
  • 网络Power amplifier tube
  1. 基于热阻的功放管散热问题

    Question of Dispel Heat for Power Amplifier Tube Based on Thermal Resistance

  2. 射频部分主要功能通过集成芯片完成:直接正交混频器实现基带到射频的搬移,放大器提高信号幅度,功放管完成信号的功率放大。

    The main functions of the RF part are completed with integrated chip , the frequencies moved from baseband to RF is completed by direct quadrature , the amplifier increases signal amplitude , the power of signal is amplified by power amplifier tube .

  3. 通过实例介绍了脉冲电源(功放管为三极管者)用VMOS管进行改造的方法及注意事项,简要说明了相关元器件之间参数配合的重要性。

    This paper introduces a rebuild method of Pulse Power Source ( with triode power amplifier ) with VMOS notice through examples , and brief illustrates the importance of parameter cooperation between the relevant components .

  4. 全固态电视发射机末级场效应功放管的更换

    Replacement of Final Power FETs in All-Solid State TV Transmitter

  5. 场效应功放管在全固态发射机的射频功放中应用得越来越广泛。

    The power FETs are more and more widely used in radio-frequency power amplification in all-solid state transmitter .

  6. 本文作者通过自己在工作中的摸索和积累,总结出了一套更换末级场效应功放管的方法和操作步骤,以供同行参考。

    Based on his work experience , the author puts forward a method and operation procedure for replacing final power FETs for the colleagues'reference .

  7. 由于末级场效应功放管价格昂贵,当管子损坏需要更换时,对防静电的要求很高,一旦操作不当就会损坏管子,造成损失。

    As final power FETs are very expensive , the antistatic requirement is quite high in replacing damaged FETs . A misoperation would destroy FETs and cause loss .