
  • 网络Power Control;power controlled;TPC;Powercontrol
  1. H∞控制方法在核反应堆功率控制中的应用

    Application of H_ ∞ control method to nuclear reactor power control system

  2. adhoc网络功率控制协议的研究与改进

    Power Control Research and Double-channel Design of the Wireless Ad hoc Network

  3. 基于MATLAB的模糊PID径向柱塞变量泵恒功率控制的仿真

    Simulation on fuzzy-PID constant power control of the variable radial piston pump based on MATLAB

  4. 基于直接电流控制的PWM整流器功率控制

    Power control of PWM rectifier s using direct current control

  5. 基于直接功率控制的三相PWM整流器研究

    The Study of Three Phase PWM Rectifer Base on Direct Power Control

  6. 功率控制是CDMA蜂窝通信系统的关键技术。

    Power control is the key technology of CDMA cellular system .

  7. 功率控制、智能天线和干扰删除在CDMA系统中的应用

    Joint Power Control , Beamforming and Interference Cancelling in CDMA System

  8. 自动增益在CDMA系统功率控制中的应用

    Automatic gain control in the application in CDMA systematic power control

  9. 基于梳状导频的OFDM分组自适应比特装载与功率控制

    Grouped Adaptive Bit Loading and Power Control Based on Comb-pilots in OFDM

  10. 一种新的电压型PWM整流器直接功率控制策略

    A new direct power control strategy of three phase boost type PWM Rectifiers

  11. 对CDMA系统容量及功率控制的初步研究

    Preliminary Research of the Capacity and Power Control of CDMA Cellular System

  12. 一种改进的基于联合系数的CDMA功率控制算法

    An Improved Power Control Algorithm Based on Associated Coefficient in CDMA System

  13. 本论文研究的是MW级主动失速型风机的功率控制策略。

    The article studies the control strategy of active stall MW wind turbine .

  14. WCDMA系统功率控制策略中的内环SIR测量

    Measurement Method of Inner-loop SIR of Transmit Power Control Scheme in WCDMA

  15. CDMA移动通信系统中的联合功率控制与多用户检测

    Combined Power Control and Multiuser Detection in CDMA Systems

  16. 多媒体CDMA系统功率控制算法

    A New Power Control Algorithm for Multimedia CDMA Systems

  17. CDMA前向功率控制算法

    Forward link Powr Control Algorithm in CDMA Cellular System

  18. 一种基于发射功率控制的无线自组织网MAC协议

    Medium access control protocol based on transmission power control of wireless Ad hoc network

  19. 无线通信环境中信道信息(ChannelStateInformation,CSI)随时间变化明显,需要不断地更新自适应比特装载和功率控制的策略。

    In wireless communications , channel state information ( CSI ) is obviously time-varying and so the adaptive policy has to be updated continuously .

  20. WCDMA移动通信系统的一种改进的功率控制方法

    An Improved Power Control Method for WCDMA Cellular Mobile Systems

  21. 功率控制和多用户检测在WCDMA系统中的联合应用

    Unite Power Controlling and Multi-User Detection in a WCDMA System

  22. 提出了一种自适应RBF神经网络功率控制方案。

    An adaptive radial basis function neural network ( ARBFNN ) power control scheme is proposed .

  23. WCDMA系统功率控制算法的研究

    The Study of Power Control Algorithm in WCDMA System

  24. WCDMA软切换中的下行功率控制方案

    Downlink Power Control Schemes in Soft Handoff of WCDMA

  25. TD-SCDMA中外环功率控制的研究

    Study of The Outer Loop Power Control in TD-SCDMA

  26. WCDMA系统中的单小区线性功率控制

    Linear Power Control of Single Cell in WCDMA

  27. TD-SCDMA随机接入过程中的功率控制策略

    Power Control During the Random Access Procedure in the Third Generation Mobile Communication System TD-SCDMA

  28. 基于GoS的功率控制WCDMA系统呼叫准入控制算法

    GoS-Based Call Admission Control Algorithm for Power Controlled WCDMA Networks

  29. TD-SCDMA功率控制算法研究

    The Power Control Algorithm of TD-SCDMA

  30. 在蜂窝无线通信系统设计中,基于信号干扰比(SIR)测量的功率控制方法得到广泛的应用。

    In the design of cellular radio systems , power control methods based on signal-to-interference ratio ( SIR ) measurement have been used widely .