
  • 网络floors;Interest Rate Floor
  1. 2004年至2008年间,中国央行取得了一些进展,取消了贷款利率上限与存款利率下限,同时鼓励向监管不那么严格的货币市场引进新的机构,推出新的工具。

    Between 2004 and 2008 , the PBoC made some progress , scrapping ceilings on lending and floors on deposits , while encouraging new entrants and new instruments in less highly-regulated money markets .

  2. 其中,近期目标是取消贷款利率下限,建立健全金融机构自主定价机制。

    Among them , the short-term goal is canceling the lower limit of the lending rate and establishing an independent pricing mechanism .

  3. 被迫退回到零利率下限的央行公信力不会太好,如果它发布前瞻性指引的话。

    A central bank forced back to the zero lower bound is not likely to have great credibility if it engages in forward guidance .

  4. 政策放松的空间相当大(如降低存款准备金率、信贷支持、放松贷款利率下限和财政支出)。

    The potential to loosen is significant ( e.g. , RRR cuts , credit support , lending rate floor relaxation , and fiscal spending ) .

  5. 然后从理论角度对非常规货币政策做了分析,阐述了零利率下限下非常规货币政策的理论选择、政策目标和传导机制。

    From a theoretical point of view , the paper expounded the choice of unconventional monetary policy under the zero lower bound and policy objectives and the transmission mechanism .

  6. 中国人民银行发表声明表示,取消金融机构贷款利率下限,由金融机构根据商业原则自主确定贷款利率水平。

    A People 's Bank of China statement says the floor limit for lending interest rates will be canceled and the financial institutions can decide their own rates following commercial principles .

  7. 2013年中国央行取消银行贷款利率下限后,存款利率上限就成了仅剩的一个仍由政府指令设定的利率。

    The deposit-rate ceiling is the one remaining interest rate still set by government fiat , after the People 's Bank of China removed the floor on bank lending rates in 2013 .

  8. 设定利率上下限的抵押贷款

    Cap and collar mortgage

  9. 更糟糕的是,我认为,过去6个月,由于在利率触及下限之际实施紧缩对于增长的影响,偿付能力前景已经恶化。

    Even worse , I believe the outlook for solvency has deteriorated over the past six months due to the effects of austerity on growth at a time when interest rates have hit their lower limit .

  10. 商业银行应当按照中国人民银行规定的存款利率的上下限,确定存款利率,并予以公告。

    A commercial bank should decide its own interest rates and announce them in accordance with the upper and lower limits for deposit interest set by the people 's Bank of china .

  11. 随着我国利率市场化的稳步推进,虽然中央银行对利率的管制有所放松,然而贷款利率下限以及存款利率上限仍受限制,利率市场并未完全自由化。

    In the steady process of Chinese market-oriented interest rate progress , although thecentral bank eases the interest regulation , interest rates are still under the control of thecentral bank . Interest rate market is not completely liberalization .

  12. 利率市场化改革目前正进入最后的攻坚阶段,目前,除了存款利率的上限和个人存款利率的下限没有放开外,其他均已完全放开。

    The interest rate marketization reform has now entered phase of assault fortified positions , at present , in addition to lower the deposit interest rate upper limit and personal savings rate has not been released , the other has opening .

  13. 他表示,提升超额准备金利率应该在短期利率正常化过程中起到核心作用,而隔夜逆回购机制则有可能用来为货币市场利率设置下限。

    He said raising interest rates for excess reserves should play a central role in normalising short-term interest rates , while an overnight reverse repo facility could be useful in setting a floor for money market rates .