
  • 网络personalized learning;individualized learning;individual learning
  1. 基于Web内容挖掘的个性化学习系统

    Personalized Learning System Based on Web Content Mining

  2. 但是目前的网络教学系统还存在一些不足,例如Web环境下的个性化学习等。

    There are still some problems in the application of e-Learning , for example , the personalized learning under Web environment .

  3. 用XML实现远程教育系统中的个性化学习环境

    A Personality Learning Interface Realizing in Distance Education System Using XML

  4. 基于XML的个性化学习模型

    A Personalized-Learning Model Based on XML

  5. 最后,本文对智能搜索引擎、用户自适应WEB站点以及基于Internet的个性化学习等应用也进行初步探讨。

    Some other applications are also discussed , such as intelligent searching engine , adaptive web site and personalized study based on Internet .

  6. 在E-learning的研究中,个性化学习技术是其中的重点。

    Personalized learning techniques are the major focus of E-learning study .

  7. E-learning中有不少支持个性化学习的特征。

    In E-learning , there are many characteristics that can support personalized learning .

  8. 基于本体的e-Learning个性化学习与资源共享研究

    Research of e-Learning Personalization and Resource-Sharing Based on Ontology

  9. NET等相关技术,建立了一个新的基于WebServices的个性化学习系统,其中包括在线考试,在线练习,在线答疑等功能。

    NET and etc , built and implemented a new personalized learning system based on Web Services and with the functions of web examining , web training and web answering .

  10. E-learning的菜单式课程体系可以让员工按照不同的需求进行个性化学习。

    This menu-driven E-learning course system allows employees to personalize their learning according to their different needs .

  11. 针对基于网络的远程教学存在的缺陷,提出了一个基于Agent的远程教学模型,较好地实现了学生个性化学习和协作学习。

    Based on the shortages existing in network 's remote education , this paper puts forward a remote education model based on Agent , which can better realize the individualized learning and coordinated learning for the students .

  12. 论述了个性化学习的概念,通过对传统的校园网学习支持系统的剖析,提出了建立基于XML的个性化学习模型的基本构想。

    This paper discusses the conception of personalized learning , and puts forward a basic idea of personalized learning model based on XML through the detailed analysis for traditional back-up system of campus network study .

  13. Internet上的学习资源日益丰富,但是目前的e-Learning应用还存在一些不足,例如动态Web环境下的个性化学习和资源共享等。

    The learning resources on Internet are growing richer and richer , but the current e-Learning application still remains some limitation , such as personalized study and knowledge sharing in the dynamic web environment .

  14. 创设合理的E-Learning实施环境,将充分实现中小学教师的个性化学习和自主学习。

    Establishing the reasonable E-Learning implementation environment , will fully realize the elementary and middle schools teacher 's personalization study and the independent study .

  15. 重点讨论了虚拟企业工作流体系结构及系统中支持个性化学习的群Agent技术,包括:多Agent特性,Agent的通信、Agent实现的技术、策略与区域等热点问题。

    The virtual enterprise workflow system structure and the cluster Agent technology supporting individual learning in the workflow system , is mainly discussed . The technology contains some hot subjects , such as the characteristic multi Agent ? Agent communications ?

  16. 完善个性化学习推荐引擎的设计,全面实现个性化学习服务的推送。为真正实现E-learning系统的个性化学习提供保证。

    Improving the design of personalized learning recommendation engine , and implementing personalized learning service , can provide a guarantee for realizing personalized learning in E-learning system .

  17. 为改善基于Web学习系统存在的不足,提出了一个基于数据挖掘技术的个性化学习系统模型,并详细描述了应用决策树及BP神经网络算法对个性化导航模块设计的方法。

    To improve the shortcomings of web-based learning system , a new model of the personalized learning system is presented based on data mining , and how to use the decision tree and the BP-neural network to design the personalized navigation module detailedly are described .

  18. 第二章是本研究的主体部分,总括了多元智能理论的课程观,构建了基于MI的个性化学习的三大课程实施模式,并开发设计/整理了相应的课程教学范型。

    Chapter 2 , the main body of this research , synthesizes the viewpoint of curriculum of MI theory , constructs three curriculum implementation models of Mi-Based Personalized Learning , develops and designs patterns of MI course accordingly .

  19. 研究了Apriori算法、BP算法以及K-means算法在该系统的具体应用,从而实现辅助教学系统的资源围绕学生的需求来配置,支持学生的个性化学习需要。

    Studies the Apriori algorithm , BP algorithm and K - means algorithm in this system specific application . Realize the auxiliary teaching system resources allocation around the needs of students to configuration , and support individual learning needs of students .

  20. 扎克伯格周三在Facebook发表的帖子上说,他们夫妻二人的教育行动计划将关注“个性化学习”——采用不同的技术,来帮助学生定制自己的教育方案——以及应对贫穷和疾病等阻挠教育的障碍。

    In a Facebook post on Wednesday , Mr. Zuckerberg said the couple 's education initiative would focus on " personalized learning " - the idea of using various technologies to help students customize their educational pathways - and on addressing barriers to education like poverty and illness .

  21. ICLE应用实现了分布环境中学生之间的协同学习以及个体学生的个性化学习。

    ICLE application has effectively realized collaborative learning of the students in the distributed environment , and individualized learning of single student .

  22. 第四章,介绍了WALS系统的模块组成,共分为学生注册模块、学习者建模模块、个性化学习导航与任课安排模块、测试模块、教学评估模块五个模块。

    Fourth chapter , introduced the WALS system module composition , altogether divides into the student registration module , the learner modelling module , the personalization study navigation with teaches classes the arrangement module , the test module , the teaching appraisal module five modules .

  23. 多元智能理论视角下高中数学个性化学习方法的思考

    Personalized learning of high school mathematics guided by multiple intelligence theory

  24. 一个基于网络的智能个性化学习系统的设计与应用

    Design and Application of a Network-Based Intelligent and Individualized Learning System

  25. 研究个性化学习风格,改革数学课堂教学策略

    Researching on Individualized Learning Styles , Reforming Mathematics Class Instructional Strategy

  26. 基于知识点对象的个性化学习系统实施

    The Implement of Personalized Web Learning System Based on Knowledge Objects

  27. 现代飞行教学中个性化学习评价系统研究

    Research of Personalized Learning Evaluation System in Modern Aviation Teaching

  28. 学习者特征个性化学习规律挖掘实际上是对流数据进行挖掘。

    Learner characteristics personalized study mining is actually a streaming data mining .

  29. 给出了一个基于本体的个性化学习资源语义检索模型。

    Proposed a personalized learning resources semantics retrieval model based on ontology .

  30. 中学生个性化学习评估量表的编制研究

    A Construction Study of Personal Learning Evaluation Scale for Middle School Students