
  • 网络Premium Channel;Pay Channel;pay TV
  1. 付费频道HBO也加入混战,称将在今年推出单独的流媒体服务。

    HBO , the premium pay channel , also has joined the fray , saying it would offer a stand-alone streaming service this year .

  2. 由于涉及到广告时间因素,免费频道的节目差别策略比付费频道复杂。

    As a result of advertising involved , the programming differentiation strategies of the advertising-supported channel are more complicated than that of the pay channel .

  3. 《甄嬛传》将通过iNDemand公司和时代华纳在康卡斯特(Comcast)电视台的付费频道首播,康卡斯特在北美拥有1.1亿观众。

    Empresses in the Palace will be first released in the pay-TV platforms in Comcast through In Demand and Time Warner , which cover 110 million users in North America .

  4. 广播电视有线数字付费频道业务管理暂行办法(试行)

    The Temporary Regulation on Paid Channel Business of Broadcasting and Cable TV ( Trial )

  5. 但自从2007年的《黑道家族》以来,该付费频道的剧作再也没有获奖。

    However , none of the premium channel 's dramas have won since ' The Sopranos ' in 2007 .

  6. 在我国有限的数字电视用户中,主动订阅付费频道业务的用户数量更少。

    Among the limited prescribers of digital TV in China , even less voluntarily prescribe the Pay TV service .

  7. 并且,如果你真的想省钱的话,可以考虑下减少付费频道的订购。

    Also , if you 're really serious about saving money , consider downgrading your package by cutting out pay cable channels .

  8. 是我国第一家覆盖全国范围、从事数字付费频道集成及代理营销业务的运营机构。

    CDM is China 's first pay TV operator , engaged in the integration and the sale of digital pay channels nation-wide .

  9. 同时本文还对数字付费频道“全纪实”进行研究分析,为之发展勾画出一幅以纪实品牌为中心的媒体发展产业链。

    The Channel Documentary is also explored here , and the outline of a documentary-oriented media development industry is drawn in the thesis .

  10. 当日本方兴未艾的职业篮球联赛在付费频道播出时,也能派上大用场。

    As the main matches of Japan 's budding basketball league are broadcast in paid programmes over the internet , there could be plenty of demand .

  11. 第三要发展付费频道,不断完善媒体赢利模式,即靠用户的付费和广告来同时赢利。

    Thirdly , it must develop the fee-paying channel and perfect the pattern to make profit endlessly , that is to say , to obtain profits by fees from audiences and advertisements .

  12. 开播于1991年的付费电视频道premiere实况转播两大顶级足球联赛的赛事。

    Premiere , a subscription channel which began in 1991 , shows live football covering the top two divisions

  13. 该公司已在比利时、西班牙和德国设立了合资付费电视频道。

    The company has set up joint-venture pay-TV channels in Belgium , Spain , and Germany .

  14. 当以制作高品质电视剧闻名的美国付费电视频道HBO推出的新剧《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones)首集开播时,马丁一夜之间在全球成名。

    Overnight , he became globally famous when HBO , the American pay-TV channel renowned for making high-quality drama , put out the first episode of its new series Game of Thrones .

  15. 付费体育频道营销及赢利模式探究

    Operation and profit - making mode of paid sports channels

  16. 关于企业有线电视网络接收中央付费影视频道的探讨

    About Enterprise CATV Network Receiving Central Charging Telefilm Channel

  17. 他们得付出沉重的代价。该公司已在比利时、西班牙和德国设立了合资付费电视频道。

    They had to pay rather heavily . The company has set up joint-venture pay-TV channels in Belgium , Spain , and Germany .

  18. 付费电影频道,吹风机,收音机,有线/卫星电视频道,电话,空调机和供暖系统,迷你酒吧。

    Air Conditioning and Heating , Cable / Satellite Television , Hair Dryer , Mini Bar , Pay per view movies , Radio , Telephone .

  19. 合理定价,通过向读者销售其他产品来增加收入,将来,也许报纸就像付费电视频道一样,其范围和影响已经没有原来那么重要了。

    Get the pricing right ; increase revenues by selling other products to readers ; in future , perhaps , bundle newspapers like pay-TV channels . Their reach and their influence are less important .

  20. 付费电影频道,吹风机,客房保险箱,收音机,无吸烟客房,淋浴,电冰箱,空调机和供暖系统,迷你酒吧,高速因特网通路。

    Air Conditioning and Heating , Hair Dryer , High speed , Internet access , In Room Safe , Mini Bar , Non Smoking Rooms , Pay per view movies , Radio , Refrigerator , Shower .

  21. 而今,天空已是最大的巨头,其市场份额远远超过80%,控制着几乎所有的高端付费电视频道,每年的利润达数亿英镑,仅营销开支就达9亿英镑。

    Now , Sky is the biggest of beasts , with a market share well in excess of 80 per cent , controlling virtually all premium pay-TV channels , making hundreds of millions of pounds of profit each year and spending 900m on marketing .

  22. 娱乐时间(Showtime)等付费有线电视频道、以及播放《广告狂人》(MadMen)的AMC等免费有线电视频道,也在追随HBO的脚步。

    Subscription channels including Showtime and free ones such as AMC , which broadcast Mad Men , followed its lead .

  23. 美国付费有线电台频道HBO继续保留其播放热门剧的风格,推出了这部关于一位精神治疗师&保罗•维斯顿(加布里埃尔•伯恩饰)和他的家庭的新作。

    HBO , the American premium cable channel , continues its tradition of top-notch drama with this new show about a therapist , Paul Weston ( played by star Gabriel Bryne ) and his family .

  24. 不过我们还购买了500个电视频道,但却几乎从来不看,除此之外,我们还额外付费购买了一些频道(HBO、网球频道),不过也只是偶尔看看而已。

    But we also get 500 channels that we almost never watch , along with a couple ( HBO , Tennis Channel ) that we pay extra for and do watch occasionally .

  25. 从电视频道自身来说,专业化频道应该注重自我的营销策划;从发展趋势来说,数字付费电视将成为频道专业化的发展方向。

    As television channel itself , a professional TV channel ought to pay attention to marketing planning ; as the tendency of development .

  26. 付费电视和付费频道将成为有线电视发展的趋势,如何付费成为广大用户关注的话题,就此问题分析有线电视计费历程,借鉴中国电信的计费经验,提出有线电视的计费模式。

    Paid TV and paid channel are to become trends of CATV development , so how to pay becomes the focus topic of all consumers . The text analyzes paid course of CATV using China Telecom 's paid experience for reference and put forward the paid mode for CATV .

  27. 付费有线电视可能包括几个需要额外付费的频道服务,如HBO或迪斯尼频道。

    Paycable may include anyone of several premium services like HBO , showtime , or The Disney Channel .

  28. 从付费电视与体育产业、付费电视与体育频道的关系探求付费体育频道的生存与发展空间,寻找付费体育频道营销因素和运行机制,由此构建付费体育频道的赢利模式。

    This paper attempts to probe into the operation system of the paid sports channels and set up the profit-making mode through the relationships between paid TV and sports industry , relationships between TV and sports channels .