
qíng xù gāo zhǎng
  • High spirits;morale is high
  1. 她情绪高涨。

    Her spirits soared .

  2. 情绪高涨。

    One 's emotion swells .

  3. 我们唱歌以保持情绪高涨。

    We sang songs to keep our spirits up .

  4. 尽管他经受了那么多失望的事,他仍然情绪高涨。

    He 's still as cheerful as ever in spite of all his disappointment .

  5. 情绪高涨的球队更可能获胜。

    A team which is full of enthusiasm is more likely to win .

  6. 谁会在乎斯蒂文斯在NBA总决赛的赛前是不是喝多了情绪高涨,精神抖擞呢?

    Who cares if Stevens were liquored up or charged up during a highly emotional NBA Finals ?

  7. 据NPR新闻的伊丽莎白·肖根报道,目前不信任情绪高涨。

    NPR 's Elizabeth Shogren reports distrust remains high .

  8. 意料之外的高投票率表明,民众希望找到一个可靠人选,替代中右翼总统尼古拉萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)的情绪高涨。

    The unexpectedly high turnout points to a popular groundswell in favour of a credible alternative to the centre-right President Nicolas Sarkozy .

  9. 如果您在训练过程中进行过禅宗练习,您就能够应对这种情绪高涨,她是心理学博士,Freehold,NewJersey的临床心理医生。

    You can deal with this surge of emotions if you 've practiced going to a Zen place during your training , says Lucinda Seares-Monica , Psy . D. , a clinical psychologist in Freehold , New Jersey .

  10. 对TTIP说不,至少可以去除导致反欧盟或反全球化情绪高涨的一个因素。

    A no to TTIP would at least remove one factor behind the surge in anti-EU or anti-globalisation attitudes .

  11. 禅师说:对在私室的人来说,情绪高涨,事情发生着,这对我们有威胁。湖人将在周四晚在克里夫兰再次站在TNT的聚光灯下。

    " For people to be in the inner sanctum , where emotions are high and things are happening , is threatening to us ," said Jackson , whose Lakers get spotlighted again Thursday night in Cleveland by TNT .

  12. 他情绪高涨,车开得非常快。

    He was in high spirits and drove at great speed .

  13. 我对经常看到她情绪高涨感到很高兴。

    I am glad to always find her in high spirits .

  14. 这些事件导致反帝情绪高涨。

    These events led to a vast upsurge of anti-imperialist sentiment .

  15. 所有的队员都情绪高涨。

    The players were high on the emotion of it all .

  16. 这时她情绪高涨,眼睛发亮。

    There was a glow , an exaltation in her eyes .

  17. 你需要被激励,同时保持情绪高涨。

    You need to be inspired and have your spirits lifted .

  18. 感谢收看“怎样快速让情绪高涨”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video Instant Fix : Improve Your Mood .

  19. 因骄傲、傲慢或愤怒而变得情绪高涨。

    Become filled with pride , arrogance , or anger .

  20. 恰好那时候在奥匈帝国是爱国情绪高涨的时期。

    It happened to be a time of strong nationalism in Austria-Hungary .

  21. 白宫官员说,他们理解为什么选民的愤慨情绪高涨。

    White House officials say they understand why emotions are running high .

  22. 第二个星期她更加情绪高涨。

    The next week she was even in greater feather .

  23. 每当想起我的朋友们,我就觉得情绪高涨。

    My spirits rise whenever I think of my friends .

  24. 至于这些古巴人,他们情绪高涨。

    As for Cubans themselves , their spirit was high .

  25. 她在读那封信时,情绪高涨。

    Her spirits rose as she read the letter .

  26. 他们又一次从阿克里出发,这次,众人情绪高涨。

    They all set off from acre once again , in high spirits .

  27. 听了这一条消息,他们情绪高涨。

    Their spirits rose when they heard the news .

  28. 我突如其来的情绪高涨让我勇敢了起来。

    " I 'm not . " My sudden high made me brave .

  29. 情绪高涨的内心让他们远离恐惧,满怀希望的气质让他们信心百倍;

    the hot temper prevents fear , and the hopeful disposition creates confidence ;

  30. 在情绪高涨的时候,他是个令人兴奋的人,尽管也令人感到疲惫。

    In the " up " moods he 's stimulating , though exhausting .