
  • 网络utilitarian principle;the principle of utility;utility principle
  1. 功利主义哲学家西季威克关于功利原则的三大难题越来越多地引起人们的关注和讨论。

    Sidgwick 's theory about three problems of utilitarian principle attracts more and more attention and discussion .

  2. 理想要素主要包括社会财富最大化的功利原则、庞德总结的法律假设以及社会共同的文化、方向和目标。

    Ideal element includes the utilitarian principle of maximization of social wealth , legal postulates and social shared culture , directions and purposes .

  3. 黑尔的偏好功利主义包含实质性的功利原则和形式化的可普遍化原则两方面内容。

    Hare'preference-utilitarianism contains the substantial principle of utility and the formal principle of universalizability .

  4. 科技道德的功利原则

    Utilitarian Principles of Sci - tech Morals

  5. 作为功利主义者边沁的盟友,詹姆斯·密尔以功利原则教育其子。

    As the disciple of Bentham , his father James Mill educated little Mill with the Utilitarian doctrine .

  6. 这种良序社会所具有的稳定性是功利原则所规整的社会所不及的。

    A well-ordered society has a kind of stability that the society governed by the principle of utilitarianism cannot touch .

  7. 文章从苦乐原理、效果论、功利原则三个方面论述了他的功利主义思想的主要内容。

    The article describes the main content of utilitarianism from the pain-joy principle , the effect principle , the utility principle .

  8. 本文确立的信息伦理原则包括公正原则、无害原则、功利原则、尊重原则和发展原则。

    The information ethnic principle that this essay confirms includes principle of fairness , harmlessness , utility , respect and development .

  9. 他的功利原则极力主张最大多数人的最大幸福原则,这是他的功利主义思想的核心。

    His utility principle urges the principle on the greatest happiness of the majority , which is the core of his utilitarianism .

  10. 功利主义者认为公共政策应当坚持功利原则,也就是最大多数人幸福原则;

    Utilitarianism declares that the public policy must stick to the utility principle , one of the happiness for the overwhelming majority of the people ;

  11. 迁徙立法应优先遵循自由的价值原则,其次是平等的价值原则,最后才是社会功利原则;

    The particular legislation for migration should follow the value principles of freedom first , and then the value principle of equality and last the principle of social utility .

  12. 而功利主义的自由主义介于两者之间,它抛弃了洛克自由主义的自然法则理论,将功利原则视为道德与立法的根本原则。

    Between the two was utilitarian liberalism which gave up the theory of natural law of Locke 's liberalism and took utilitarian principle as the basic principle of moral and legislation .

  13. 对于营销伦理的是非问题在理论上如何判定,国外提出了三大原则:功利原则、权力原则和公正原则。

    Oversea scholars propose three cardinal principles of the problem of right and wrong in the ethics of marketing , that is , the utility principle , authority principle and equity principle .

  14. 但是,密尔在具体的论证过程中并没有保持逻辑的一致性,其伤害原则与功利原则的冲突贯穿于他的自由理论的始终。

    But Mill failed to remain in its logical consistency . And the conflict between " harm principle " and " utility principle " runs through from beginning to end of his theory of freedom .

  15. 从传统意义上来讲,上述价值冲突的消解主要是采用利益平衡原则、功利原则、法的价值位阶原则以及经济分析原则。

    From the traditional sense , the resolutions of conflict of value are principle of the balance of interests , the utilitarian principle , the value of law - and-order principles of economic analysis principles .

  16. 主要从功利原则、功利主义的证明、伦理观三个角度展开论述,试图在功利主义的发展历程中找到其思想的推进线索。

    The discussion is about the utilitarian principle , proof of utilitarianism and ethics view . From these aspects , we could get the clue of the development which is made by Sidgwick in utilitarian tradition .

  17. 不能以个人的活动原则为出发点去解释社会生活,离开普遍立法的原则,个人活动的功利原则、幸福原则或需要原则就只是抽象的东西。

    Individual activities can not be the staring point to explain the principles of social life , from the principle of " universal legislation ", the utilitarian principle of individual activities , happiness principle or the principle of need to just abstract things .

  18. 生存原则、自我优先原则、德行原则、功利原则、公平原则,也都有其在不同情境下,基于善良动机的可参照性。

    The principle of survival , the principle of self before others , the principle of virtue , the principle of utilitarianism , the principle of fairness are all what we , based on the motivation of kindness , can refer to in different situations .

  19. 弱势群体伦理关怀的理论支点有两个,一是道义论原则,一是功利论原则。

    There are two theory fulcrums of ethics concern to vulnerable groups , one is the principle of morality , and the other is the principle of utility .

  20. 要使“报应限制功利”原则在配刑过程中贯彻始终,关键在于坚持“点刑罚”理论。

    To carry out the principle through the process in the distribution of punishment , it is of great importance to adhere to the " point punishment " theory .

  21. 人们的需要和利益问题是整个人类道德的基础,道德原则及其规范的本质是要妥善地处理人际之间的利益关系。因此,社会功利性原则是人们进行道德判断的基本原则。

    Abstract The principle of social utility is the basic principle for moral judgment , for the essence of moral principle and its standard is the harmoniously established relation of people 's interests .

  22. 马克思的实现人类正义的解放政治,与功利主义的功利最大化原则和自由主义的抽象自由平等原则,在思维方式、解释原则和价值取向有着根本的差别。

    Marx thinks of carry out liberation politics of Ideological justice in human being in the mode of thinking , explanation principle and value the mindset has basic difference with maximize the abstraction freely equal principle of principle and liberalism with the utility of utilitarianism .

  23. 经济价值的功利特点和效用原则

    On the Utilitarian Features and Utility Principle of Economic Value

  24. 在他看来,功利就是指人的倾向、欲求、利益或偏好的满足和实现,而功利原则意指的是,那些能使偏好满足最大化的事物和行为就是善的或应当的。

    In his view utility means satisfaction of people 's inclinations , desires , interests or preferences , and the principle of utility means that those things and actions maximizing the satisfaction of preference are good or right .