
  • 网络IZO
  1. 以藏红T为指示剂催化荧光法测定痕量锰的研究

    Catalytic fluorimetric determination of trace manganese based on safranin T as indicator

  2. 我们学校图书馆以藏有好多本珍贵的书而自豪。

    Our school library boasts quite a few rare books .

  3. 这图书馆以藏有初版的莎士比亚全集而自豪。

    The library boasts a first edition of Shakespeare .

  4. 油气成藏系统是在含油气系统内或之间的一个以藏为核心且相对独立的油气运聚单元。

    This system is a relatively independent geological unit of petroleum migration and accumulation .

  5. 她以藏有世界上最好的邮票而闻名。

    She is known to have the best collection of stamps in the world .

  6. 《黄帝内经》以藏象理论为核心内容,奠定了临床辨证论治的理论基础。

    As the core content of the Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor , viscera state theory laid a basis on a clinical syndrome differentiation and treatment .

  7. 从以藏为本到以人为本&中国图书馆学思想的回顾与展望

    " Taking Preserve as the Essential " to " Taking Human Beings as the Essential " & Reviews and prospects of China 's library science thoughts

  8. 实施商品林市场化经营,政府有所为而又有所不为,应当以宏观规划、维护公平,消除垄断,提高效率,轻赋薄税,让利于民,以藏富于民而富于林作为行为目标和准则。

    In the merchandise wood marketing management , the government should program with the macro view , maintenance fair , dissolve the monopoly , lift high-efficiency , low tax .