
  • 网络interest calculation;Interest Rate;calculation of interest
  1. 这个应用程序能用来为一个长的,给定用户输入的利率,贷款项目以及原始本金数量,根据本金和利息计算付款。

    This application calculates payments toward principal and interest for a long , given user-entered interest rate , loan term , and original principal amount .

  2. 对于迟延履行期间利息的确定,根据利息计算的要素,应从法律依据、利率和期限三个方面入手。

    When it comes to determine the interest during the delay in performance , legal basis , interest rate and maturity should be cleared at first .

  3. 建设期利息计算方法的研究

    A Study of Calculation Methods of Interest in Period of Construction

  4. 建设项目借款利息计算方法之比较

    Comparison of Methods for Calculating Loan Interest of a Construction Project

  5. 从星期五至星期一隔夜利息计算一次。

    From Friday to Monday swaps are calculated once .

  6. 矿床经济评价中资本化利息计算方法的探讨

    On the calculation method of capitalized interest in the economic evaluation of ore deposit

  7. 你在草案中建议的你方融资的利息计算公式。

    The formula you proposed in the draft to calculate the interest of your financing .

  8. 对铁道资金结算中心会计主体和利息计算问题的探讨

    Discussion on Railway Fund Settlement Cente

  9. 介绍了可行性研究财务评价中利息计算的内容和方法。

    Ere are described the content and method of interest CALCULATIONIN the financial evaluationfor feasibility study .

  10. 宋代立法对官营高利贷规定必须明确贷款资金来源、偿还期限、利息计算方法等。

    The rules of Song legislation on the official ruling usury must be clear in capital source , time limit for repayment of loan , interest calculation method .

  11. 限制因素(举例来说,一个支付不能够超过一个特定的数值)和推导规则(举例来说,利息计算),尤其当这些不仅仅与一个用例相关时

    Constraints ( e.g. , a payment cannot exceed a certain value ) and derivation rules ( e.g. , the computation of interest ), especially when these are relevant to more than one use case

  12. 通过对工程价款的不同支付模式的研究,提出了不同模式下的利息计算方法,以期对工程投标报价具有一定的指导作用。

    This article puts forward the computational methods of the interest under various modes through studying various payment modes for project costs , and waits for possessing a definite guiding role for project tender bids .

  13. 建设工程流动资金利息的计算方法探讨

    Discussion on Computational Methods of Circulating Funds Interest in Construction Projects

  14. 利息的计算;中国市场股利税与公司价值研究

    Accounting of interest ; Dividend Tax and Firm Value in China Market

  15. 八、现金担保品利息之计算与给付。

    Calculation and payment of interest on cash collateral .

  16. 建设工程价款的支付及利息的计算规则

    Calculate rules of construction project cost payment and interest

  17. 可行性研究财务评价中利息的计算

    Interest calculation in the financial evaluation for feasibility study

  18. 所付利息的计算是将帐户利率乘以余额。

    The Interest Paid is calculated as the product of the account interest rate and balance .

  19. 农机作业成本中资金占用利息的计算问题

    A new calculation method on interest of occupation of funds in the farming machinery cost of operation research

  20. 人力资本的投资可根据当时的利息率计算贴现值的方法进行决策。

    The human capital investment can be decided by the method using real time interest rate to calculate discount value .

  21. 利息的计算是问题定义的一个重要的部分,所以事实上它属于问题说明书。

    Interest computation is an important part of defining the problem , however , so it indeed belongs in the problem statement .

  22. 利息按天计算,每年4月1日一次性打入账户。

    Interest is calculated daily and credited once a year , on 1 April .

  23. 以本金和不断累积的利息为基数计算利息。

    To compute ( interest ) on the principal and accrued interest .

  24. 利息问题的计算方法

    Mathematics Methods of interest problem

  25. 复利计利时不仅计算原始本金而且计算此前累计利息的利息计算方式。

    Compound Interest Interest which is calculated on the initial principal as well as the accumulated interest of prior periods .

  26. 案例统计发现:在持卡人债务纠纷案中,从终审结果来看,法院对利息与费用计算条款的认可度高。

    The court take a high degree of recognition on the terms about the interest and costs in the cardholder debt dispute .

  27. 优先股股东并不确定会收到固定的优先股股息,可能是累积股息或非累积股息。以本金和不断累计的利息为基数计算利息。

    Depending upon whether the preferred stock is cumulative or non-cumulative , even preferred shareholders may not be sure of receiving dividend payments on a regular basis .

  28. 假定净利润基于(投资收益)-(所付利息)的计算。

    Assume that the Gross Profit is based on the calculation of ( the investment return of the account balance ) - ( the interest paid ) .

  29. 这是因为年轻人可以承担高风险、高回报的投资,并且可以让他们的投资期限更长,使他们的利息以复利计算。

    This is because young people can tolerate higher-risk , higher return investments , and can let their investments mature longer , allowing interest on savings to compound .

  30. 银行用“简单”利息的方法计算贷款利息-在每个还款期间,用当前未还清的本金乘以当前利率,从而计算出应付的利息。

    The bank caclulates loan interest as " simple " interest & for every payment period , multiply the current outstanding principal by the current interest rate to determine the interest payment .