
shǒu jī chōnɡ diàn qì
  • mobile phone charger;mobile charger
  1. 以聚碳酸酯(PC)和ABS为基体树脂,添加增容剂、阻燃剂及其它助剂,经双螺杆挤出机熔融共混挤出造粒,制得PC/ABS手机充电器专用料。

    With polycarbonate ( PC ) and ABS as basic resin , and adding compatilizer , flame retardant and other assistants , special material PC / ABS for mobile phone charger was developed by melt blending and extrusion graining with twin-screw extruder .

  2. PC/ABS手机充电器专用料的开发

    Development of special material pc / abs for mobile phone charger

  3. 他忘了带手机充电器。

    He forgot the charger for his mobile phone .

  4. 另外,2009年至2012年在欧洲出售的一批苹果USB手机充电器出现数次过热事故,苹果公司在2014年针对该批部件提供了免费更换。

    In 2014 , the company offered a free exchange for one model of USB iPhone chargers sold in Europe between 2009 and 2012 , after a few cases of overheating .

  5. 有车族在户外需要使用的电子设备越来越多,例如汽车音响、车用DVD、车用冰箱、手提电脑、手机充电器和各种电源适配器。

    The owners of cars need more and more electron devices in the open air , such as auto sound , auto DVD , auto fridges , laptops , chargers and kinds of adapters .

  6. 去年12月,亚马逊试行了一种超快捷服务PrimeNow。这种服务承诺最快在1小时内,以7.99美元的价格递送手机充电器、肥皂和宠物口粮之类急需用品,或在两个小时内免费递送这类商品。

    In December , Amazon started piloting an ultra-fast service , Prime Now , which promises to deliver popular items such as phone chargers , soap and pet food in as little as an hour for $ 7.99 , or within two hours for free .

  7. JessicaMatthews:“用户可以把任何电器直接插在球上,比如学习台灯或是手机充电器。我们正开发一款水净化器,希望还能开发出别的有用的东西。”

    JULIA SILVERMAN : " Then the user can plug any accessory directly into the ball , like a lamp to study , or a cell phone . We 're developing a water purifier and hopefully some other things that might be beneficial . "

  8. 巴拉霍卡(Baraholka)是阿拉木图最大的市场。摊贩们在这里销售蓝色牛仔裤、增湿器、手机充电器和鲜苹果。

    In Baraholka , the city 's largest bazaar , vendors offer blue jeans , humidifiers , mobile phone chargers , and fresh apples-all from China .

  9. 巴拉霍卡(Baraholka)是阿拉木图最大的市场。摊贩们在这里销售蓝色牛仔裤、增湿器、手机充电器和鲜苹果。这些东西都来自中国。

    In Baraholka , the city 's largest bazaar , vendors offer blue jeans , humidifiers , mobile phone chargers , and fresh apples - all from China .

  10. 简易太阳能手机充电器的设计

    Design of Simple and Easy Solar Energy Charger for Mobile

  11. 到那时,我的手机充电器该何去何从呢?

    Until then , where did I put that cellphone charger again .

  12. 利用微电脑控制的智能手机充电器,可以对目前市面上所有的手机进行充电。

    The intelligent charger based on microcontroller can charge for all mobile telephone cell .

  13. 我忘记带手机充电器了。

    I forgot to take the mobile charger .

  14. 我厂是一家从事:手机充电器、充电板;

    Our factory is engaged in : cell phone power charger , charging plate ;

  15. 随身携带手机充电器的日子可能即将过去。

    The days of having to carry a phone charger everywhere could soon be over .

  16. 商务中心应能提供常见的手机充电器。

    Do stock the most popular type mobile phone battery chargers in your Business Center .

  17. 她把手机充电器留在这了。

    She left her cellphone charger .

  18. 即使关了机,例如吹风机、手机充电器及电视都仍在使用能源。

    Even when turned off , things like hairdryers , cell phone chargers and televisions use energy .

  19. 个人立场:从小事做起调低自动调温器的功率,不充电时从插座上拔掉手机充电器。

    Personal stance : Takes small steps turning down the thermostat and unplugging his mobile phone charger .

  20. 日前,一名青少年发明了一个手机充电器,可以使用来自人体的能量给你的手机充电。

    A teenager has invented a phone charger which uses energy from the human body to charge your phone .

  21. 另外,充电器不用的时候也拔掉。手机充电器如果不拔,还会用些余电。

    Your cell phone charger is still using a residual amount of electricity when it is plugged into the wall .

  22. 提高手机充电器的功率密度,主要有两种途径:一是提高开关频率;二是采用磁集成技术。

    To increase the power density , generally there are two ways : high switching frequency and magnetic integration technology .

  23. 脚下,我的手机充电器正插在电源插座上,而手机却在皮包里。

    At my feet my mobile phone charger was plugged in and turned on though my phone was in my bag .

  24. 结果表明,生产的PC/ABS手机充电器专用料的各项性能达到了指标要求。

    The results showed that properties of the manufactured special material PC / ABS for mobile phone charger could meet the index .

  25. 而对于一个智能手机充电器来说,如果它摸起来不暖手,那么它一年所消耗的电力价值不会超过一美分。

    For a small smartphone charger , if it 's not warm to the touch , it 's using less than a penny a year .

  26. 范·格斯特尔表示在斯瓦希里语中瓦卡瓦卡的意思是“闪闪发光”,它是当今世界最为有效的太阳能光源和手机充电器。

    Van Gestel said WakaWaka , which means " Shine Bright " in Swahili , is the most efficient solar-powered light and phone charger in the world today .

  27. 通用手机充电器及其接口设计和标准化如果线圈跨接到充过电的电容器上,电波就开始流过线圈。

    Technical Design and Standardization of Universal Mobile Phone Charger and Interface An electrical current begins to flow through a coil , which is connected across a charged condenser .

  28. 我们来看看,我的壁式手机充电器和其他设备,相机的备用记忆卡,还有在飞机上用的降噪耳机。

    Let 's see , I have wall chargers for my cell phone and other devices , extra memory cards for my camera , and noise-canceling headphones for the airplane .

  29. 产品广泛应用于计算器、太阳能手表、太阳能温湿度计、太阳能玩具、太阳能草坪灯、庭院灯、手机充电器、光伏发电等电子光电领域

    Our main products include amorphous silicon solar cells and crystalline silicon solar modules , which are widely used in calculators , solar power watches , thermometers and humidity meters , solar

  30. 主要产品有电源变压器、电源适配器、手机充电器、音频变压器和电感线圈,年产量可达1500万只。

    Main products of the company include power transformers , power adapters , cell-phone chargers , audio frequency transformers and inductive coils , with an annual output of up to15 million sets .