
lè he
  • happy;joyful;cheerful
  • glad
乐和 [lè hé]
  • [cheerful;happy; glad;joyful]〈方〉∶快乐和谐(多指生活幸福)

  • 日子过得挺乐和

  1. 这项祈祷能加深你们的信德,帮助你们恒心持守爱德,在喜乐和坚忍中全心仰望天主。

    This prayer will help you to be strong in your faith , constant in charity , joyful and persevering in hope .

  2. 他的音乐是重金属乐和鬅客摇滚乐的强节奏混合体。

    His music is a heady brew of heavy metal and punk .

  3. 事实证明他先前融合了爵士乐、流行乐和非洲旋律的作品非常成功。

    His previous fusions of jazz , pop and African melodies have proved highly successful .

  4. 派对就是为了乐和一下。

    Parties are meant to be fun .

  5. 对于外行人来说,西部摇摆是爵士乐、节奏布鲁斯、摇滚乐和乡村音乐的融合。

    For the uninitiated , Western Swing is a fusion of jazz , rhythm blues , rock roll and country music

  6. 把自己的音乐与更多人分享。RED的曲风主要是摇滚乐和金属乐,以强劲的音乐节奏、辽亮的人声为歌曲主要的元素。

    Genre of RED is mainly rock and metal , with strong rhythm and powerful vocal as the main composing elements .

  7. 在当前音乐的生态系统里,凯蒂·佩里(KatyPerry)或许是对嘻哈乐和R&B依赖最少的流行歌手,但她最近的大热歌曲里也有饶舌乐手杰西·J(JuicyJ)献声,她也不能免疫。

    In the current ecosystem , Katy Perry is probably the pop star least reliant on hip-hop and R & B to make her sound , but her biggest recent hit featured the rapper Juicy J ; she 's not immune .

  8. 我们为观众营造了独一无二的音乐氛围,独奏部分主要由洛文杰深情款款的萨克斯和Woodie委婉忧伤的钢棒吉他演奏组成。钢棒吉他是一种非同寻常的乐器,在美国乡村乐和蓝调音乐中的地位举足轻重。

    We have a unique sound , with most of the solos coming from Dave 's soulful sax and Woodie 's mournful lap steel guitar , an unusual instrument which figures prominently in American country and blues music .

  9. 流行乐和摇滚乐的创作方式不同。

    Pop songs and rock songs are written in different ways .

  10. 所以患难里面蕴藏着的,乃是甘甜的喜乐和眞实的价值。

    There is a sweet joy and a real value in them .

  11. 不是。我是指新摇滚乐和爵士乐之类的音乐。

    No , I mean new rock , jazz and the like .

  12. 那里充满了喜乐和平安。

    Heaven is a place of everlasting safety and happiness !

  13. 必须通过哀恸,才能有喜乐和欢愉。

    The road to joy and rejoicing is through mourning .

  14. 我收到你的信我心中的喜乐和赞美。

    I received your letter with joy and praises in my heart .

  15. 忠犬杰乐和狼看起来很相似。

    The dog Gelert and the wolf may have looked very similar .

  16. 你的冥想可能一天充满喜乐和祝福而另一天却充满挑战。

    Your sadhana may be blissful one day and very challenging the next .

  17. 帮助我们借着全家的祷告在喜乐和悲伤中在一起。

    Help us to stay together in joy and sorrow through family prayer .

  18. 他们的兴趣有可能是当地歌舞、乐和赛事等。

    They may be interested in local dances , songs , music and games .

  19. 摇滚乐和原创音乐与古典乐一样,是健康美好的。

    Rock and the original music is as healthy and decent as classical music .

  20. 本文通过论述宴(燕)乐和一般乐舞与饮食活动的结合,阐明了中国饮食文化的独特魅力之所在。

    The writer discusses this combination and states the unique charm of Chinese food culture .

  21. 高乐和刘莉莉都选择带着这份自信来参加即兴表演考试。

    Both Cao and Liu chose to take this confidence into the improvised acting test .

  22. 宁波东港喜来登酒店,座落于宁波市中心,优越的地理位置使得购物、乐和观光都非常方便。

    Sheraton Ningbo , located at the heart of Ningbo where the city beat pulses .

  23. 我更喜欢古典乐和民乐。

    I prefer classical and folk music .

  24. 最终的结果是完美的融合同时提高了古典乐和电子乐的魅力。

    The end result is a powerful synthesis that enhances both classical and electronic sounds .

  25. 它被认为是一个最伟大的摇滚乐和所有时间推出专辑。

    It is considered one of the greatest rock and roll albums of all time .

  26. 良好的祝愿献给天生的一对,愿你们在爱情、乐和幸福中同醉。

    Best wishes to a wonderful pair for love and joy and happiness to share .

  27. 摇滚乐和布鲁斯

    Rock and roll , and the blues

  28. 她的音乐主要有爵士乐,灵魂乐和流行乐。

    Andrea : The music she 's writing is jazz , soul and pop in style .

  29. 观众们一定会发现,这部电影把现代英语流行乐和法国史实做了个前所未有的融合。

    Moviegoers will certainly discover a whole new association between modern English pop and historical France .

  30. 喜乐和痛苦的经验分别是善行和恶行的结果。

    Experiences of pleasure and of pain are the fruits of merit and demerit , respectively .