
  • 网络Marxist-Leninist
马列 [mǎ liè]
  • [Marxism-Leninism] 马克思列宁主义的简称

  • 我看还是毛主席的说法,学马列主要是学一个立场,一个观点,一个方法

  1. 她很少诉说自己的生平故事,可能是担心听起来引人遐想,但她从莱比锡卡尔马克思大学(KarlMarxUniversity)毕业,之后为了自己的物理学博士学位,她还不得不额外撰写一篇“马列主义”论文。

    She rarely tells her own story , perhaps for fear of sounding inspirational , but she graduated from Karl Marx University in Leipzig , and later , for her physics PhD , had to write an additional " Marxist-Leninist " thesis .

  2. 重新诠释马列主义教劳结合理论

    New Interpretation on Marxist-Leninist Thought of Combining Education with Productive Labor

  3. 马列维奇的很多作品在苏联博物馆的地下室里堆了几十年。

    For decades , many of Malevich 's works were consigned to the basements of Soviet museums

  4. 必须把马列主义与中国革命的实践相结合;

    It must combine the Marxism - Leninism with revolutionary practice ;

  5. 把马列主义推到了欧洲前台来的学生反抗活动。

    Student revolts that pushed Marxist-Leninism to the fore in europe .

  6. 高等师范专科生马列原著选读课教学探讨

    On the Normal College Students Marxism-Leninism Original Work Selected Readings Teaching

  7. 我们应当学习马列主义的基本原理。

    We should study the basic principles of Marxism leninism .

  8. 在世界上,马列主义是能够解决民族问题的。

    Marxism-Leninism can help solve the problem of nationalities throughout the world .

  9. 关于大学生马列主义学习小组建设的几点思考

    About Construction of the Marxism & Leninism Theory Study Group

  10. 马列过渡时期理论在中国的变异

    Variation of Marxism-Leninism Theory of the Transitional Period in China

  11. 这一错误论点是与马列主义原则相违背的。

    This erroneous argument goes against the principles of Marxism-Leninism .

  12. 这一点也已由马列主义者强有力地表达了出来。

    This point has been forcibly expressed also by marxist-leninists .

  13. 20世纪西马文论本体论的主要形态西方科学主义文论的变异与马列文论

    Major Theories of Ontology of 20th Century Western Marxist Criticism

  14. 用马列主义系统观构建劳动价值论

    Establishing the Theory of Labour Value with the Help of Marxist-Leninist System Theory

  15. 论文考察了马列主义国家结构制度理论的主要内容。

    It investigates the main content of Marxist-Leninist Theory on state structure system .

  16. 党对马列主义与中国实际相结合原则的认识

    The CPC 's Understanding on the Principle of Combining Marxism-Leninism with Chinese Reality

  17. 用马列主义认识论指导教学实践

    Guiding Teaching Practice by the Marxist - Leninist Epistemology

  18. 而且,有些官员被看作是正统的马列主义者。

    And some officials are seen as orthodox marxists .

  19. 马列主义组织的一个成员被谋杀了。

    One member of the Marxist-Leninist group was murdered .

  20. 浅论加强青年教师的马列主义教育

    On Strengthening of Education of Marxism-Leninism to Young Teachers

  21. 青年教师缺乏马列主义修养是一个比较普遍的现象。

    It is common occurrence that now young teachers lack in accomplishment of Marxism-Leninism .

  22. 加强高校马列主义政治理论课教师队伍建设的思考

    Strengthen teacher training and improve teaching quality of Marxist Leninist political theory in universities

  23. 马列主义要与中国的实际情况相结合

    Integrate Marxism-Leninism with the concrete conditions of China

  24. 我们学习马列主义不是为了炫耀。

    We study Marxism Leninism not for display .

  25. 这些马列主义原则应当牢记并贯彻实行。

    These Marxist - Leninist principles should be kept in mind and acted on .

  26. 一国两制战略构想是对马列主义的创新和发展

    Strategic Conception of One Nation , Two Systems & Innovation and Development of Marxism

  27. 论马列课教学中对学生积极性的调动

    On promoting the students ′ initiative in teaching of the course of Marxism and Leninism

  28. 根据马列主义,帝国主义是腐朽资本主义的最后阶段。

    According to marxism-leninism , imperialism is the final stage of a decaying capitalist society .

  29. 马列课要注重培养学生理论联系实际的能力

    Marxism-Leninism Course Should Lay Stress on Cultivating the Students Ability to Apply Theory to Reality

  30. 他们的纲领将是适合他们国家情况的马列主义纲领。

    Their programme will be Marxist-Leninist , adapted to the conditions existing in their country .