
  • 网络giessen;JASON
  1. 简单介绍了兰州-北京-吉森合作组对合成超重核的重离子反应进行的初步研究。

    In recent years , the Lanzou-Beijing-Giessen collaboration has studied the heavy ion reactions which are lead to the formation of super-heavy nuclei .

  2. 星期六一早在德国城镇西南部吉森高速公路附近发生了一起交通事故,共有26个中国留学生受伤了。

    A total of26 Chinese students in Germany were injured in a traffic accident on a motorway near the southwestern German town of Giessen early Sunday morning .

  3. 两位外长均曾在德国西部吉森的同一所大学就读。谢弗表示,二人从始至终以德语交流,在场的其他几名官员也是。

    The ministers , who studied at the same university in Giessen in western Germany , spoke German throughout , as did several of the other officials present , Sch ä fer said .

  4. 凯奇和吉娜葛森、妮基韦兰合演的惊悚片《难以置信》于6月30号上映。

    Cage recently starred in Inconceivable , a thriller which also stars Gina Gershon and Nicky Whelan , released on June 30 .