基本脸部运动,可以洞悉肌肉表达情感的方式。

    In the 1860s , he used electrical currents to make his subjects ' " facial muscles contract to speak the language of the emotions and the sentiments . " Duchenne believed that one could gain insight into the ways the face expresses emotions by studying the muscles underlying facial movement .

  20. 情绪体验和情感体验产生的机制是本文的理论基础。

    Emotional experience and affective experience is base theory .

  21. 他的小喇叭从来就不只是演奏音符而已,而是唤起听众情绪和表达情感。

    He never used his trumpet to just play notes ; he used it to invoke moods and express emotion .

  22. 旅游景观审美要素包括:感觉力、想象力、理解力、情绪力和情感力。

    The elements of appreciation on tourist landscape include sensation force , imagine force , understanding force , feeling force and emotion force etc.

  23. 利用自编计算机程序和故事测验法,分别从表情识别、情绪归因和情感觉知敏感性三个方面进行研究。

    A self-designed computer program and story tests were used to test three indices such as facial expression recognition , affective attribution and sensitivity to affective perception .

  24. 自然,当我们长大以后,我们也会比那些从小就重视情绪教育和情感培养的孩子们更难懂得和学会“同理心”。

    It 's no surprise , then , that as adults , we have a harder time with empathy than people who grew up in cultures emphasizing lifelong emotional development .

  25. 情绪和记忆是个体情感过程和认识过程中的两个重要环节,在不同的情况下会相互作用和影响。

    Emotion and memory are two important aspects of the emotional and cognitive process , and affect each other in some circumstance .

  26. 情绪智商(EQ)&当前我国情绪和情感研究中的谬误

    ( 10 ) Emotional Quotient ( EQ ) & the Current Major Errors in Research on Emotions in China

  27. 由于歌唱时声音在时间中的运动形式与人的内心情绪运动形式具有同构关系,所以,音色在整个歌曲中能够表达人的情绪和情感。

    Timbre can reveal emotions and feelings because the motional form of singing voice has the same structure with that of human feelings .