
lā ɡuǎn
  • Pulling tube;stay tube
  1. 拉管结构绕流的数值模拟及理论分析

    Numerical Stimulation and Theoretical Analysis of Flow Around Stay Tube

  2. 研究表明,影响空拉管壁厚变化的因素应是管坯的径厚比(DH/SH)以及相对拉伸应力。

    The ratio of tube diameter to wall thickness and the relative drawing stress were believed to be the factors in wall thickness change of sinking tubes .

  3. 玻璃拉管生产过程的智能控制策略

    The application of intelligent fuzzy control to the glass tubing process

  4. 涪江跨越斜拉管桥清管时动态力学特性

    Dynamic characteristics of cable-stayed pipe bridge on Fujiang while Pigging

  5. 熔融石英拉管机石英管管径自动检测研究

    Research on Quartz Tube Diameter Measurement of Quartz Drawing Machine

  6. 预应力斜拉管在大悬挑空间体系中的应用

    Application of Prestressed Diagonal Pipe to Large Cantilever Space System

  7. 5454热挤压管与1060冷拉管性能对比试验

    Performance Contrast between 5454 Extruded Tube and Cold Drawn Tube by Test

  8. 拉管是交响乐队不可缺少的乐器之一。

    The trombone is an essential musical instrument for a symphony orchestra .

  9. 水平连铸拉管结晶器的改进设计

    Improved Design on Plane Casting Pull Tube Crystal Instrument

  10. 影响空拉管壁厚变化因素的研究

    Factors in wall thickness change of sinking tubes

  11. 非开挖拉管技术在市政排水施工中的应用

    Application of Trenchless Technique in Municipal Drainage Construction

  12. 空拉管残余应力和壁厚变化规律的探讨

    An Approach to Variation Regularity of Residual Stress and Thickness of Tubes Drawn without Mandrel

  13. 空拉管壁厚计算公式的考核

    Verification of a Formula Used for the Calculation of Tube Thickness in Sink Drawing Process

  14. 推荐一个空拉管壁厚计算公式及其算图

    Recommending a Formula for the Calculation of Tube Thickness and its Nomograph in Sinking Process

  15. 本文研究将超声波振动加工技术应用于拉管系统中由于负载的影响而导致系统振动失谐的问题。

    This paper discusses the unconstant load caused detuning problem of a ultrasonic vibration system for tube drawing .

  16. 缠绕法和拉管切割法现已机械化,可以进行大规模生产。

    Rolling and the method of drawing and cuting pipes are mechanized , so we can make large-scale production .

  17. 注射器注塑与输液器拉管操作点的尘埃粒子数超标率较严重。

    The air dust particles at sites for moulding syringes and producing tubes of infusion sets badly exceeded allowable limit .

  18. 同时,还探讨了不同的含铬量对拉管生产操作过程中工艺参数的影响。

    And same time , we also explore the influence of technological parameter with difference chrome content to the pull pipe operation process .

  19. 家具灯饰机械:自动车牙机、滚牙机、缩管机、锥管机、拉管机、调直机、切管机等。

    Furniture lights machinery : automatic car-teeth , tooth rolling machine , a shrunken pipe , tube machine , machine Tubes Drawn Without Mandrel , straighten machines , pipe cutting machines .

  20. 江苏省科学历史文化中心工程造型新颖、复杂,在设计与施工中采用了不同于一般的预应力斜拉管结构,使多层悬挑梁形成空间稳定结构,满足了造型的需要。

    The appearance of Jiangsu Province Science History Culture Center is new and complicate . The unique prestressed inclined pipe structure is adopted in design and construction of this project . So a stable structure constituted by multi-story suspending beams emerges .