
  • 网络Alibaba Cloud Computing
  1. 阿里巴巴在2009年成立了子公司阿里云(AlibabaCloudComputing),负责处理关联企业的数据需求。

    The company founded Alibaba Cloud Computing in 2009 to manage the data needs of its related companies .

  2. 阿里巴巴则回应称,阿里云OS由自己的技术人员用了三年时间开发而成。

    Alibaba responded that its engineers spent three years developing the operating system .

  3. 但基于阿里云OS的宏碁手机并未上市。

    Acer 's phone was never released .

  4. 两年多以前,谷歌曾指责阿里云OS使用了安卓源代码。

    More than two years ago Google protested that YunOS , also known as Aliyun , was ripping off Android 's source code .

  5. 尽管微软(MicrosoftCorp.)的WindowsPhone操作系统是最显而易见的可能替代者,阿里云等其他不那么为人所知的平台也开始吸引比以往更多的关注。

    While Microsoft Corp. 's Windows Phone is the most obvious candidate , other lesser-known platforms such as Aliyun are also drawing more attention than ever .

  6. 魅族手机目前使用免费的谷歌安卓操作系统。阿里巴巴表示,它的阿里云OS移动操作系统将集成到魅族手机中。

    Alibaba said its mobile operating system , YunOS , will be integrated into Meizu 's phones that now run on Google 's free Android operating system .

  7. 有几家很小的中国手机厂商使用阿里云OS,但该系统在国内基本处于默默无闻状态——中国80%的智能手机都使用安卓系统。推广自己的操作系统是阿里巴巴对亚马逊KindleFire业务的借鉴。

    A handful of tiny Chinese smartphone makers use YunOS , but the system is basically unknown in China where 80 % of smartphones run on Android .

  8. 当时宏碁(Acer)宣布将推出基于阿里云OS的手机,谷歌随即表示强烈抗议,理由是宏碁已经同意不采用非兼容的安卓版本。

    When Acer announced a phone based on the operating system , after Acer had agreed not to ship non-compatible Android versions , Google cried foul .

  9. 当时宏碁(Acer)宣布将推出基于阿里云OS的手机,谷歌随即表示强烈抗议,理由是宏碁已经同意不采用“非兼容”的安卓版本。

    When Acer announced a phone based on the operating system , after Acer had agreed not to ship " non-compatible " Android versions , Google cried foul .

  10. 中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司(AlibabaGroupHoldingLtd.)的阿里云移动操作系统没有取得什么进展,但现在,阿里巴巴将目光对准电视市场,推出自己的智能电视软件。

    Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. hasn 't made much headway with its Aliyun mobile operating system , but it 's now setting its sights on the TV market with its own smart TV software .

  11. 在苹果的iOS和谷歌的安卓操作系统中,应用程序是安装在手机上的。与此不同的是,阿里云运行的是存储在远程服务器上的基于网络的应用程序。

    Unlike Apple 's iOS or Google 's Android , on which apps are installed on the device , Aliyun runs Web-based apps that are stored on remote servers .

  12. 阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)总参谋长曾鸣在接受《华尔街日报》采访时说,移动设备生产商对去年推出的“阿里云”移动操作系统的需求增强。按成交额计算,阿里巴巴集团是中国最大的电子商务公司。

    Alibaba Group , China 's largest e-commerce company by transactions , is seeing stronger demand from handset makers for its Aliyun mobile operating software it launched last year , Chief Strategy Officer Zeng Ming said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal .

  13. 客户能够在阿里云中心借用服务器来储存数据。

    Customers can rent servers at Aliyun centers to store data .

  14. 此外,阿里云还有自己的地图和电子邮件应用。

    The system also comes with its own mapping and email applications .

  15. 截至去年12月31日,阿里云每分钟可处理360万笔交易。

    It could process 3.6 million transactions a minute as of Dec. 31 .

  16. 目前阿里云为第三方企业处理网络流量。

    It now handles web traffic for third-party companies .

  17. 他还说阿里云会给购物网站带来更多移动交易。

    adding that Aliyun could help generate more mobile transactions for shopping sites .

  18. 根据阿里云所说,21点22分恢复供电,23点39分恢复数据服务。

    According to Aliyun , power returned at 9:22 p.m. , and full data service resumed at 11:39 p.m.

  19. 阿里云目前在杭州、青岛、北京、深圳和香港设有数据中心。

    Its existing data centers span the Chinese cities of Hangzhou , Qingdao , Beijing , Shenzhen and Hong Kong .

  20. 阿里巴巴集团用了约三年的时间开发出阿里云操作系统,该系统于2011年7月发布。

    It took Alibaba about three years to develop the Aliyun operating system , which the company unveiled in July 2011 .

  21. 阿里巴巴旗下云计算公司阿里云将在马建设云平台,以培育马来西亚本土中小企业。

    Alibaba Cloud , its cloud computing arm , will build a cloud platform in Malaysia to foster local small and medium enterprises .

  22. 近日,阿里巴巴宣布阿里云的首次重大升级,其中包括升级搜索引擎并提高数据流量管理的效率。

    Recently , Alibaba announced its first major update to Aliyun , including an upgraded search-engine function and more efficient management of data traffic .

  23. 有用户质疑难道只有一条光缆,阿里云再次发出声明,称是电力故障所致。

    When clients questioned the fact that there was only one cable , Aliyun once again said that a power outage was to blame .

  24. 公司数据显示,今年第一季度,阿里云营收43.9亿元,同比增长103%;

    Company data shows that Alibaba Cloud reported revenue of 4.39 billion yuan in the first quarter of this year , up 103 % year-on-year .

  25. 然而,随后阿里云又改口称是由于香港和大陆地区所连光缆中断。

    Later , however , Aliyun recanted , stating that the issue was due to a severed telecommunications cable between Hong Kong and the mainland .

  26. “互联汽车”将包含阿里云操作系统、云计算资源、虾米音乐服务以及高德导航技术。

    The " Internet Car " will include Alibaba 's Yun OS and cloud computing resources , the Xiami music service , and Autonavi navigation technology .

  27. 据最新报道称,阿里云于2014年在香港成立中心,为大陆1400多万人提供数据服务。

    Aliyun , which launched the Hong Kong center in 2014 , services more than 1.4 million clients on the mainland , according to its most recent report .

  28. 据阿里云计算总裁王坚介绍,该公司预计,到今年底,其云计算业务所用带宽的一半将是为外部客户服务。

    By the end of this year , the company expects half of the bandwidth used for its cloud operations to be serving outside customers , according to Wang Jian , head of the unit .

  29. 阿里巴巴为阿里云制定了远大计划。目前阿里云约占该公司收入的1%,但它为阿里巴巴的核心电商业务提供支持,而且长期来看将发挥关键作用。

    Alibaba has big plans for Aliyun , which now accounts for about 1 % of its revenue but supports its core e-commerce operation and will also play a pivotal role in the long run .

  30. 6月21日,阿里巴巴集团旗下云计算品牌阿里云数据中心在香港瘫痪了14个小时。并无法向客户提供问题原因。

    Aliyun , the cloud-computing arm of Alibaba , saw its data center go offline for 14 hours in Hong Kong on June 21 and could not provide customers with a clear explanation for the problem .