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fù chū
  • pay;expend;went to
付出 [fù chū]
  • [pay;expend] 交出

  • 付出代价

付出[fù chū]
  1. 你要为你的话付出代价的!

    You 'll pay for that remark !

  2. 放弃工作是他为子女幸福所付出的小小代价。

    Giving up his job was a small price to pay for his children 's happiness .

  3. 那一个差错使他多年来付出了沉重的代价。

    That one mistake has cost him dear over the years .

  4. 付出了很大的生命代价。

    The cost in terms of human life was high .

  5. 他们现在正在为过去的错误付出代价。

    They 're now paying the price for past mistakes .

  6. 压力可能迫使工人付出昂贵的代价。

    Stress can exact a high price from workers .

  7. 只要能再见他一面我愿付出任何代价。

    I 'd give anything to see him again .

  8. 挨批评是当领导要付出的部分代价。

    Criticism is part of the price of leadership .

  9. 付出的这几笔款子称为“费用”而不是“工资”。

    These payments are denominated as ' fees ' rather than ' salary ' .

  10. 错误的决策可能会付出昂贵的代价。

    Making the wrong decision could prove expensive .

  11. 赢得比赛的胜利是全队付出努力应得的回报。

    Winning the match was just reward for the effort the team had made .

  12. 她因犯错误而付出了巨大的代价。

    She paid dearly for her mistake .

  13. 许多人付出了生命。

    Many people paid with their lives .

  14. 他为成功付出了高昂的代价。

    Success has cost him dearly .

  15. 不过,泰斯曼付出了代价才得到这些宝贵的信息。

    Theismann 's precious information came at a price , however .

  16. 他必须为他的严重罪行付出代价。

    He must be made to answer for his terrible crimes .

  17. 英国将为缺乏决心付出惨痛的代价。

    Britain was to pay dearly for its lack of resolve

  18. 他们可以骄傲地回首过去付出的努力。

    They can look back on their endeavours with pride .

  19. 斯洛文尼亚将为独立付出巨大的代价。

    Slovenia will have to pay a high price for independence

  20. 我还是认为我能再稍微多付出一点儿。

    I still think I have a bit more to offer

  21. 你是否付出艰苦努力以取得成功,而不是只在那里做白日梦?

    Do you work hard for success rather than daydream about it ?

  22. 人们总是会为绝无仅有的东西付出高价。

    People will always pay top dollar for something exclusive .

  23. 他现在正为酗酒付出沉重的代价。

    He drank too much and is paying dearly for it

  24. 龙头公司会在磨砺高层管理人员的技能上付出时间和金钱。

    Leading companies spend time and money on honing the skills of senior managers

  25. 经济上的回报证明付出的努力是值得的。

    The financial rewards justified the expenditure of effort .

  26. 没有谁值得付出重大的牺牲。

    No one is worth a great deal of sacrifice

  27. 我们必须让那些支持恐怖主义的国家付出代价。

    We have to make the states that sponsor terrorism pay a price .

  28. 公司在降低成本方面付出了艰苦卓绝的努力。

    The company has made heroic efforts at cost reduction

  29. 激烈的地面战役带来的紧张压力将让军队付出代价。

    The strain of a violent ground campaign will exact a toll on troops .

  30. 这种自满情绪正使公司付出沉重代价。

    Such complacency is costing the company dear .