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  • functional testing
  1. 那么,是不是所有Web开发人员都必须执行功能测试呢?

    So , should functional testing be mandatory for all Web developers ?

  2. Cμ6800微处理机功能测试程序的研制

    Development of a Functional Testing Program for C μ 6800 Microprocessor

  3. 数字信号处理器IP核功能测试及故障测试数据压缩方法

    Functional Test and Fault Test Data Compression on Digital Signal Processor IP Core

  4. 本文通过扩展UML活动图来为Web应用功能测试的场景建模。

    We extend the UML activity diagram to model the WA functional testing scenario .

  5. 如果没有功能测试,Web开发就像猜谜游戏一样,容易出现错误的部署和重构。

    Without functional testing , Web development becomes a guessing game that can be filled with frantic , error-prone deployments and refactoring .

  6. 使用Bashshell脚本进行功能测试的优点在于

    The advantages of using Bash shell scripts for function testing are

  7. 一款SoC的功能测试系统的设计

    Design of a Function Test System of a SoC Product

  8. IDS评测方法及功能测试研究

    Research of IDS Testing Method and IDS Function Testing

  9. 集成了网页功能测试,GUI控件测试,回归测试以及压力测试等。

    Integration web function test , GUI control test , regression testing and stress testing .

  10. 创建Bashshell脚本进行功能测试

    Creating Bash shell scripts for function testing

  11. 功能测试的示例包括测试成功的Web请求、正确的页面重定向、正确的身份验证以及对特定动作的正确响应。

    Examples of functional tests include testing for a successful Web request , redirection to the correct page , proper authentication , and the correct responses for specific actions .

  12. 此外,我们为GUI测试使用Robot的经验也为阿我们对其他的功能测试脚本进行了准备。

    Furthermore , our experience using Robot for GUI tests prepared us for other function test scripts that would be required .

  13. 在AMI后约4个月对两组患者再次进行运动心肺功能测试。

    Cardiopulmonary exercise test was undergone again for all the patients about 4 months after AMI onset .

  14. 最后,对该VPN网关进行了测试,包括功能测试和应用模式测试。

    Finally , tests on the VPN gateways are performed , including function test and mode test .

  15. MCS-51系列单片机功能测试方法研究

    Single - chip microcomputers functional test methods for mcs - 51 series

  16. 在介绍了传统测试系统的基础上,描述了一种基于USB总线的FPGA主控多功能测试系统。

    Based on introduction of traditional Measurement System , a multi-function measurement system controlled by FPGA based on USB bus was described .

  17. 许多并行bug只有在系统测试、功能测试时才能被发现或由用户发现。

    Many concurrent bugs are found only at system test , functional test , or by the user .

  18. Twist提供了一个用户界面,为手动及自动功能测试创建可复用的自动化测试脚本。

    Twist offers an user interface to create reusable test automation scripts for both manual and functional automated tests .

  19. 第三章主要讨论了软硬件系统的建立,包括硬件系统、开发环境建立、μC/OS-Ⅱ操作系统移植、系统功能测试四个部分。

    Chapter Three : Mainly discusses how to set up hardware and software of the system , including hardware system , development environment , porting μ C / OS-II and system test .

  20. 最后,利用MPEG测试序列对程序及主要模块进行了功能测试。

    Last , we have a test on the algorithm and its PC application with MPEG-2 sequenses .

  21. 为了确保我们测试了所有的需求,我们在设计和组织我们的功能测试时使用RationalRobot和RationalTestManager。

    To ensure we . d test all requirements thoroughly , we used Rational Robot and Rational TestManager in designing and organizing our function tests .

  22. 您可以启动SeleniumRC,它在多个浏览器上充当测试的代理,然后运行功能测试。

    You can launch Selenium RC , which acts as a proxy for testing , on multiple browsers , and then run your functional test .

  23. SEA平台上有交换机、基站、媒体网关、移动电话等等组件,测试者能够采用这些组件进行功能测试。

    All kinds of components running on SEA include mobile switch center , base station , media gateway , mobile telephone , and so on . Tester can use these components to do function test .

  24. 微处理器ALU功能测试的新方法

    A new method for functional testing of microprocessor ALU

  25. 在本文中,我讲解了3个功能测试工具:Windmill、Selenium和twill。

    In this article , I explore three functional testing tools : Windmill , Selenium , and twill .

  26. 在ARM平台上对其进行了功能测试,测试结果表明驱动程序能驱动多类设备,具有良好的稳定性。

    The performance of the driver is analyzed , and the test results on ARM show that the presented driver can drive several USB device class , and it is stability .

  27. 这种细胞表达ES细胞和成体干细胞标志基因,体外诱导可分化为包括三个胚层的细胞,且通过了功能测试。

    HAFS cells that express embryonic and adult stem cell markers can differentiate into cell types of three embryonic germ layer and display specialized functions .

  28. 结论根据AMI患者出院前运动心肺功能测试的结果制定适合患者个人的运动处方,使中低危心肌梗死患者安全地进行家庭运动训练,可以有效地提高患者的运动心肺功能。

    Conclusion Individual exercise prescription and training for the patients with AMI based on the cardiopulmonary exercise test before discharge can improve their exercise cardiopulmonary function effectively .

  29. 如果现有的功能测试场景涵盖了基本的REST函数,那么很容易扩展和更新它,从而测试托管在云基础架构上的REST服务的性能。

    If you have an existing functional test scenario that covers basic REST functions , it 's easy to extend and update it to test the performance of REST services that are hosted on cloud infrastructure .

  30. 研究了基于光纤通道的LVDS视频数据传输系统接收端的功能测试方法和验证方法。

    Fiber Channel based on the LVDS video data transmission system receiver function method and authentication method .