
fù kuǎn dì
  • place of payment
  1. 第七十六条本票上记载付款地、出票地等事项的,应当清楚、明确。

    Article 76 Particulars such as the place of payment and the place of issue specified on a promissory note shall be legible and unambiguous .

  2. 该法令确立的分期付款售地制度有力地促进了联邦土地的销售,活跃了联邦的土地市场,促进了西部的快速开发。

    The credit sale system instituted by the act gave a great push to the federal land sale , invigorated federal land market and promoted the rapid development of the west .

  3. vt.收集;募捐;使集合,使聚集vi.收集;聚集;募捐;聚集,集合adj.adv.[美国英语]要求接受者付款的(地);(打电话、电报时)由受话人或收报人付费的(地);货到付款的(地)

    to get and keep things of one type such as stamps or coins as a hobby to bring or come together from different places or over a period of time When you telephone collect or make a collect telephone call , the person you telephone pays for the call

  4. □经授权的客户可用信用证付款&严格地说,在收到发票当月的下一个月内付款。

    Credit terms for authorized customers – strictly , payment by the end of the month following the month of receipt of the invoice .

  5. 她开始以分期付款的方式渐渐地把这种谷物运进来。

    She began shipping the grain in installments .

  6. 对20年(非30年)分期付款的要较快地在房屋上形成产权。并帮助纳税人免受亏损、帮助实现房屋价格的稳定。

    The purpose of a20-year ( rather than a30-year ) amortization is to build up equity in the home more quickly and help protect taxpayers against loss , and to help stabilize home values .

  7. 所有信用证均须规定一个到期日及一个付款、承兑交单地。议付信用证尚须规定一个议付交单地,但自由议付信用证除外。

    All credits must stipulate an expiry date and a place for presentation of documents for payment , acceptance , or with the exception of freely negotiable credits , a place for presentation of documents for negotiation .