
  • 网络Rabbinic Judaism
  1. 但教会一直把它当成寓言来读,甚至拉比犹太教也把《雅歌》,看成是讲上帝和以色列人的。

    But it was read allegorically throughout the church , and even Rabbinic Judaism read the Song of Songs as being about God and people Israel .

  2. 本文从拉比犹太教入手,将不同时期不同派别的犹太教所作的自我诠释,综合推演出犹太教的分解式定义,以求更深入地探讨和认识组成犹太教的不同传统。

    Proceeded from Rabbi Judaism , this paper synthetically deduces the analytical definition of Judaism from the self-annotations made by various sects of Judaism in different historical periods in order to research and understand the various traditions of which Judaism is consists more profoundly .

  3. 拉比(犹太教教师或法学导师)会怎么说?

    What 's the rabbi going to say ?

  4. 在一个君主政体和一个大祭司的显著特点下,以前的犹太人生活与如今的具备拉比和犹太教会堂的犹太人生活几乎没有共同点。

    Featuring a monarchy and a high priesthood , it bears littleresemblance to Jewish life of today with its rabbis and synagogues .