
  • 网络end point;final boiling point;fbp
  1. 沉降器中取得的液体样品中含有大约10%的重油,其终馏点在525℃左右,在工业沉降器内操作条件下,这部分重组分将冷凝形成液滴,导致沉降器结焦;

    The liquid samples from disengager contain about 10 t % of heavy hydrocarbons whose end point is about 525 ℃ . Under the commercial operating conditions of the disengager , these heavy hydrocarbons will condense to form droplets , and ultimately result in coking .

  2. 工业应用表明:在原料油终馏点363℃条件下,喷气燃料馏分可不经精制直接生产烟点大于20mm的3号喷气燃料及0号柴油;

    Commercial application shows that 3 # jet fuel with the smoke point below 20 mm and 0 # diesel have been directly produced without further refining , the feedstock with final boiling point at 363 ℃ .

  3. 轻苯终馏点的色谱分析

    Chromatographic analysis of END-FRACTION-POINT of light benzene