
  • 网络Net interest income
  1. 使用生产法、中介法,选择人工费用、固定资产净值和存款作为DEA三阶段模型的投入变量,选择净贷款和非利息净收入作为DEA三阶段模型的产出变量。

    Using production approach and intermediation approach , we employ personnel expenses , net fixed assets , deposits as the input ; and utilize net loans , non-interest revenue as the output .

  2. 他提到,2014年中国商业银行存贷款利息净收入仅占营业净收入的48%,比3年前下降了7.3个百分点。

    Interest income accounted for only 48 percent of the total earnings among Chinese commercial banks in 2014 , down 7.3 percentage points from three years ago , he added .

  3. 至于移民后的财产性收益,根据美国的法律和政策,其税基是利息或净收入,并且税率不算太高。

    Moreover , according to the U. S laws and policies , the tax base of property income gained in this country is the interest or net revenue and , tax rates stay sort of high .

  4. 我国上市银行非利息收入与净利息收入波动性与相关性分析

    An Analysis of the Relationship between the Income Fluctuation of Non-Interests and Net Interests of the Listed Commercial Banks of Our Country

  5. 过去20年间,美国商业银行业的投资银行、资产服务、资产证券化、保险业务和其他运营性收入的增长使得非利息收入在营业净收入的占比增加了15.4%。

    In the past 20 years , income from investment banking , assets management , securitization , insurance and other operational business of US Commercial banking industry has increased , and now the non-interest income accounts for more than 15.4 % of net operational income .