
  • 网络Lifelong sports;lifetime sport;life sports;lifelong education;life-long education
  1. 在反思现代性的历史背景下,借鉴后现代的思维方式和理论,有助于我们对体育教育现代化所倡导的素质教育、终身体育、健康第一的教育理念产生新的理解和诠释。

    In the background of introspecting the modernity , the thinking style and theories of post-modernity could help us produce new comprehensions and explanations on views of the modernization of physical education which promote " quality education "," life-long education " and " health-first education " .

  2. 论高校终身体育教育

    On the Life-long Education of Physical Training in Colleges and Universities

  3. 对成人高校学生终身体育能力和习惯的探索

    To adult university student lifelong physical culture ability and custom exploration

  4. 试论中学生终身体育意识的培养

    The Popular Sports Fitness and General Awareness Training for School Students

  5. 谈飞行学员终身体育意识的培养

    On Training of Flight Cadets ' Consciousness of Lifelong Physical Education

  6. 大学生终身体育锻炼能力培养初探

    On the Training of Lifetime Physical Training Ability of College Students

  7. 高校体育改革中终身体育意识的培养

    The training of physical education for life in university physical reform

  8. 高师学生终身体育意识的培养与体育教学改革

    Cultivation of life-long physical education awareness and physical education teaching reform

  9. 浅谈大学生终身体育意识习惯能力的培养

    On the Cultivation of Students ' Sense of Lifelong PE Ability

  10. 元认知理论与终身体育思想培养

    The Theory of Metacognitive and the Fostering of Lifelong Physical Education

  11. 普通大学生终身体育教育实验研究

    Studies on the experiment of lifelong physical education for College Students

  12. 高校体育教育与终身体育教育目标的探讨

    Discussion On University Sports Education and Lifelong Physical Culture Education Goal

  13. 以终身体育教育思想指导高校体育教学

    Guiding Physical Education in Colleges with the Idea of Lifelong Physical Culture

  14. 造成终身体育阶段性的原因分析

    The Reasons of Forming Stages Formation in Lifelong Physical Training

  15. 论终身体育与高校体育专项课教学

    On Life-long Physical Education and the Special Course in Colleges and Universities

  16. 学校体育课逐步向增进健康,终身体育的方向发展。

    School physical education gradually to improve health , lifelong sports direction .

  17. 大学生体育教育对终身体育作用的研究

    Research of the Students Sports Education to Lifelong Sports Education

  18. 高等院校体育俱乐部制与终身体育教育的相关研究

    Research on Club of PE and Life PE in University

  19. 终身体育与大学体育教学

    On the Teaching of College Physical Education and the Lifelong Physical Education

  20. 终身体育是社会发展的需要。

    Lifelong physical education is the requirement of social development .

  21. 对高等学校体育教材设置改革研究促进全民健身计划和终身体育实施

    The study of the reformation of physical education textbooks offered in University

  22. 培养学生终身体育观念是学校体育教学所要完成的重要任务。

    School sports teaching must develop the students ' lifelong sports ideology .

  23. 江西省高校教师终身体育锻炼的影响因素分析

    Life-long physical training college teachers in Jiangxi Province Analysis of Factors Affecting

  24. 论终身体育观念的心理结构与培育

    On psychological structure and fostering of the lifetime sports concept

  25. 家庭体育奠定儿童终身体育基础的研究

    Research on Foundation of Children 's Lifelong Sport Laid by Family Sport

  26. 培养大学生终身体育意识的对策

    Strategies for the training of college students ' consciousness of lifelong sports

  27. 男女大学生在参与体育活动情况和形成终身体育意识都存在显著差异。

    There is a special difference about participant exercises and consciousness of P.E.

  28. 浅谈学校体育在终身体育教育中的地位和作用

    On the Role of Physical Schooling in Lifelong Physical Education

  29. 深化体育教学改革为终身体育奠定基础

    Deepen Reform to Lay a Foundation of Lifelong Physical Education in Schools

  30. 终身体育与人才&论健康与智慧的关系

    Lifelong physical education and talent & Discuss relation of health and wisdom