
ɡè rén hùn hé yǒnɡ
  • individual medley
  1. 日本赢得了男子200米个人混合泳比赛。

    Japan won the Men 's 200 metres Individual Medley .

  2. 中国赢得了男子200米个人混合泳比赛。

    China won the Men 's 200 metres Individual Medley .

  3. 吴艳艳在′98世锦赛200m个人混合泳技、战术分析

    A Technical Analysis of Wu Yanyan ′ s Tactics in the 200m Individual Medley of ′ 98 World Tournament

  4. 第29届奥运会男子200m个人混合泳成绩的实证分析及其相关探讨

    Empirical Analysis and Related Discussion on Performance of Men 's 200 m Individual Medley in 29 ~ ( th ) Olympic Games

  5. 个人混合泳,通常简称为I.M.,特点是包括所有四种竞技泳姿。

    The individual medley , commonly referred to as the " I. M. ," features all four competitive strokes .

  6. 日本游泳运动员萩野公介(KosukeHagino)和濑户大也(DaiyaSeto)可能会分获男子400米个人混合泳的冠亚军。

    In the men 's 400individual medley , the Japanese swimmers Kosuke Hagino and Daiya Seto couldfinish 1-2 .

  7. 克洛奇科娃以2:11.14的成绩取得了200米个人混合泳的冠军。

    Klochkova captured the200 individual medley in a time of2: 11.14 .

  8. 罗切特获得了400米个人混合泳金牌,而菲尔普斯只获得了第四名。

    Lochte won the 400 metres individual medley , with Phelps finishing fourth .

  9. 中外优秀男子400米个人混合泳运动员速度分配的对比分析

    Study of the Race Pacing in 400 IM of the Elite Athletes in the World

  10. “对于400米个人混合泳,我考虑的更多的是如何维持平均以及放松,”霍夫说。

    " during the400 im , I try to think about being smooth and relaxed ," hoff says .

  11. 对于每种泳姿而言,400米个人混合泳需要的不仅仅是力量和速度,同时耐力也是至关重要的。

    The400 IM not only requires strength and speed in all four strokes , but also tremendous endurance .

  12. 两天后,他在200米个人混合泳排名第五,这也是他在本届奥运的最后一战。

    Two days later he finishes fifth in the 200m individual medley , his final race at the Games .

  13. 男子200米个人混合泳决赛中,汪顺力压众多名将,以1分57秒05的成绩获得第三;

    Wang Shun beat many prevailing rivals and ranked third in men 's 200m individual medley finals , clocking 1: 57.05 ;

  14. 现年55岁的曼恩赢得了55-59岁年龄组的400米个人混合泳比赛金牌,并创造了这个年龄组的世界纪录。

    Mann , 55 , won the400-meter individual medley race and set a world record for his age group , 55 to59.Mr .

  15. 余依婷在全国游泳锦标赛女子200米个人混合泳预赛中打破了世界青年纪录。

    Yu Yiting smashed the world junior record in the women 's 200-meter individual medley heats at the Chinese National Swimming Championships .

  16. Garcia-Tolson参加了很多次残奥会,并在2004年和2008年200米个人混合泳中获得金牌。

    Garcia-Tolson has competed in numerous Paralympic Games , and won the gold medal in the 200-metre individual medley in 2004 and 2008 .

  17. 伦敦奥运首日中国16岁小将叶诗文在女子400米个人混合泳决赛中获得金牌,并破世界纪录。

    Chinese star , 16 , breaks 400m IM world recordYe , 16 , set a new world best of four minutes 28.43 seconds ,

  18. 个人混合泳比赛时,运动员按下列顺序排列的4种姿势游相同的距离:蝶泳、泳、泳和自由泳。

    B : In individual event , competitors swim an equal distance of four strokes ; the order is butterfly , backstroke , breaststroke and freestyle .

  19. 在个人混合泳项目中,游泳运动员按下列顺序以4种游姿比赛:蝶泳、仰泳、蛙泳、自由泳。

    In individual medley events , the swimmer covers the four swimming styles in the following order : butterfly , backstroke , frogstroke , and freestyle .

  20. 本周早些时候,叶诗文接连赢得伦敦奥运会女子400米和200米个人混合泳比赛的冠军,创下两项新的奥运记录,一项新世界纪录。

    Ye scored successive wins in both the 400 - and 200-meter individual medley races earlier this week , setting two new Olympic records and one new world record .

  21. 菲尔普斯表示自己在伦敦的目标是打破职业生涯奥运奖牌最高纪录,但是在最初400米个人混合泳位居第四后有些沮丧。

    Phelps said his goal in London was to break the all-time record for career Olympic medals but he was initiallyfrustratedafter finishing fourth in the 400 meter individual medley .

  22. 当在伦敦一次新闻发布会上被问及哪枚奖牌对他意义非凡时,菲尔普斯表示是他在雅典奥运会时赢得的400米个人混合泳金牌。

    When asked at a news conference in London which medal meant the most to him , Phelps said it was the gold medal he won in Athens for the 400 meter individualmedley .

  23. 在伦敦的新闻会上,当他被问到哪枚奖牌对他最有意义时,他说是雅典奥运会上获得的400米个人混合泳金牌。

    When asked at a news conference in London which medal meant the most to him , Phelps said it was the gold medal he won in Athens for the 400 meter individual medley .

  24. 这是她第二次收获奥运金牌,之前一枚算是在女子400米个人混合泳的比赛中,当场比赛中她打破了前一届北京奥运会上产生的记录。

    It is the second gold medal Ye bagged at London Olympics with the other one in 400m individual medley , in which she erased world record held by Rice from Beijing Olympics by one second .

  25. 因酒驾和超速被捕,菲尔普斯被禁赛六个月,错过了2015年游泳世锦赛。但随后,他获得了100米和200米蝶泳,以及200米个人混合泳的奥运资格。

    He was banned for six months after being arrested for drink driving and speeding , missing the 2015 world championships , but subsequently qualified for the 100 and 200 meters butterfly plus the 200m individual medley .

  26. 就叶诗文而言,这位上周六在女子400米个人混合泳比赛中打破世界记录的16岁女孩,她的职业生涯始于幼儿园老师发现她的手大之后。

    In the case of Ye Shiwen , the 16-year-old who set a world record in the swimming 400m medley on Saturday , her   career   began when   her kindergarten teacher noticed she had large hands .

  27. 一个人游称作个人混合泳(M)四个人游称作混合泳接力。

    This race is either swum by one swimmer as Individual Medley ( IM ) or by four swimmers as a Medley Relay .