
fù kuǎn tiáo jiàn
  • payment terms;terms of payment
  1. 我想知道你们接受哪一种付款条件。

    Id like to know what payment terms you d accept .

  2. 付款条件应该对双方都有利。

    The payment terms should be beneficial to both sides .

  3. 请惠寄目录、价目表、付款条件和CIF报价单。并将本公司惠列于贵公司通讯名单上。

    We would appreciate to have your catalogues , price-list , terms of payment and CIF Shanghai quotations , Kindly put us on your mailing list .

  4. 但是付款条件得与价格连带考虑。

    But term of payment must is consider together with price .

  5. 不首先解决付款条件,我方无法继续进行。

    We cannot proceed without settling first the term of payment .

  6. 好的,付款条件谈定了。

    OK . We have agreed on the terms of payment .

  7. 我明白了,你们的付款条件是什么?

    I see . And what are your terms of payment ?

  8. 能否告知贵方付款条件?

    Will you let us know what your terms of payment are ?

  9. 您是否有关于付款条件方面的具体建议?

    Have you get any specific proposal to make on payment term ?

  10. 付款条件——这些我没有谈过。

    Payment terms - I didn 't negotiate on these .

  11. 就付款条件询问供应商,观其是否灵活变通。

    Ask whether or not the supplier is flexible on payment terms .

  12. 我们的付款条件是货到付款。

    Our terms of payment are cash on delivery .

  13. 现在我们已经谈妥了付款条件。

    Now we have settled the terms of payment .

  14. 我们用保兑的,不可撤消的信用证为付款条件。

    We insisted on payment by a confirmed , irrevocable letter of credit .

  15. 合同中的付款条件也很重要,对吗?

    Payment terms are important in a contract too , aren 't they ?

  16. 您真有办法说服我接受您的付款条件。

    You have a way talking me Into accepting your term of payment .

  17. 我觉得贵方的付款条件太苛刻了。

    I think your payment term is too harsh .

  18. 贵方对我方的付款条件一定很了解。

    You must know our terms of payment well .

  19. 将提前就付款条件达成协议

    The term of the payment will be agreed beforehand

  20. 我希望在付款条件方面你们能通融一些。

    I hope you would leave us some leeway in terms of payment .

  21. 如果可能的话,我们想修改一下付款条件。

    If possible , we 'd like to revise the term of payment .

  22. 我们已经谈妥了价格,现在来谈谈付款条件如何?

    We have settled the price . now what about the term of payment ?

  23. 本公司惯常的付款条件为凭见票即付的银行汇票付款交单方式。

    We usually offer terms as payment against draft at sight under D / P.

  24. 可否请你寄给我的价格,付款条件,通用机床的条件。

    Could you please send me prices , payment conditions , general machine conditions .

  25. 延期付款条件下两货栈库存优化模型

    A Two-warehouse Inventory Model with Delay in Payment

  26. 付款条件现已得到认可。

    Terms of payment have now been agreed .

  27. 在美国最典型的付款条件是货到三十日付款。

    Typical payment terms in America are net30 .

  28. 我们必须强调这些付款条件对我们很重要。

    295 We must stress that these payment terms are very important to us .

  29. 你们接受承兑交单的付款条件吗?

    Do you accept D / A terms ?

  30. 对于这样一笔样品订货,您是否可以接受更优惠一些的付款条件呢?

    For this sample order , will you accept some more favorable payment term ?