
  • 网络mardan;Jean-Hubert Martin
  1. 马尔丹已经有好几个由联合国难民署(UNHCR)提供的白色帐篷组成的巨型营地,就像那些在白沙瓦提供给阿富汗难民住的一样。

    In Mardan there were already big camps of white UNHCR tents like those for Afghan refugees in Peshawar .

  2. 令人惊讶的是,马尔丹与邻近小镇斯瓦比的居民居然收容了3/4的IDPS。

    Amazingly three-quarters of all the IDPs were put up by the people of Mardan and the nearby town of Swabi .

  3. 一些人前往马尔丹,一些人去白沙瓦。

    Some people going to Mardan , some are going to Peshawar .

  4. 天色向晚时,我们抵达马尔丹,这是一座闷热而繁忙的城市。

    It was late afternoon by the time we reached Mardan , which is a hot and busy city .

  5. 因为我们在马尔丹没有亲戚,所以决定继续赶路,前往香拉县——我们家族的所在地。

    As we had no relatives in Mardan we were planning to make our way to Shangla , our family village .

  6. 所有人都认为塔利班会回到香拉县,所以他们不理解为什么我们不留在马尔丹。

    Everyone believed the Taliban would return to Shangla so they couldn 't understand why we hadn 't remained in Mardan .

  7. 圣马尔丹林荫大道的一个武器工厂被抢,还有三个武器商店也被抢,第一个在波布尔街,第二个在米歇尔伯爵街,另一个,在大庙街。

    They pillaged a factory of small-arms on the Boulevard Saint-Martin , and three armorers'shops , the first in the Rue Beaubourg , the second in the Rue Michel-le-Comte , the other in the Rue du Temple .