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  • personal web sites
  1. 您可在个人网页视图中修改web部件网页标题栏。

    You cannot modify the web part page title bar when you are in personal page view .

  2. 该浏览器还创建了一个特殊的名为MyWorld的个人网页,其中整合了你的社交网络更新信息、新闻源和照片。

    And it creates a special personal Web page , called My World , which combines your social-networking updates , news feeds and photos .

  3. 如个人网页生成服务GooglePageCreator就在9月份悄然停运,与名为GoogleSites的类似产品合二为一。

    Google Page Creator , a service that allowed users to create their own Web pages , was quietly discontinued in September , effectively merged into a similar product called Google Sites .

  4. 有迹象表明,迈克尔·杰克逊的粉丝无法接受他已离去的事实,他在FaceBook上的个人网页在他死后那段时间里成为社交网络中获点赞量最多的页面。

    In a sign that his fans weren 't yet ready to give him up , Michael Jackson 's Facebook page became the most liked page on the social media website shortly after his death .

  5. 今年5月份Facebook开放其网站,允许数量庞大的用户在个人网页上公布独立软件开发者制作的游戏、音乐和其他简单的应用软件。于是莱维克便有了制作一款在线地理知识游戏的想法。

    The idea for an online geography game occurred to Mr. Levesque in May when Facebook of Palo Alto , Calif. , opened its site so independent software developers could create games , music and other simple applications that its huge audience could post on their personal Web pages .

  6. 为什么个人网页也会沿着这条既定轨迹走下去?

    What would drive personal Web pages along that well-traveled track ?

  7. 创建图书馆员个人网页的意义及方法

    Creating Web Pages Individualized for Librarians : Meanings and Methods

  8. 它主要由三个部分组成:自动搜索个人网页、基于关键字自动判断专家网页。

    It consists of three steps : automatically search web personal homepages ;

  9. 这里是个人网页的总目录。

    This is the root page of persons .

  10. 许多人已经在互联网上拥有个人网页。

    Many people already have their own private area on the World Wide Web .

  11. 一些机构建议新闻工作者在脸谱网上分别开设与工作网页和个人网页。

    Some organizations recommend that a reporter maintain separate professional and personal Facebook pages .

  12. 现在,许多网络服务商提供免费快捷的创建个人网页的途径。

    Many Internet services now offer free and easy ways to create personal Web pages .

  13. 您拥有个人网页吗?

    Would you construct your own homepage ?

  14. 欢迎浏览我的个人网页。

    Welcome to my personal website .

  15. 制作个人网页。

    Build a personal website .

  16. 制作个人网页一定要考虑面对的对象。

    Creating Web Four People The making of personal Internet homepage should meet the needs of users .

  17. 博客是网络日志的简称,它是一种个人网页。

    A blog is the shortened name for a Web log . A blog is a personal Web page .

  18. 如果没有指定为个人网页,提交您的联系信息将不会被接受。

    If it is not designated as a personal page , your contact information submission will not be accepted .

  19. 这些数据都会放在患者的个人网页上,便于医疗团队成员未来可以查询。

    These data will be on the patient 's personal web page for health care team members can learn about the future .

  20. 她说:我们通过社交网络联系名人,在推特上艾特他们或者直接去他们的个人网页。

    She said : ' We used social media to contact celebrities we tweeted a lot of them or went through their PR.

  21. 我发现有个会员剽窃并抄袭了我的私人网页,我在此郑重声明我的个人网页属于私有的知识产权,不得翻录,否则追究法律责任。

    I find one member plagiarized my private profile . I declare this profile is my Intellectual Asset and Patent , All Right Reserved Can Not Be Copied by Anyone or Bear Legal Duty .

  22. 如果你明年就要毕业了,个人网页可以很好地将你推荐给未来的老板,展示你所有疯狂的技巧,确保网页干净清楚并且专业。

    If you 're going to be graduating next year , a personal website can be a great way to advertise yourself to future employers and show them all your mad skills . Make sure to keep it clean and professional .

  23. 在分析电子应聘优劣势的基础上,提出了解决方案:应聘者寻找高信誉的公司或网站、制作个人网页或个人网络广告、利用网络视频进行电子应聘。

    The solutions which are suggested on the basis of analyzing the advantage and disadvantage of the electronic job hunting are that the applicants should look for the companies or webs which have good reputation and make personal network pages and personal network advertisements or use the network video .

  24. 本站也不会追踪您个人的网页浏览习惯。

    We do not track information about your personal Web browsing habits .

  25. 职业摄影师没有个人的网页,也不出版技术新闻。通常是票友级的才会去做这些事。

    Professionals don 't have websites and don 't put out technical newsletters . Those people are usually amateurs .

  26. 亚马逊自己在美国则更进一步,开发了在线评论功能,以创建用户个人信息网页,可发布照片、电邮地址和推荐列表。

    Amazon itself has pushed even further ahead in the US , developing its online reviews to create user profile pages that can include photographs , e-mail addresses and lists of recommendations .

  27. 对于个人介绍类网页,本文使用了知识工程方法(KnowledgeEngineeringApproach),人工构建了模式库;

    The paper used knowledge engineering approach to the class of person introduction and built pattern repository manually .

  28. 对于个人活动类网页,本文使用了自动训练方法(AutomaticTrainingApproach),提出了一种新的模式提取算法,用来自动地从训练集中提取模式。

    The paper used automatic training approach to the class of person action . A new algorithm was proposed to extract pattern from training set automatically .

  29. 浙江万村联网平台是覆盖全省的农村综合信息平台,依托网站集群平台技术设计,为有需要建立网站的新农村、农业企业、农家乐等单位或个人提供自助建网页服务。

    Zhejiang province-wide rural Networking platform covering all villages comprehensive information , it is based on the website cluster platform technology design , providing buffet-build web services to new rural and agricultural enterprises , organic and other units or individuals who need a web site .