
  1. 个贷业务:立于稳健强于顺畅&专访美国阿玻罗金融公司CEO钱新宇

    Pesonal Lending : Remaining Sound and Steady and Easy Access An interview of Qian Xinyu , the CEO of Apollo Technology Company of US

  2. 在个人住房贷款进展初期,Z银行由于防范风险意识较弱、风险欠缺管理等因素造成了个贷出现了不少的问题。

    In the early progress of individual housing loans , risk prevention awareness of Z banks is weaker in risk management , and there were other factors have contributed to many problems .

  3. 利用小企业和个贷类贷款分类矩阵,建立科学分类标准,增加批量处理程序,改善CQ银行五级分类管理操作繁琐的问题。

    Take advantage of the " small businesses and loan classification matrix ", set up a scientific classification standard and increase the batch process program to solve the problem of five-category loan quality classification method . 4 .

  4. 本文以2001年北京个贷市场实际交易数据为基础,采用二元Logit选择模型,定量分析经济因素、借款人个体属性和个贷产品属性对借款人个贷期限和贷款价值比选择行为的影响。

    Based on the real transaction data from market of individual loans in Beijing in 2001 , a bi-Logit selective model is used to quantitatively analyze the influence of economic factors , borrowers ' identities and property of individual credit products on selective behavior of credit period and credit-to-value ratio .

  5. 发展个人消费信贷的难点与对策&试从山西省建行个贷状况论我国个人消费信贷的发展

    On the Difficult Points and Countermeasures of Developing Individual Credit Consumption

  6. 试析出国旅游和留学人员个贷业务的市场机会

    The Market Opportunity of Personal Finance Linked with Overseas Tourism And Study

  7. 个贷关键词:平衡效率风险

    The Key Words of Personal Lending Balance Efficiency Risks

  8. 因此,本文对个贷中心案例的研究,应该对国有股份制银行正在进行的变革有一定的启示意义。

    Consequently , in this thesis , the research of personal loan center case will enlighten the national joint-stock bank reform in progress .

  9. 本文基本结论为,借款人个贷期限和贷款价值比选择行为相对合理,不存在绝对高风险人群。

    It is concluded that the selective behaviors of individual loan-period and loan-value ratio are relatively reasonable and there is no absolute high-risk group .

  10. 烤烟农艺性状与经济指标间的灰色关联度分析个贷违约率与宏观经济指标相关性研究

    Gray correlation analysis on the main agronomic characters and economic indexes of the flue-cured tobacco Studies on the Correlation between Residential Mortgage Delinquency and Macroeconomic Factors

  11. 本文立足工商银行,研究发现近年来该行个贷余额不断扩大,在贷款中占比不断提高;

    So how to control individual credit risk becomes an urgent issue to be addressed by commercial banks while extending credit to individuals in a big way .

  12. 结合国外先进银行的经营管理模式,要转变经营管理模式,提高个贷风险管理水平。

    We should draw lesson with the advanced union abroad bank management control pattern , needs to change the management control pattern , improves loan risk control level .

  13. 从完善个贷服务、降低金融风险的角度出发,深入研究借款人个贷产品选择行为具有现实意义。

    It is of practical significance to delve into the selective behavior of individual loan borrowers from the angle of improving individual loan related service and lowering financial risks .

  14. 依据研究结论,本文提出从成本角度改善我国个贷市场借贷双方信息结构,降低个贷市场信用风险的途径与方法。

    Based on the conclusions , the paper provided some suggestions from the angle of costs , to improve the information structure and reduce the mortgage credit risks at present stage of Chinese residential mortgage market .

  15. 随着业务规模的不断扩大,不良个贷也随之产生、增加;而该行现有的人员配备情况无法满足不良个贷催收工作的需要。

    With the continuous expansion of business scale , the number of non-performing loans is also concomitantly increase ; and the line current staffing of China Construction Bank Hunan Branch could not meet the working need of the personal loan collection .

  16. 针对个人经营贷款的总体情况分别从贷款增量,个人消费贷款的收益,个贷中间业务收入,以及个人汽车贷款的收益,风险控制,业务流程等方面进行了简要分析。

    For personal business loans , respectively , from the overall situation of incremental loans , loans for personal consumption gains , a loan intermediary business income and personal income auto loans , risk control , business processes and other aspects are briefly analyzed .

  17. 通过假个贷实例分析,我们设计并制作了假个贷模型,实现了对具体数据进行审计,并将可疑数据以电子表格形式存储供审计人员重点审计。

    Through the analysis of a false loan example , the researcher accomplishes the design and customization of the false mortgage instance model so as to achieve the auditing of specific data and store the suspicious data in electronic forms as reference for auditors to focus on .