
  • 网络Instrumental;Playing Instrument;Instrument playing;instruments
  1. 这是一部可以用乐器演奏的作品。

    It is an instrumental work .

  2. 音乐作品的音响存在是通过乐器演奏实现的。

    The sonority of music works is achieved by instrumental playing .

  3. 背景音乐放的是用中国乐器演奏的《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)的主题曲《随它吧》(LetItGo)。

    A Chinese instrumental version of " Let It Go " from " Frozen " played on the sound system .

  4. 本文将弦乐器演奏中保留指的概念应用到G调低音竹笛的手指运用上,藉以提升吹奏中的音准、清晰度以及手指掌握指孔的准确度。

    This article applies the reserved finger concept in stringed instrument performance to the G bass flute so as to promote the intonation articulation in playing and accuracy of finger-s hole controlling .

  5. 你可以用打击乐器演奏他的作品Zyklus,由下向上或杂乱无序地演奏,或者用你喜欢的任何顺序演奏。

    You could play his " Zyklus ", for percussion , upside down or back to front or in any order you liked .

  6. 智能乐器演奏动画系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Intelligent Music Instrument Playing Animation Systems

  7. 来自济南,爱好吉他,键盘乐器演奏。

    From jinan , like to play guitar and key-instruments playing .

  8. 他是当时最出色的乐器演奏家之一。

    He was one of the finest instrumentalists of his day .

  9. 你知道这是什么乐器演奏的吗?

    And do you know what musical instrument it is ?

  10. 乐器演奏提示系统与基于视频的虚拟乐器研究

    Research on the Tips Musical System and Video-based Virtual Instrument

  11. 而传统的二人台乐队中仅以四件乐器演奏。

    On the Origin of the Traditional Chinese Music Instrument " zhu ";

  12. 坦姆布里扎琴是乡村音乐的一种形式,主要由弦乐器演奏。

    Tamburitza is a form of folk music that involves string instruments .

  13. 不同于以乐器演奏为主,我们更著重于歌唱的表演。

    We focus on singing performances rather than playing instruments .

  14. 广东音乐通常用民族乐器演奏。

    Cantonese music is usually performed with folk instruments .

  15. 用铜管乐器演奏的简短欢快的曲调。

    A short lively tune played on brass instruments .

  16. 使用一列乐器演奏合音。

    Play chords on , as of string instruments .

  17. 我们乐队有几个全国最好的铜管乐器演奏家。

    Our band has some of the best brass players in the country .

  18. 他谈到和声通过,弦乐器演奏出来。

    He 's talking about the harmony that gets produced by a stringed instrument .

  19. 来自承德,爱好长笛,各种小吹奏乐器演奏。

    From chengde , like to play flute and other kinds of wind instruments .

  20. 论乐器演奏中视奏与背奏的技巧训练

    On Training of Sight-Instrument Play and Non-Sight-Instrument Play

  21. 手风琴制作变革使这种乐器演奏能力大大提高。

    Manufacture evolvement of the accordion improves performance ability of this musical instrument greatly .

  22. 大明星、作曲者、音乐制作人、多乐器演奏家、演员、艺术家。

    Pop star . Songwriter . Record producer . Multi-instrumentalist . Actor . Artist ...

  23. 古典音乐通常由各种不同的管弦乐器演奏。

    Classical music is usually played by a variety of string and wind instruments .

  24. 所以那个音乐一般就是以民谣和乐器演奏的舞曲为基础的。

    So the music is generally based on folk ballads and instrumental dance tunes .

  25. 作为一名乐器演奏者,练习是我们职业生涯中必不可少的一部分。

    As a professional performer , practicing is an indispensable part of our career life .

  26. 歌手和乐器演奏者必须使所有的音符完全相同协调。

    Singers and instrumentalists have to be able to get every not perfectly in tune .

  27. 弓弦乐器演奏的极好。能够调节弦乐器琴弦的倾斜度的栓。

    Can be turned to regulate the pitch of the strings of a stringed instrument .

  28. 铜管乐器演奏的呼吸技巧

    Skills of breath in playing brass instruments

  29. 打击乐器演奏教学法初探

    On the Methodology of Playing Percussion Instrument

  30. 歌唱家和乐器演奏家一定要把乐音调试成最佳状态。

    Singers and instrumentalists have to be able to get evey note perfectly in tune .