
  • 网络managed exchange rate
  1. 管理汇率风险的前提是测度汇率风险,目前,国际流行的风险测度工具是VaR(ValueAtRisk)模型。

    Currently , the most popular risk measure tool in the world is VaR ( Value at Risk ) model .

  2. 行为均衡汇率模型(BEER)从统计学意义上确定均衡汇率与基本经济因素之间的协整关系,可作为管理汇率和确认汇率失调的基础。

    The behavioral equilibrium exchange rate ( BEER ) model can make the relationship between the equilibrium exchange rate and the fundamental economical factors .

  3. 但还是有一些国家管理汇率的能力受到了严重限制。

    But there are countries whose abilities to manage their currencies are nonetheless severely constrained .

  4. 在此基础上,本文分析了跨国公司管理汇率风险的运营性对冲战略,并用数个指标将这些战略量化,通过这些指标对汇率风险的影响,分析了运营性对冲的绩效。

    The paper also presents analysis of the operational hedging strategies and measures the hedging effect through some indexes .

  5. 但是,没有理由认为,对管理汇率偏爱就应意味着现状将维持下去。

    However , there is no reason why a preference for managing exchange rates should imply the status quo remains .

  6. 金融工程应用在管理汇率风险方面是这一学科的主要战场。

    The application of financial engineering is the main field of this study on the aspect of managing exchange rate risk .

  7. 而这又加大了决策者管理汇率的难度。目前澳元在1.03美元左右。

    That in turn has made managing the currency , which is trading around US $ 1.03 , tricky for policy makers .

  8. 论文进一步论述了金融工程工具管理汇率风险的效率可以用套期保值率来衡量。

    It further disserts that the efficiency of exchange rate risk managed by financial engineering implement can be measured by hedge rate .

  9. 但是,尽管管理汇率是赋予本国出口商某种优势的捷径,但从全球视野看,这是自我挫败之举。

    But although managing exchange rates is an easy way of giving domestic exporters an edge , it is self-defeating from a global perspective .

  10. 在当前环境下,研究中小企业应如何管理汇率风险具有重要的现实意义。

    Under current circumstances , it is of eminent importance to study and give suggestions on how these businesses cope with risks from exchange rates .

  11. 中国央行围绕汇率中间价管理汇率,每日允许有0.5%的上下波动幅度。

    The central bank manages the currency around its central parity rate , allowing it to fluctuate by 0.5 per cent on any one day .

  12. 希望本研究可以为金融机构、监管部门管理汇率风险提供决策依据和理论参考。

    It is hoped that the research of this paper can provide decision-making basis and theoretical reference for financial institutions , exchange rate risk management institutions .

  13. 当前,外汇干预已成为世界各国管理汇率的一个重要工具,受到政策制定者和经济学家的广泛关注。

    Up to now , foreign exchange intervention has become an important tool to manage exchange rate , and been focused widely by policy makers and economists .

  14. 同时,在灵活的汇率和利率机制的形成中,也要给企业更多的管理汇率和利率风险的金融工具;

    While , in flexible of exchange rate and interest rate mechanism of formation in the , also to to enterprise more of management exchange rate and interest rate risk of financial tools ;

  15. 上海的外汇交易员表示近期人民币汇率走强掩盖了中国央行是如何活跃地管理汇率的。

    Currency traders in Shanghai , where the yuan trades , say recent strength has masked how much more active the People 's Bank of China has become in managing the exchange rate .

  16. 然后阐述了在我国研究利用金融工程工具管理汇率风险的现实意义,并讨论了几种基本类别的金融工程工具在汇率风险管理中的适用条件、作用机理和成本构成;

    Then it sets forth the practical meaning of the research subject , and elaborates the conditions , mechanisms and cost constitution of the 4 basic instru-ments when adopted in exchange rate risk management .

  17. 利用金融衍生工具管理汇率风险,现在一般就称为套期保值,虽然套期保值在狭义上只指对冲交易,而在广义上是金融风险管理的同义词。

    Managing exchange rate risks with derivatives is now often labeled hedging , though in a narrower sense hedging only refers to a round-trip of derivative transaction and in a broader sense , the synonym of financial risk management .

  18. 人民币有管理浮动汇率制度在1999年IMF对各国汇率制度重新评估时被界定为严格盯住汇率制度。

    In 1999 IMF reassessed all countries ' exchange rate regime and the renminbi was defined as pegged exchange rate system .

  19. G20是一个广泛的集团,内部有好几个国家(比如中国)实行有管理的汇率制。对G20而言,提及汇率目标制度标志着迈出新的一步。

    Its reference to exchange rate targeting is a new step for the broad G20 group in which several countries , such as China , have managed exchange rates .

  20. 管理浮动汇率制下的动态干预边界&基于我国1994~2005年数据的测算

    On the Alterable Intervening Verge in the Managed Floating Exchange Rate Regime

  21. 不过,有管理的汇率体制更需要政策的相互依赖。

    But with managed exchange rates comes closer policy interdependence .

  22. 那么,您是说由这些协定来管理国际汇率吗?

    Oh , so you mean these agreements regulate international exchange rates ?

  23. 论管理浮动汇率制下的东亚货币合作

    East-Asian Monetary Cooperation under the Managed Floating Exchange Rate Regime

  24. 管理浮动汇率制度下货币政策目标模型及应用

    Monetary Policy Targets Model under Managed Floating Exchange Rate Regime and Its Application

  25. 第二章分析了实行管理浮动汇率制的原因。

    Chapter 2 investigates the reasons of a country adopt managed float regime .

  26. 管理全球汇率的法律也少之又少。

    There are few laws governing global exchange rates .

  27. 货币错配、外汇储备管理与汇率制度选择

    Analysis of Currency Mismatch , Foreign Exchange Reserve Management and Exchange Rate System Selection

  28. 在管理浮动汇率制度下,汇率波动一直相当剧烈。

    Under the managed floating exchange rate regime , exchange rates always fluctuate acutely .

  29. 管理浮动汇率制度下人民币汇率决定模型研究

    Study on the modeling of RMB exchange rates determination under the managed floating rate system

  30. 高储蓄国家的主权财富基金一般通过央行借入居民盈余,而这些国家一般实行有管理的汇率制度。

    High-savings-country SWFs borrow surpluses from residents , usually via central banks with managed currencies .