
  1. 接着就是油炸、冷却,“登登登…”香喷喷的麦乐鸡就ok了。

    Then flash fry , freeze and voila !

  2. 鸡肉是平台;麦乐鸡(McNuggets)是产品。

    Chicken is a platform ; McNuggets are the product .

  3. 香港万佛寺旁边的一家店里甚至有纸做的麦当劳超值套餐卖,套餐里有薯条、饮料和一包叫做“ChickenMuNeggtc”(“麦乐鸡”的错误拼写。——译注)的东西。

    One store , next to Hong Kong 's Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery , even sells paper replicas of McDonald 's value meals , complete with fries , soda and a package of something called " Chicken MuNeggtc . "

  4. 麦乐鸡制作过程的视频拍摄于泰森鸡肉厂。一开始主持人就拿出iPad向大家展示2012年以来网上热传的令人作呕的粉色粘稠物的图片。

    Nearly as soon as the McNuggets video begins inside a Tyson chicken factory , the video 's host whips out an iPad that shows the picture of pink goo oozing out of a tube that nauseated readers across the internet starting in 2012 .

  5. 美国的麦乐鸡(每四块包含卡路里190,12克脂肪,2克饱和脂肪),包含从石油中提炼的TBHQ(特丁基对苯二酚)和通常用于橡皮泥制作的二甲基聚硅氧烷两种化学物质。

    American McNuggets ( 190 calories , 12 grams of fat , 2 grams of saturated fat for 4 pieces ) contain the chemical preservative tBHQ , tertiary butylhydroquinone , a petroleum-based product . They also contain dimethylpolysiloxane , an anti-foaming agent also used in Silly Putty .

  6. 上周末,三泽市麦当劳的麦乐鸡里发现一小片乙烯树脂。

    A piece of vinyl was inside a chicken nugget sold in the city of Misawa last weekend .

  7. 今天早些时候我参加了一个麦当劳的活动,给所有人看了我是怎么吃麦乐鸡的。

    Earlier today I had an event with McDonald 's where I showed everyone how I eat my chicken McNuggets .

  8. 在麦当劳的一则广告中,两名亚洲儿童手持筷子,为盒子里最后一块麦乐鸡展开争夺。

    One ad features two Asian children , armed with chopsticks , battling over the last Chicken McNugget in the carton .

  9. 在麦乐鸡被做成其标志性形状之前,还要在鸡肉里加入一些香味增强剂、湿度增强剂以及防腐剂等。

    Before the nuggets are formed into their iconic shapes , they get mixed with ingredients like flavor enhancers , moisture enhancers and preservatives .

  10. 苹果新推出的智能手表能追踪你的心率,在你买麦乐鸡的时候付款,每拐一个弯就能通过手腕上的震动向你报告方位。

    Apple 's new smartwatch can track your heart rate , pay for your Chicken McNuggets and give you turn-by-turn directions by sending vibrations to your wrist .

  11. 麦当劳公司为了提高公众对其快餐食品的认可度,再次发布视频向人们介绍了麦乐鸡的制作过程。

    McDonald 's on Tuesday released another video focused on improving public perceptions of their fast food products -- this time with a focus on the Chicken McNugget .

  12. 第三步拌粉、挤压为麦乐鸡加上金黄的颜色以及胡椒的辣味。

    A triple-step breading and battering process , that last of which imbues the nuggets with their decided golden hue and peppery / celery notes , comes next .

  13. 公司还承认在冰淇淋圣代中发现了一片塑料,一块麦乐鸡里有一片乙烯树脂。

    The firm has also admitted that a piece of plastic was found in an ice-cream sundae , and a piece of vinyl was discovered in chicken nuggets .

  14. 相反,英国的麦乐鸡(每四块包含卡路里170,9克脂肪,1克饱和脂肪)没有化学物质。

    By contrast , British McNuggets ( 170 calories , 9 grams of fat , 1 gram of saturated fat for 4 pieces ) lists neither chemical among its ingredients .

  15. 更重要的是,它就像是草原的麦乐鸡,一种几乎可以为各种草原动物提供的方便小吃,从穴鸮和铁鹰到狐狸,甚至狼。

    More important , it is the Chicken McNugget of the prairie - a convenient snack food for almost every creature , from burrowing owls and ferruginous hawks to foxes and even wolves .

  16. 视频针对之前被曝出的麦当劳使用“粉红肉渣”制作麦乐鸡的传闻,一步一步地展示了麦乐鸡的制作全过程。

    The video is a step-by-step look at the making of the deep-fried morsels that seems specifically designed to fix misconceptions that McDonald 's uses so-called ' pink slime ' meat in its nuggets .

  17. 课上他放映了一段录像,一名女性顾客因早餐时间不能点麦乐鸡而大发雷霆。老师问全班同学是否碰到过这样难缠的顾客,每个同学都举手表示深有体会。

    He shows a video of a woman driven berserk by the fact that you cannot get chicken McNuggets at breakfast time . He asks the class if they have ever had a difficult customer , and every hand goes up .

  18. 麦当劳的美国顾客们可能会觉得自己遭到了背叛,这家遍布全国的快餐店提供给美国人民的麦乐鸡,化学物质含量和卡路里都比提供给英国人民的高。

    ( helium . com ) McDonalds customers in the United States should feel betrayed when they find out that the All-American restaurant is feeding them Chicken McNuggets laced with more chemicals and calories than McNuggets served in the United Kingdom .

  19. 最后,英美两国麦乐鸡最重要的就是营养成分的差别,留下了一个问题是为什么英国人能得到更健康的食物。

    In the end , the most significant difference between the two types of McNuggets as presented in the CNN report is the nutritional content , leaving open questions as to why the British are treated to healthier food than are Americans .

  20. 虽然麦当劳的麦乐鸡在大西洋两边的差别看上去没那么重要,不过其中包含了一个很重要的问题,美国公司难道就因为美国标准比其他国家宽松就愿意毒害自己的人民么?

    Although the discrepancy between McDonalds Chicken McNuggets on either side of the Atlantic may not seem significant , the implications could be serious : are American corporations willing to poison their own people just because regulations are more lax than they are in other countries ?