
  • 网络afghan women
  1. Sultan说,阿富汗妇女仍然面临很多障碍——比如在法庭上,她说,如果没有男性亲属陪同,妇女的证词不会被听取。

    Sultan said hurdles remain for Afghan women - in the courts , for instance , she said the testimony of a lone woman cannot be heard without a male relative present .

  2. Sharbat古拉是在难民营内的非正规学校的学生之一,麦柯里,很少考虑到阿富汗妇女拍照机会,抓住机遇,捕捉她的形象。

    Sharbat Gula was one of the students in an informal school within the refugee camp ; McCurry , rarely given the opportunity to photograph Afghan women , seized the opportunity and captured her image .

  3. 这个关于回教长袍的主意,源于《P杂志》里面一篇关于阿富汗妇女日常生活的文章。在那里,穿着回教长袍司空见惯。

    The idea for the Burka Bag grew out of an article in P Magazine about the daily life of women in Afghanistan , where wearing a burka is commonplace .

  4. 一名阿富汗妇女一直走在她的喀布尔附近,Afghnaistan星期一,07年2月19日,积雪的道路。

    An Afghan woman walks along a snowy path in her Kabul neighborhood , Afghnaistan , on Monday , Feb.19,2007 .

  5. 近期阿富汗妇女成为世人关注的焦点。

    Afghan women become the focus in the world at the present .

  6. 这次庆典开幕仪式上,将通过一个短片来展示阿富汗妇女。

    The opening ceremony will include a short movie about Afghan women .

  7. 论阿富汗妇女地位的历史演变

    The Historical Development of Women 's Status in Afghanistan

  8. 试着想想阿富汗妇女的地位吧。

    Consider , if you will , the position of women in afghanistan .

  9. 即使在现任政府的统治下,阿富汗妇女的处境也相当恶劣。

    Even under the current government , the situation of Afghan women is pretty grim .

  10. 报告还说,很多阿富汗妇女在经济上依赖侵犯他们的男子。

    The reports also says many Afghan women are financially dependent on the men who attack them .

  11. 劳拉.布什通过白宫的影响力引起外界关注阿富汗妇女和女童的境况。

    Mrs. Bush has used the White House spotlight to focus attention on the plight of the women and girls of Afghanistan .

  12. 今年许多专家将作为观察员的身份在联合国总部纽约讨论阿富汗妇女问题。

    This year , a number of experts will discuss Afghan women 's issues at the observance at the United Nations headquarters in new york .

  13. 阿富汗妇女难民在联合国难民事务高级专员办公室附近,爬上卡车被遣返回国。

    Afghan refugee women climb on a truck to be repatriated to Afghanistan at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) office .

  14. 在当地美容院,阿富汗妇女在参加婚礼前常常要花费数小时躲在窗帘后背着男性进行梳妆打扮。

    At local beauty salons , behind drawn curtains , isolated from the males , Afghan women spend hours getting ready for engagement parties and weddings .

  15. 我一直在研究一个关于阿富汗妇女的诗歌的项目,试图找到不是平常那些痛苦的阿富汗女人的照片。

    I had been working on a project about Afghan women 's poetry and was trying to find images that were not the usual misery pictures of women in Afghanistan .

  16. 不过劳拉承认,帮助阿富汗妇女的工作也遇到过挫折,她特别提到一群阿富汗女孩最近在坎大哈受到的袭击。这些女孩在上学的路上因为被人泼洒硫酸而毁容。

    But she concedes there have been setbacks too , noting the recent attack on a group of Afghan girls in Kandahar who were disfigured with acid as they walked to school .

  17. 意大利设计师盖波里拉吉都尼说:“我们邀请了很多阿富汗妇女来观看演出,而不是做模特。”他和当地一个合作伙伴组织了这次发布会。

    " We invited a lot of Afghan women to attend the show but not to be models ," said Italian designer Gabriella Ghidoni , who organized the show with an Afghan partner .

  18. 在白宫接见期间,美国-阿富汗妇女委员会参加者讨论了在男性占统治地位的社会里,增加妇女企业家取得的进展和面临的挑战。

    During the meeting at the White House , U.S. - Afghan Women 's Council participants discussed achievements and challenges in the quest to grow the ranks of businesswomen in a historically male-dominated nation .

  19. 她们知道自己有来自家人及小区的大量支持,可是阿富汗妇女却连扶养小孩的办法都没有。

    The two women were aware that they had received a great deal of support from their family and community , whereas the Afghan women were left without even the means to support their children .

  20. 第一夫人劳拉在美国全国广播公司“会见新闻界”这档节目上说,她离开白宫后打算继续从事这项工作,主要是通过乔治城大学美国-阿富汗妇女理事会,和一个设在布什总统图书馆里的机构。

    The First Lady told NBC 's Meet the Press program that she intends to remain involved in the cause after she leaves the White House , mainly through the U.S. - Afghan Women 's Council at Georgetown University , and an institute being established at her husband 's presidential library .

  21. 阿富汗境内妇女问题特设机构间工作队

    Ad Hoc Inter-agency Task Force on Gender in Afghanistan

  22. 阿富汗的妇女最受压迫!

    Afghan women were most oppressed !

  23. 布什夫人说,阿富汗的妇女们近几年来已经跨出了一大步,但是需要做的仍然很多。

    Mrs. Bush said Afghan women have made great strides in recent years , but much remains to be done .

  24. 当我向父亲抱怨这一类的事情时,他告诉我,阿富汗的妇女生活更加辛苦。

    When I complained about these things to my father he told me that life was harder for women in Afghanistan .

  25. 本文论述1919年阿富汗独立后妇女地位的历史演变。

    This paper examines the historical development of Afghan women after afghan ? S independence in1919 .

  26. 阿富汗宪法保证妇女享有同等权利,近几年来妇女在教育和就业机会等方面有所改善。

    Afghanistan 's constitution guarantees equal rights for women . Educational and job opportunities for women have improved in recent years .

  27. 布什总统特别提到了在新兴民主国家发挥关键作用的妇女,例如阿富汗和伊拉克妇女。

    He made specific mention of women who are playing a key role in emerging democracies , such as Afghanistan and Iraq .

  28. 阿富汗喀布尔市两名妇女路过一家婚纱店。

    Two women walk by a shop selling wedding dresses in Kabul , Afghanistan .

  29. 我们的“嵌入式合作团队”皆为男性(因为阿富汗国民军中没有妇女)。

    Our " embedded partnering team " was all men ( since there are no women in the ANA ) .

  30. 劳拉-布什最后一次以第一夫人身份会见阿富汗致力于促进妇女企业家的组织。

    For the last time as first lady , Laura Bush has presided over a meeting of an organization dedicated to promoting women entrepreneurs in Afghanistan .