
  • 网络mobile marketing
  1. 笔者希望本文能为移动市级公司在开展TD手机营销工作时提供一定借鉴意义和参考价值。

    I hope that my research can provide a reference value when municipal company of China mobile formulate TD mobile marketing strategy .

  2. 第二章分析了企业利用手机进行营销的可行性分析,包括媒介走向分析和利用手机营销的优势。

    The second chapter analyzes the use of mobile phone marketing , business feasibility analysis , including analysis and use of media to the advantage of mobile marketing .

  3. 波导手机营销战略案例及分析

    Case and Analysis of BIRD Cellular Phone Marketing Strategy

  4. 中兴通讯手机营销策略研究

    Marketing Strategy Research of Cellphone in ZTE Corporation

  5. 手机营销最为有效的新渠道模式是区域独家代理制方式。

    The most valid new channel mode should be the method of district sole agent system .

  6. 最后,针对国产手机营销中存在的一些问题,提出了一些优化措施建议,希望这些启示和建议能对国产手机早日走出困境有所促进。

    Finally , basing on some sales problems of domestic mobile , this article put forward some optimize measures , which are expected to helpful to walk out puzzledom in the future .

  7. TCL公司湖南市场手机产品营销渠道模式研究

    The Research on Cell Phone Distribution Channel of TCL Company in Hunan Province

  8. 本文主要是对NEC手机市场营销策略中的重要组成部分-产品策略进行分析。

    This report analyzes one of the most important strategies of NEC Telecom , which is Product Strategy .

  9. 因此作为3G产业链的领导者,电信运营商必须介入到3G手机的营销体系之中,发挥其主导作用。

    Therefore , as the leader of 3G industry chain , telecom operators in particularly must be involved in the marketing system of 3G mobile phone and play as leading roles .

  10. 由于iPhone5c可以作为一款新智能手机进行营销推广,相较于上市销售已有12个月的iPhone5,它对零售商店和消费者来说更有吸引力。

    Because the iPhone 5c can be marketed as a new smartphone , it 's a far more attractive handset to retail stores and consumers than a twelve month old iPhone 5 .

  11. T品牌手机企业营销组合研究

    Study on the the Marketing Mix of T Cellphone Co. , Ltd

  12. 手机行业营销渠道的建立与维护

    The Establishment and Maintenance of Mobile Phone Marketing Channel

  13. 我国手机市场营销渠道模式比较研究

    The Comparative Study on the Model of the Distribution Channel in the Domestic Mobile Phone Market

  14. 从手机的营销方式,到功能和设计,都由这三家运营商决定。

    The trio has dictated everything from the way phones are marketed to their features and design .

  15. 小米是中国市场智能手机的营销高手,其套路包括在线策略、低廉价格和粉丝网络——粉丝们的口碑传播使小米手机家喻户晓。

    Xiaomi wrote the playbook on marketing smartphones in China with its online strategy , cheap prices and networks of fans who popularise the phones through word-of-mouth .

  16. 结合湖南移动的概况和现状,文中提出了手机俱乐部营销及其建设方案,在此基础上,本文论证了湖南移动运用手机俱乐部营销模式的可行性。

    Combined with the profile of Hunan Mobile , this paper proposes a mobile club marketing model and its building program . On this basis , the paper demonstrates the feasibility of the Hunan Mobile club marketing model .

  17. 基于GPS手机/GIS的营销团队管理系统

    Sales Team Management System Using GPS Mobile / GIS

  18. 然而,三星手机部门战略营销总裁李唐珠(LeeDon-joo)却表示,三星手机业务状况只是遭遇了“暂时的困难”,并预言Note4“销量将远超上个版本”。

    However , Lee Don-joo , president of strategic marketing at Samsung 's mobile phone division , said business conditions were " temporarily difficult , " predicting the Note 4 would " far outsell its predecessor . "

  19. 手机厂商的营销渠道行为及其策略

    The Channel Behavior and Promotion Strategy of Mobile Phone Producer

  20. 基于运营商的手机大规模定制营销模式研究

    An Study on Mobile Phone Mass Customization Marketing Mode for the Operator

  21. 新经济形势下的《河南手机报》营销策略初探

    " Henan Mobile Newspaper " Marketing Strategy Under the new economic situation

  22. 第三章详细分析了苹果手机产品的营销现状以及针对改现状进行的市场调查报告。

    Chapter III detailed analysis of the Apple phone product marketing status quo and change the status quo of the market survey report .

  23. 本文研究了苹果手机的市场营销策略,以期从中学习到最具价值和创新性的市场营销方法。

    This paper studies the marketing strategy of the Apple phone , in order to learn the most valuable and innovative marketing methods .

  24. 虽然现在呈现良好的发展势头,但是T企业能否在未来的发展中取得一定的优势,关键在于它是否有一套适应中国手机市场的营销策略组合。

    T Company develops well , but its future lies on whether it formulates the effective marketing strategies fitting the mobile telephone market .

  25. 在理论分析和数据分析基础上,本文从市场细分、内容改进和技术提高等方而提出了手机报市场营销的新方向。

    Through the analysis , a new direction of mobile newspaper marketing is put forward from the aspects of market segmentation , content improvement and technical advancement .

  26. 第三章主要进行无线平台下企业营销的研究,包括无线营销市场现状分析,无线营销创造的企业价值链分析,企业利用手机进行无线营销的现状分析以及手机营销空间分析。

    Chapter III wireless platform marketing research , including the marketing of mobile marketing , mobile marketing and create enterprise value chain analysis , business use of mobile wireless marketing and mobile marketing space Situation Analysis .

  27. 然后从市场细分、产品、价格、渠道、促销等营销层面对外资和国产手机企业的营销策略作了详细的对比分析,同时给出对国产手机企业的一些营销启示。

    Second , this article finishes some particular compare analysis between domestic mobile and foreign mobile marketing stategy from marketing segmentation , product , price , channel and promotion , and gives some revelations to domestic mobile .

  28. HW公司进入中国3G手机行业的市场营销战略

    Marketing Strategy on HW Company Entry 3G Cell Phone Industry of China

  29. 依靠推出价格具有吸引力的可以替代iPhone的手机,以及在营销上撒的钱超过任何一个竞争对手,三星成为了世界上销量最大的智能手机生产商。

    Samsung became the most popular smartphone maker in the world by producing alternatives to the iPhone at attractive prices , and by outspending all of its rivals on marketing .

  30. 去年9月,华为聘请IBM的顾问为其新建立的手机业务提供品牌营销方面的建议。手机业务是华为消费产品部门的一部分。去年华为实现销售收入324亿美元,其中消费产品占了21%。

    Last September , Huawei hired consultants from IBM for advice on branding its nascent cellphone business , part of a consumer unit that accounted for 21 % of the company 's $ 32.4 billion in sales last year .