
  • 网络Israeli political parties;Political parties in Israel
  1. 理论上来说,所有以色列主流政党都支持“两国解决方案”,而实际上,在约旦河西岸日益增加的现代正统派定居者带头体现了政府无止尽占领的政策。

    In theory , all Israeli mainstream parties are committed to a " two-state solution " ; in practice , the growing modern-Orthodox settler movement in the West Bank spearheads a government policy of occupation without end .

  2. 这部分是由于几任以色列政府和政党削减了科学资金,因为整个以色列社会不再像以前那样重视科学和教育。

    This is partly due to cuts in funding by successive Israeli governments and partly because Israeli society as a whole does not value science and education as they used to .

  3. 出口民调显示,以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡的政党在议会选举中赢得最多席位。民调显示,利库德集团赢得了37个席位,中间派蓝白党获得了33个席位。

    Exit polls show Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 's party has won the largest number of seats in the parliamentary elections .