
  1. 面对加入WTO后的金融竞争,对内开放金融市场比对外开放更为重要。

    With the financial competition after entering WTO , opening to the interior is more important than to the outside .

  2. 加入WTO以后,金融市场逐步对外对内开放,银行间的竞争日趋激烈,中间业务越来越引起商业银行的重视。

    After entering the WTO , the market of finance are opening to interior and exterior gradually , the competition among banks is more fierce than before and the intermediary business were emphasized by the banks as well .

  3. TOT模式是西部地区扩大对内开放、积极融通内资的有效措施。

    TOT pattern is one of the effective measures to enlarge the opening to domestic areas and accumulate the domestic funds .

  4. 对内开放是社会主义市场经济体制的本质要求;

    It is the basic demand of socialist market economic system ;

  5. 论金融产品的对内开放

    On the Open Policy of Financial Product to Domestic Financial Market Institute

  6. 对内开放就是改革。

    Pursuing an open policy domestically means carrying out reform .

  7. 土楼的建筑结构,体现了传统的中国式建筑的风格:对外封闭,对内开放。

    Tulou is a particular type of Chinese vernacular architecture .

  8. 试论对内开放理论与经济技术协作

    On The Theory of Open-to-inside and Economic Technological Cooperation

  9. 中国境内金融市场的对内开放

    Chinese domestic financial markets : opening to the interior

  10. 推进西部大开发亟待全面深化对内开放

    Advancing the development of western regions demands opening inwards

  11. 对内开放还是对外开放:B股流通市场改革效应分析

    Analysis on the Reform of B - Share Market

  12. 从资本项目下的货币可自由兑换看B股市场的对内开放

    Open the B - share Market Inwards from the Point of Opening Capital Account

  13. B股对内开放与中国证券市场国际化

    B Share Market Opening to Domestic Residents and The Globalization of China 's Security Market

  14. 金融开放应该保持着对内开放与对外开放齐头并进的原则。

    Financial opening should maintain the principle of keeping abreast both the domestic and foreign sides .

  15. 对外开放的同时,金融业也对内开放,允许民营银行准入。

    At the same time of opening up , the government allowed private banks enter in financial industry .

  16. 试论对内开放中消费力与生产力互动的实践内涵与逻辑

    On the Practical Connotation and the Logic of Consumption Capability and Productivity in the Opening to the Interior

  17. 就要尊重社会经济发展规律,搞两个开放,一个对外开放,一个对内开放。

    We must observe the laws governing socio-economic development and follow an open policy both internationally and domestically .

  18. 根据实证分析结果,本文从对外开放和对内开放两方面给出了相关的政策建议。

    According these empirical results , the paper comes up with relative policies from respects of external and internal opening .

  19. 依靠招商引资,我国促进了对外、对内开放和经济发展。

    Depending on merchant promotion and investment attraction , it promoted opening to the domestic and abroad and economic development .

  20. 四是武汉市对外、对内开放力度不够,经济外向度低;

    Fourthly , opening to outside and inside is not enough , the degrees of the economy to outside is low ;

  21. 我们对内开放和对外开放政策也不变。

    There will be no change either in our policy of opening up at home and opening to the outside world .

  22. 为了搞建设,需要实行两个开放,一个是对内开放,一个是对外开放,这也是正确的。

    To make economic development a success , we decided to open up domestically and internationally , which has also proved correct .

  23. 随着我国旅行社行业的对外和对内开放,旅行社之间的竞争愈演愈烈。

    With the opening of travel agencies trade in our country to both abroad and home , the competitions among travel agencies are increasing .

  24. 作者建议部分国有垄断行业应该率先对内开放,以保证提高这些企业在未来的国际竞争中的竞争能力。

    To improve the future competitive edge of state-owned monopolistic firms in the international market , some monopolistic firms should first open to domestic firms .

  25. 在石油、电信、铁路、民航四大垄断行业中,民航业的对内开放似乎远远走在了前头。

    In oil , telegraphic , railroad , civil aviaton in industry of4 large rig , of civil aviaton course of study open internally go in thereinbefore far it seems that .

  26. 最后,提出了对内开放、对外开放与价值创造能力关系的两个基本假设,并运用相应的计量模型进行了检验。

    At last , it brings forth two basic hypotheses of the relation between opening to the other parts of the country , outside world and value creation , and tests these two hypotheses by the corresponding econometric model .

  27. 走对外开放与对内开放相结合的道路,既要开放新兴市场,提高我国产品国际竞争力;又要释放本国市场的能量,保证经济的持续增长。

    Go to opening up to the outside world with a combination of road , it is necessary to open up emerging markets , improve the international competitiveness of our products ; to release their energy markets to ensure sustained economic growth .

  28. 具体表现在对外开放中抵御国际金融风险的水平较低,对外贸易的国际竞争力不高,对内开放与对外开放不协调等方面。

    Specific performances are lower level of risk in defense of the international financial in the opening to the outside world , foreign trade and international competitiveness is low , lack of co-ordination with the opening to the outside world and so on .

  29. 六要进一步扩大对内对外开放,拓展市场网络;

    Sixthly , further enlarge the internal and external opening and expand the market network ;

  30. 扩大金融业对内对外开放。

    Further open up the financial industry .