
  • 网络managed floating;Managed Float
  1. 管理浮动汇率制下的动态干预边界&基于我国1994~2005年数据的测算

    On the Alterable Intervening Verge in the Managed Floating Exchange Rate Regime

  2. 论管理浮动汇率制下的东亚货币合作

    East-Asian Monetary Cooperation under the Managed Floating Exchange Rate Regime

  3. 人民币有管理浮动汇率制度在1999年IMF对各国汇率制度重新评估时被界定为严格盯住汇率制度。

    In 1999 IMF reassessed all countries ' exchange rate regime and the renminbi was defined as pegged exchange rate system .

  4. FlexNetLicenseServer提供了一个名为LMTOOLS的图形化用户界面,以管理浮动许可证。

    FlexNet License Server provides a graphical user interface program called LMTOOLS to manage the floating licenses .

  5. 多元化仍将是国际汇率体系的重要特征,管理浮动受到了越来越多发展中国家的青睐。

    Exchange arrangement diversification is still dominant characteristic of international exchange system .

  6. 管理浮动汇率制度下货币政策目标模型及应用

    Monetary Policy Targets Model under Managed Floating Exchange Rate Regime and Its Application

  7. 第二章分析了实行管理浮动汇率制的原因。

    Chapter 2 investigates the reasons of a country adopt managed float regime .

  8. 在管理浮动汇率制度下,汇率波动一直相当剧烈。

    Under the managed floating exchange rate regime , exchange rates always fluctuate acutely .

  9. 管理浮动汇率制度下人民币汇率决定模型研究

    Study on the modeling of RMB exchange rates determination under the managed floating rate system

  10. 对我国参考一篮子货币管理浮动汇率机制的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Chinese Managed Floating Exchange Rate Mechanism Reference to a Basket of Currencies

  11. 人民币汇率制度改革取向&管理浮动汇率制度

    Reform Orientation of the Exchange Rate System of RMB & Management Floating Exchange Rate Regime

  12. 管理浮动下企业外汇风险的识别,测量和控制

    The Identification , Measure and Control of the Foreign Exchange Risk of Enterprise in the Managed Floating

  13. 人民币管理浮动后的东亚汇率协调

    Exchange Rate Coordination in East Asia in the aftermath of China 's Shift to Managed Floating Regime

  14. 管理浮动汇率制的一个重要特征是外汇市场压力及外汇市场干预的存在。

    An important feature of managed float regime is that there are exchange market pressure and market intervention .

  15. 第一节对2005年7月到2008年8月之间官方宣布实行管理浮动汇率制进行评价。

    The first part provides a evaluation of operation of Renminbi managed float regime from May 2005 to January 2008 .

  16. 而在管理浮动汇率区间,货币政策与汇率管理机制没有产生明显的冲突。

    But there is not apparent conflict between implementation of monetary policy and exchange rate regime during managed floating part .

  17. 因此,人民币在“法律”上的“有管理浮动”,在事实上收敛于严格盯住。

    Therefore , renminbi actually is pegged exchange rate regime although it is a managed floating in the " law " .

  18. 从政策选择角度看,有市场进入限制的管理浮动汇率制度不是一个纳什均衡结果。

    Strategic behavior of policy selection shows that the managed floating exchange rate regime with market entering restriction could not become a Nash equilibrium .

  19. 2005年7月,人民币汇率形成机制改革方案出台,人民币在从固定汇率制向管理浮动汇率制的转变中迈出了重要一步。

    The exchange rate regime of Renminbi was shifted finally in July 2005 , and a managed flexible exchange rate regime substituted the old fixed one .

  20. 然后利用汇率决定的弹性价格模型比较汇率合作较单边管理浮动汇率制度更具汇率稳定性;

    Secondly utilizes the elastic price model of exchange rate determined prove that Exchange Rate Cooperation have more stability than the unilateral managed floating exchange rate regime ;

  21. 但是,1995年末至今人民币对美元汇率位于8.33-8.28元/美元的窄幅区域,人民币管理浮动汇率已成为事实上的单一钉住美元的固定汇率制。

    But from the end of 1995 to now , China 's exchange rate regime has been a actual fixed exchange rate regime unitary peg to the dollar .

  22. 上述条件中国尚不能满足,并由此构成了由固定钉住美元到管理浮动的人民币汇率制度改革的硬性约束。

    As far as China is concerned , the conditions are still not satisfied , which in turn constitutes a restraint to the reform to its exchange rate arrangements .

  23. 第二章,对现行人民币汇率总结评价,特别分析了当前我国所实行的有管理浮动汇率制度的缺陷及由此所引发的较严重的负面效果;

    The second chapter summarizes and evaluates the RMB exchange rate , especially analyzing the deficiencies of managed floating exchange rate regime at present which leads into many negative effects ;

  24. 基于美元霸权和浮动汇率制之现状,人民币汇率制度的改革思路应该是尽早放弃钉住美元,回归真正的管理浮动制。

    As a reaction to dollar hegemony and floating exchange rate system , the appropriate reform of RMB exchange rate is to abandon the dollar pegging system early and adopt the real managed floating exchange rate system .

  25. 但直到目前,利率的管制以及名义上的管理浮动而实际上管理有余而浮动不足的刚性汇率制度使我国的货币政策传导机制存在着特殊性;

    But until now , the managed-floating exchange rate mechanism ( in fact , more management than floating ) , together with interest rate control in China , has made monetary transmission mechanism different from that in other countries .

  26. 改革的出路是在维持资本项目监管的前提下,开放外汇市场,借助市场化的作用来实现人民币汇率的有管理浮动。

    For that reason , to ensure the success of the reform , we should deregulate the foreign exchange market , and realize the managed floating of RMB exchange rate with the help of the market mechanism , while maintaining the proper control of capital items .

  27. 这个过程中,为了有效抵御国际投机资本冲击,中国应采用由公开宣布的管理浮动汇率制度、着眼于汇率稳定的频繁外汇市场干预、规模较大的外汇储备组合而成的三位一体政策组合;

    In the gradual process of the reform of RMB exchange rate , a series of policies , including the managed floating system claimed publicly , frequent intervention in foreign exchange market , relatively high level international reserves , should be taken to resist international speculative capital ;

  28. 人民币汇率制度变化的历程也经历了官方汇率官方汇率与市场汇率并行单一的、有管理的浮动汇率三个阶段。

    Similarly , the reform of exchange rate experienced three stages .

  29. 有管理的浮动汇率将成主导

    The Main Trend to Implement the Managed Floating Rate System

  30. 人民币汇率制度改革:回归有管理的浮动

    The Reform of RMB Exchange Rate System : Return to Managed Floating