
gōng lǜ biǎo
  • power meter;wattmeter
功率表[gōng lǜ biǎo]
  1. 自动换量程宽范围反应堆数字功率表

    Wide Range Automatic - Switching Digital Power Meter for Reactor

  2. 0.01级交流数字功率表标准装置不确定度的评定

    Evaluation of Uncertainty on 0.01 Class Standard Equipment of AC Digital Power Meter

  3. 提出了一种以C8051F高速片上系统单片机为核心的非正弦波功率表的设计。

    The paper presents the design of non-sinusoidal waveforms Watt-meter , which based on the system SCM of high-speed chip C8051F .

  4. 单相电动系功率表测量线路的分析与探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Measuring Circuit of Single-phase Electric Power System

  5. 阐述了驻波功率表在短波通信中的应用。

    The SWR wattmeter application in short-wave communication system is considered .

  6. 基于双重三斜原理的新型工频功率表的研究

    A Study on Power Frequency Wattmeter Based on Double Three Slope Principle

  7. 基于时分割乘法器的数字功率表的研制

    Development of a Digital Dynamometer Based on Time-Divided Multiplier

  8. 采样式功率表相角误差的补偿算法

    Compensated calculating method of angle error of sampling Wattmeter

  9. 数字功率表检定接线中应注意的问题

    Problems in Connection of Verification of AC Digital Powermeter

  10. 数字功率表设计与制作

    Design and Make of the Degital Power Instrument

  11. 微机采样式功率表中新技术的应用

    Application of new technology in microprocessor sampling wattmeter

  12. 一种新型电网数显功率表的电路设计

    Circuit Design of New Wattmeter with Digital Display

  13. 本文介绍了一种基于微机的软件化数字功率表的实现方法。

    The paper presents a practical method of digital wattmeter based on microcomputer and software .

  14. 8097在三相功率表中的应用

    The Application of 8097 to Power Meter

  15. 好的,电源组包括电动窗和电动锁,电功率表和电动天线。

    Ok , the power package inclues power windows and locks , power meters and power antenna .

  16. 数字式智能功率表

    Digital and Intelligent Dynamometer

  17. 电力企业功率表与电流表指示不准,将严重影响计量的准确性。

    The inaccurate indication of power meter and ampere meter will seriously influenced the metering accuracy of electric power enterprise .

  18. 笔者就同名端在变压器、功率表中的应用作了较详细分析。

    The author offers a detailed analysis of the application of the " Dotted Terminal " in voltage transformer and power meter .

  19. 通过对钳形功率表基本量程的实际测试和分析,结果表明论文设计的钳形功率表在电力参数测量中具有良好的准确性和很高的实用价值。

    The test results show that clamp power meter measurement system has good accuracy and high practical value in measuring electric parameter .

  20. 介绍电动系功率表自耗功率的自测方法,并以此来校正功率的测量结果。

    This article mainly introduces a self-measurement method of the internal consumptions of the electric dynamometer , through which we can correct the power survey results .

  21. 因此由此方法实现的功率表价格低,精度高,可准确测量较小的功率和功率因数。

    As a result , the power instrument mads is low cost and high accuracy , and may be used to measure lower power as well as power factor .

  22. 文中论述了显示仪表的发展以及数字式仪表的优点.给出了交直流电压表、电流表和交流功率表的设计数据和实例。

    This paper presented the development of display meter and the advantages of digital meter and gave the design dates of AC / DC voltmeter , AC / DC current meter and AC power meter .

  23. 常用的计量仪表如电流表、电压表、功率表、温度表、电阻测量、电容测量等检测的数量越来越多,检测周期越来越短,计量的工作量很大。

    Commonly used measuring instrument such as current meter , voltmeter , thermometer , resistance measurement , such as the number of capacitance measurement test is more and more , testing cycle shortens , measuring the high volume of work .

  24. 介绍一种宽频功率表的设计新方案,采用A/D&D/A乘法器,每周期分隔达2000个点,能同时给出瞬时功率曲线的图像。

    A new design scheme of wide band power meter is introduced , which adopts A / D & D / A multiplier to measure the electric power with non sinusoidal waveform . It acquires 2 000 points per period to represent the instantaneous power waveform .

  25. 考察了卧式双轴T型搅拌器在非牛顿流体中的搅拌功率与表观雷诺数(Re*)、弗劳德数(Fr)以及加料量的变化关系。

    The relation between the power consumption of the Non-Newtonian fluid for the T-shape agitator and the apparent Renold number , Frond number , Hold-up was investigated .

  26. 关于功率因数表误差基准值的探讨

    Discussion on the Fiducial Value of Error for Power Facter Meter

  27. 本文主要介绍数字钳形功率因数表的设计原理以及实际电路的设计。

    This paper presents design theory of digital clamp-shape power factors and applicable circuit .

  28. 数字钳形功率因数表的研制

    Research of digital clamp-shape power factor table

  29. 用钳形功率因数表判断三相三线电能表错误接线的方法

    A method for judgement error-wiring of three-phase and three-wire Watt-hour meter by using pincers power factor meter

  30. 数字式功率因数表

    Digital Power Factor Meter