
  1. 国际奥委会和历届奥运会组委会对奥运会吉祥物的设计要求都很高。

    The IOC and the organizing committees of every Olympic Games require high quality of the mascot design .

  2. 之后将于2018年年初举行投票,争取在2018年上半年之前确定吉祥物的设计图案。

    The vote will then be held at the beginning of 2018 with the intention of deciding the design of the mascot by the first half of the year .

  3. 这对吉祥物的设计还有一个背后的故事:一个焊接工用尽最后一滴钢铁为奥运会浇铸成了新的奥林匹克体育场。

    The mascots are based on a story , where a welder used the last drops of steel from the final girder added to the new Olympic Stadium , to create the Olympic duo .

  4. 在奥林匹克视觉传达体系中,奥运吉祥物的设计是一个国家历史文化、民族形象和奥运精神的凝聚与象征,能够创造巨大的商业和文化价值。

    Within the system of the vison transmit , the design of the Olympic Mascot is the symbol of a nation 's history culture , image and the extract of the Olympic spirits , the design is to bring about great value in business and culture .