
  • 网络functional currency
  1. 同时本文还就功能货币理论与合并报表理论、历史成本原则、会计假设、记帐货币理论等方面的冲突和融合的问题进行了探索,提出了我们在研究中的一些见解。

    This paper also explores the conflicts and syncretism of the theory of Functional Currency with the theory of consolidated financial statements , historical cost principle , accounting postulate and book recording currency . Many opinions are new and first brought forward .

  2. 洪泽湖湿地生态系统服务功能货币化评价

    Study on functions of wetland ecosystem assessment in Hongze lake

  3. 林业多功能货币价值测度研究&以贵州省丹寨县为例

    Measurement on Monetary Value of Forestry Multifunction

  4. 功能性货币和境外子公司财务报表的合并研究

    Study on Functional Currency & Consolidation of Foreign Subsidiaries MONEY HISTORICAL

  5. 是一种不需要媒介也能实现其功能的货币。

    It 's money designed to work in a world without intermediaries .

  6. 最常用的交换媒质;发挥法定货币功能的货币。

    The most common medium of exchange ; functions as legal tender .

  7. 最初行使交换媒介功能的货币,从少量使用发展为大量流通,其作用也逐步加强。

    As the medium of exchange , the quantity of currency is from a small amount into large numbers in circulation , and its function has gradually strengthened .

  8. 每日营业终了,生成原币和各货币汇总折经营所在地功能性货币的会计报表。

    At the close of every business day , the bank should prepare accounting statements in the original currency and in the local functional currency converted by all currencies .

  9. 所得出的研究结论如下:(1)对于功能性货币观点的实证结果与研究假说所预期的方向相一致,其结果均具有统计分析上的显著性。

    The induced study conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) For the similar direction expected by demonstration results and study hypothesis on " Function Currency Perspective ", the results have apparent statistics analysis .

  10. 从理论意义上来讲,本论文建立的一套分析框架可以为全面认识商业银行的中介功能、货币政策功能提供微观理论基础。

    As far as the theoretical sense is concerned , the whole framework of the paper provides the full understanding of the intermediary function and the currency policy function of the commercial bank with the micro-theory basis .

  11. 要使人类更直观地认识和了解森林生态系统的重要性,提高人们保护森林资源的意识,只有将森林生态系统的服务功能用货币的形式表现出来。

    To make the direct-viewing understanding , understand the importance of forest ecosystem , and enhance the consciousness to protect the forest resources , we should only make the forest ecosystem 's service function in the form shown in the currency .

  12. 必须使用DefineAccounts功能,通过货币转换码E、F或G定义一些账户,这些账户需要根据历史汇率登记器转换为历史价值。

    You must define accounts , which you want to convert into historical values according to the register of historical rates , with currency conversion codes E , F or G using the Define Accounts function .

  13. 摘要货币市场的主要功能之一是货币政策功能。

    One of basic functions of money market is monetary policy function .

  14. 即人民币成为可兑换、多功能的国际货币,但人民币在国际储备货币中占有较大比例。

    Namely RMB becomes convertible and multifunctional international currency , and accounts for a relatively large proportion in international monetary system .

  15. 使用“定义报表货币”页可以为货币换算功能定义报表货币,该功能涵盖“选择换算类型”页中指定的多对多或一对多换算类型。

    Use the define reporting currencies page to define the reporting currencies for currency conversion functionality that covers the many-to-many or one-to-many conversion type specified on the select conversion type page .

  16. 对宁波天童森林生态系统服务功能价值、货币量及价值补偿量的进行评估。

    The results were as follow : ( 1 ) The paper evaluated the amount of valuation , currency and compensation fee of the Tiantong forest ecosystem service functions in Ningbo .

  17. 通过相关分析验证了游客感知价值包括文化认知价值、情感价值、社会价值、服务价值、功能价值、货币成本和非货币成本7个维度。

    It verifies that tourists ' perceived values have seven dimension , they are cultural epistemic value , emotional value , social value , service value , functional value , monetary cost and non-monetary cost respectively .

  18. 它在很大程度上保留了货币联盟的好处:两个有效的货币总好过一个功能失调的货币(要不这么说:我们太喜欢欧元了,我们鼓捣出两个欧元吧!)。

    The benefits of Monetary Union would be to a large extent preserved : better two effective groups than one dysfunctional currency . ( or : we liked it so much , we had two of them ! )

  19. 根据不同的标准,将电子货币划分为不同的种类,其中最常见的分类方式为,根据业务功能,电子货币可分为信用卡类、储值卡型、存款汇兑型和现金模拟型电子货币。

    According to different standards , electronic money is divided into different types , the most common classification is , according to business functions , electronic money can be divided into Credit Card type , stored value cards type , Exchange-type deposits and simulation model Cash .

  20. 多重和安全支付功能,关于电子货币现金可以在使用中在多个用户中流通的问题。

    Mult-payment and security of this electronic cash .

  21. 货币有很多功能,因此给货币下的任何定义都必须考虑到它的全部功能。

    Money serves a number of functions , and definition of money must consider all of its functions .

  22. 我国证券市场主要是一个筹资场所,功能不全,货币政策传导作用有限;

    The security market in China is mainly a place for raising fund and plays a limited role in monetary transmission .

  23. 影子银行体系的信用中介功能对传统的货币供给量模型起到修正作用,经修正的货币供给量模型表明影子银行体系的存在直接增加了货币供给量,在一定程度上影响了货币政策的效果。

    Credit intermediary function of shadow banking system has a correcting effect on the traditional money supply model , increasing the money supply and to a certain extent , affecting the effect of monetary policy .

  24. 在新的国际货币体系改革背景下,黄金的货币功能逐渐回归,黄金的保值功能和货币职能已经引起了各国的重视,但是金本位回归的可能性仍微乎其微。

    In the new context of the international monetary system reform , the monetary functions of the gold gradually return . Though preservation and monetary functions of the gold have attracted national attention , the gold standard is unlikely to return .

  25. 生态系统服务功能的研究是价值评估的基础,价值评估是将生态系统服务功能进行货币化的评价过程。

    The research on the ecological systematic service function is the basis of value evaluation .