
  • 网络the Ultimate Concern
  1. 儒家终极关怀与思想政治教育

    Ultimate Concern of the Confucian School and Education in Ideology and Politics

  2. 儒家的丧祭理论与终极关怀

    Confucian Philosophies in Ancient Burial and Sacrificial Ceremonies and Their Ultimate Concern

  3. STS对人的终极关怀&从社会建构主义的角度看

    STS utmost solicitude on human : viewpoint from social constructivism

  4. STS学科群的本体是人作为科学技术之本体的终极关怀。

    The Philosophical ontology of STS show the utmost solicitude for human as the subject of science and technology .

  5. 论文学的人文终极关怀是其最高使命

    The Ultimate Care for Human Is the Supreme Mission of Literature

  6. 终极关怀:英美现代主义文学的永恒主题

    Ultimate Care : An Eternal Theme of English American Modernism Literature

  7. 哲学是对人的存在状态及其活动方式的反思,揭示着内蕴于生活世界之中的矛盾与分裂,反映着对人的存在与发展的终极关怀。

    Philosophy is the reflection of human existence and its development .

  8. 可持续发展的终极关怀:人的全面发展

    An Ultimate Aim With Sustained Development & the Whole-man Development

  9. 哲学就其本性来说,是对于人类生活的终极关怀。

    In nature philosophy shows the most ultimate solicitude to human being .

  10. 作家对人性的终极关怀是保持了另一种先锋姿态。

    The writer 's ultimate solicitude is another vanward pose .

  11. 老子的道代表了人类的终极关怀。

    Lao Zi 's Taoism represents the ultimate concern of the mankind .

  12. 终极关怀便是精神关怀重要内容之一。

    Ultimate concern t is one of the important content of spiritual concern .

  13. 文艺学应多一点对人类的终极关怀精神

    More Ultimate Concern for Human Being in Literary Theory

  14. 文化认同与城市规划的终极关怀

    Cultural identification and the ultimate solicitude of urban planning

  15. 信仰和终极关怀始终是息息相关的。

    Faith and ultimate concern is always closely related .

  16. 两者的共同使命是:对女性和人类命运的终极关怀。

    Both share a common concern for the future of women and mankind .

  17. 针对人类终极关怀这一目标,在当前,大学伦理从理念到实践的建构尤为重要。

    Constructing the university ethics becomes more important nowadays .

  18. 其二是表达了作者对生命的终极关怀。

    Second , implicity conveying the ultimate concern with the meaning of life .

  19. 价值关怀包含终极关怀和现实关怀两个向度。

    The value concern includes two directions of ultimate concern and actual concern .

  20. 论马克思主义哲学的终极关怀功能

    On the Function of Ultimate Concern of Marxist Philosophy

  21. 哲学的本质是对人类生存践行的终极关怀。

    The essence of philosophy is the final care of human existence and practices .

  22. 社会关怀与终极关怀的换位与重构&佛教与盛唐诗人生活研究之二

    Transposition and Reconstruction of Social and Ultimate Solicitudes

  23. 摘要形而上学和终极关怀是西方哲学与宗教的两个核心观念。

    Metaphysics and ultimate concern are two core concepts in western philosophy and religion .

  24. 对人类生命的终极关怀是现代诗歌的根本立场。

    To concern ultimately with human being is the fundamental standpoint of modern poems .

  25. 跳不出性别的尴尬&从职业女性命运看张爱玲对女性生存的终极关怀

    Analyzing Zhang Ailing 's concern of female existence from the fate of career women

  26. 现代诗歌:对人类生命的终极关怀

    Modern Poems : Concerning Ultimately with Human Being

  27. 新理学的终极关怀&冯友兰境界说述评

    The Ultimate Concern of the New Rational Philosophy

  28. 恩格斯末世论探析&《自然辩证法》中的终极关怀

    Engels ' Theory on Latter-Day & Ultimate Concern of Humanity in Dialectics of Nature

  29. 审美也是一种终极关怀

    Aesthetics Is Also a Kind of Ultimate Solicitude

  30. 本文认为基督精神的本质是一种终极关怀。

    This thesis considers that the essence of the Christ spirit is ultimate solicitude .