
  • 网络motor octane number;mon
  1. 试验结果表明,加氢焦化汽油芳构化改质可使汽油马达法辛烷值由41.4提高到81.4,收率为67.3%。

    The results showed that the gasoline MON raised from 41.4 to 81.4 with a yield of 67.3 % .

  2. 马达法辛烷值预测平均误差为0.20;研究法辛烷值预测平均误差为0.18。

    The average prediction error of motor octane number and research octane number were 0.2 and 0.18 respectively .

  3. 丙烯产率超过17%,汽油产率为31.9%,研究法辛烷值为99.3,马达法辛烷值为85.3。

    The propylene yield exceeded 17 % and the gasoline yield was 31 . 9 % . The octane number of gasoline was 99 . 3 ( RON ) and 85 . 3 ( MON ) .

  4. 阐述了汽油中烯烃和芳烃对发动机沉积物和废气排放皆有不良的影响,指出为了维持马达法辛烷值,国外有些清洁汽油规格中允许较高的芳烃含量。

    In this paper , it is demonstrated that olefins and aromatics have negative effect on engine deposits and exhaust emissions , however several foreign clean gasoline specifications permit high aromatics content for ensuring motor octane number .

  5. 对有马达法辛烷实验值的芳香烃分子进行研究时,用C节点-C连接数的倒数方法计算的自相关拓扑指数与辛烷值间的相关性最显著,其相关系数为0.9537。

    To study the aromatic molecules of having experimental octane number , the fittings of the autocorrelation topological indexes of the inverse of carbon-carbon connection to the motor octane numbers present high correlation coefficients , and it is 0.9537 .

  6. 辛烷值试验机是测定汽油的马达法和研究法辛烷值的大型专用设备。

    The knock testing unit is a kind of special equipment used to test the knock characteristics of motor fuels by the research octane number and motor octane number .