
  • 网络emotional display;Emotional expression
  1. 受压抑的情感最终会化为愤怒一&泻而出,这是男人惟一可以被“接受”的情绪表现。

    Bottled-up feelings eventually come pouring out as anger , the only " acceptable " emotional display for men .

  2. 情绪表达规则是个体内部情绪体验与外在情绪表现不一致的现象的一种内在的调节机制,情绪表达规则的运用由情绪表达规则的策略来体现。

    Emotional display rule is an internal regulatory mechanism due to the inconsistent of the internal emotional experience and eternal emotional performance .

  3. 初中教师情绪表现度知觉准确性研究

    Junior middle school teachers ' perception of students ' emotional expressivity

  4. 2型糖尿病患者抑郁情绪表现及其对疗效的影响

    Depression emotional expression and its curative effect in type 2 diabetic patients

  5. 快速识别和诠释不同的情绪表现并做出相应的应对举措。

    Quickly recognize and interpret different emotions and deal with them accordingly .

  6. 小学生情绪表现规则的发展特点及与同伴接受性的关系研究

    Developmental Characteristics of the Pupils ' Emotion Display Rules and Its Relationship to the Peer Acceptance

  7. 结论:绝经期妇女的抑郁和焦虑情绪表现的与绝经年限和雌激素水平密切相关。

    Manifestations of depression and anxiety in postmenopausal women are related to the menopausal years and estrogen level .

  8. 可以将虚拟人视为一个智能主体,将虚拟人的情绪表现模型和认知活动结合起来。

    A virtual human is regarded as an agent with built-in cognitive model that integrates emotion model and cognitive process together .

  9. 它也可模拟出光线穿过皮肤进行传播以及反射的效果,渲染脸红等各种精细的情绪表现。

    Light transmission through skin the key to rendering subtle emotional cues like blushing and reflections can be recreated as well .

  10. 在艺术的创作中,影片中的情绪表现与象征性通过整个影片的声音与画面能够更加充分的表现出效果。

    In art creation , the film with symbolic emotions through the whole film voice and image can more fully show effect .

  11. 双亲家庭的学生在情绪表现力上显著高于单亲家庭的学生。

    ⅶ . Emotional Expression Capacity of college students of two-parent families were significantly higher than the college students of single-parent families .

  12. 相反,女性从小接受的教育就是可以把情绪表现出来。

    Women , on the other hand buy cabal online alz , are often taught that it 's OK to be emotional .

  13. 结果医生的情绪表现策略依次为深层表现和自然表现以及表面表现。

    Results As for emotional labor , the most frequently adopted strategy by doctors was deep acting and natural acting , followed by surface acting .

  14. 目的:探讨2型糖尿病患者抑郁情绪表现及其对疗效的影响,寻求进行干预的可能性。

    AIM : To study depression emotional expression and curative effect in type 2 diabetic patients , and to explore the possibility of rehabilitation intervention .

  15. 他的影像风格就像中国的传统绘画一样,讲究一种意境的营造,这种镜头中内敛、含蓄的情绪表现。

    His style is like a traditional Chinese painting , pay attention to a kind of artistic creation , the lens inside , implicit emotion expression .

  16. 人在潜意识里都有一种想把自身内在的情绪表现出来的强烈愿望,只是每个人的表达方式都不尽相同。

    I think it is the mental state . Everyone has a strong desire to express his inner emotions in his subconsciousness , yet in a different way .

  17. 方法:采用临床访谈和同伴提名法,考察157名三、五年级小学生的情绪表现规则和同伴接受性。

    Methods : A sample of 157 pupils ' emotion display rules and peer acceptance in third and fifth grades were tested by clinical interview and social nomination .

  18. 有研究表明,服务提供者的情绪表现、服务态度和行为会直接影响顾客的情绪;同时,顾客消费情绪对顾客忠诚又存在直接影响。

    Studies shows that , the emotion display , service attitude and behavior of service provider influence customer emotion directly ; meanwhile , consumption emotion influences customer loyalty directly .

  19. 其次是镜头语言的含蕴丰富,影片中意象具有象征性、细节具有表现力,道具也能够起到辅助人物情绪表现的作用。

    Secondly , it is bounding with the language . In the film the image carries symbolism , the details express very well and the props also can help people to express their emotions .

  20. 情绪表现是创造社小说的一致倾向,小说形态显示出许多非传统和现代化的特质,体现了一种开放和创造的精神。

    The emotional performance is the unanimous tendency of Creation Society 's novel , whose shape demonstrates many special non-traditional and modernized characteristics , and has manifested one kind of the opening and creative spirit .

  21. 内心强烈的情感不但攻击自我,更加危险情绪表现则是涉及到生存与死亡的问题。

    Very forceful emotions from the depth of one 's own being can feel like an attack on the self and the more dangerous emotions can appear to be a matter of life or death .

  22. 第二部分,主要从焦虑的情绪表现这个方面说明了产生这些焦虑的主要原因,包括知识分子的忧患传统,理想与现实的冲突,孤独的情绪体验。

    In Chapter two , we rationalized the main reasons for the anxiety in his works based on emotional expressions , including the traditional intellectual anxiety , the conflicts between reality and ideality , and loneliness .

  23. 歌唱语言与生活语言虽属同宗,但由于音乐因素和音乐艺术表现规律的直接作用,造成了对歌唱语言情感表达和情绪表现的种种复杂的制约,从而导致形成独特的歌唱语言情感表达规律。

    Although the singing language not different from the life language , but the musical elements and the individual way of music expression made the singing language had its own rule to show the emotion of the song .

  24. 结论:小学生的情绪表现规则具有不同的发展特点,对同伴接受性有一定的预测,情绪表现规则的发展有助于儿童调节情绪表达,促进儿童社会性发展。

    Conclusion : Pupils ' emotion display rules have different developing characteristics , and can predict peer rejection to a certain extent . The development of display rules is beneficial to moderate children 's expression regulation and social development .

  25. 讨论了数字娱乐领域对虚拟人情绪表现模拟的需求,概括了国际上虚拟人情绪模型的研究现状,提出了虚拟人情绪表现模型研究的一些新方向。

    The requirement of emotion simulation for virtual human was discussed , and the current research of emotion expression in the world was also summarized , and some new research directions of emotion expression model for virtual human were proposed .

  26. 通过幼儿情绪表现规则知识的访谈、家庭情绪表露问卷和幼儿社会行为评估问卷调查,考察了112名3~6岁幼儿情绪表现规则知识的发展及其与家庭情绪表露、社会行为的关系。

    Emotional expression rules include expression regulation knowledge and expectations of outcome of emotional expression . The study examined 112 3 ~ 6 years old children 's use of emotional expression rules and its relation to family emotional expression and social behaviors .

  27. 但是如果你经常有睡眠问题,并且你认为这会影响你的情绪或表现,那就和你的医生谈谈吧。

    But if you regularly have trouble in sleeping and you think it 's affecting your mood or performance , talk to your doctor .

  28. Mancrush(男人间的欣赏)描述的是一个直男对另一个男人怀有尊敬、仰慕以及崇拜情绪时表现出来的那种强烈感情,而这一切与性无关。

    Man crush is a strong emotion a straight man shows when he respects , admires and idolizes another man , totally non-sexual .

  29. 狂热情绪的表现方式有很多种。

    The fanatical temperament can express itself in many different ways .

  30. 关于11分制乒乓球运动员赛前情绪心理表现的分析

    Analysis of Ping-Pang Athletes ' Ante-contest Psychological Responses to the 11-Point System