
ɡōnɡ lì
  • skill;effect;craftsmanship;efficacy
功力 [gōng lì]
  • (1) [merits;efficacy]∶功业;功劳

  • 功力未见于国者,则不可授以重禄。--《管子.立政》

  • (2) [force and skill,esp. in regard to training]∶在技艺或学术上的造诣;功夫和力量

  • 书法很有功力

  1. 《到灯塔去》(TotheLighthouse)是一部经典的意识流小说,它以完美与和谐的艺术形式充分展示了弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginiawoolf)非凡的艺术功力。

    Virginia Woolf 's To the Lighthouse is a classic fiction of stream of consciousness , which , in a perfect and harmonious form , manifests the writer 's unusual artistic skill .

  2. 作为最伟大的小说家之一,狄更斯作品中处处显示出他出色的语言功力。

    One of as greatest writers of fiction , in the Dickens work everywhere demonstrates his splendid language skill .

  3. 这幅画笔势苍老遒劲,显出画家功力深厚。

    The brushstrokes in this painting exhibit force and vigour characteristic of a master .

  4. 类似常线性动力系统,研究了因子分解(factorization)和级联分解(Cascadedecomposition),得到了一系列也适合常线性功力系统的更一般的结果;

    As far as ordinary system is concerned . We study its factorization and cascade decomposition and obtain a more general result that fits into ordinary systems ;

  5. 本文利用鞍点方程研究了具有功力学破缺和普通自发破缺的SU(2)L(?)

    The chiral SU ( 2 ) _L ■ SU ( 2 ) _ ■ σ model with both spontaneous and dynamical breaking is investigated in terms of the saddle point equation .

  6. 虽然细腰丰臀的美女和自信十足、脸型富贵饱满的男人不能说明其PPT的功力,但是美貌和自信都是极易获取的信息,这意味着在我们意识到自己形成某一观点之前,这些信息已经直接参与了观点的形成。

    Comely women and confident men might not exude PowerPoint skills in their waist-to-hip or facial width-to-height ratios , but comeliness and confidence are easy clues to pick up , which means they begin to inform our opinion of people before we 're even aware that we 're forming an opinion .

  7. 她的画有功力,但布局欠佳。

    Her drawing is competent , but her composition is poor .

  8. 她认为那作者的功力不怎样。

    She doesn 't think much of that writer 's ability .

  9. 现在,你能欣赏他们的匠心功力了。

    Now you will be better able to appreciate their mastery .

  10. 整幅画绘制工细,功力深厚,有院体风格。

    The picture has a style of the imperial-court decorative painting .

  11. 舞蹈形象鲜明、动作流畅、结构凝炼,于简洁中见功力。

    The dance had distinct characters , smooth movements and concise structure .

  12. 另外,天生的语言功力让他们还能扮演好作家和评论家的角色。

    These natural wordsmiths are also good writers and critics .

  13. 中国画笔墨功力中的审美文化

    The Aesthetic Culture under Brush Powers of Chinese Traditional Paintings

  14. 我让你们充分发挥自己的文学功力。

    When I said ," develop your literary skills " .

  15. 福特的导演功力早已得到证明。

    Ford 's authority as a director is well proven .

  16. 将无源性理论应用于异步电机的速度控制上,在能量的角度分析异步电机系统,从中分离出不必抵消的无功力,使控制器得到简化。

    The passivity theory is applied to the speed control of induction motor .

  17. 城市功能是城市系统内在的重要组成要素,是城市系统的功力所在。

    Urban function is an important component and motivity of the urban system .

  18. 关于全国武术功力大赛器械的科学化设置研究

    On the Scientific Arrangement of the Competition Instruments in the National Wushu Kongfu Competition

  19. 这就是你的所有功力?

    Oh ! Is that all you got ?

  20. 根据人体指纹谱提出了判断功力大小的客观判据。

    The objective criterion of Qigong func-tion is suggested based on somatic fingerprint spectrum .

  21. 波特曼小姐摆造型的功力比演戏要强得多。

    Miss Portman poses better than she acts .

  22. 波特曼小姐摆造型的功力比演戏强很多。

    Ms Portman poses better than she acts .

  23. 考虑了基础与地基、上部结构及海水流体间的功力相互作用。

    The interactions of foundation with base , super structure and the fluid are considered .

  24. 蒂姆•库克功力还是不够。

    Just one name : Tim Cook .

  25. 这小说引人入胜的故事足见这位作者的想像功力。

    The page-turning story of the novel is a tribute to the writer 's imagination .

  26. 谁通下水道或者吸收核废料的功力能比这些非凡的机器要好?

    Who better to unclog sewers or suck up nuclear waste than these remarkable machines ?

  27. 张宝胜推说是现场气氛不好,影响功力发挥。

    Zheng Baosheng complained that the atmosphere there was not suitable for him to perform properly .

  28. 笔法轻松明快,造型准确精炼,充分显示出作者深厚的功力;

    The lucid and lively brushwork and the accurate modeling fully reveal the artist 's dexterity .

  29. 散打运动引入传统武术功力训练的可行性研究

    Feasibility Study on Introduction of Traditional Martial Arts Force and Skill Training into Free Fighting Sport

  30. 指出了我国散手运动员在抗击打功力方面存在的不足。

    Studing Mechanism and Method of Training for Improving the Strike-resistance of SanShou Player and Its Countermeasure ;