
  • 网络Faustian spirit
  1. 突然间,你成了浮士德精神的化身,对现实不满,要实行世界性的改革。

    Suddenly a Faustian spirit of discontent and universal reform descends on you .

  2. 歌德的诗意的世界观不受康德思想约束,形成了各种生活都有意义的新世界观,启迪了德国现代美学,其浮士德精神也催生了中国现代文艺美学的积极的伦理学激情。

    Goethe 's poetic world view " broke through Kant 's theoretical restraint , extending meanings to all kinds of lives , and thereafter illuminating modern German aesthetics . Meanwhile , his Faust 's spirit " also fired the Chinese literature aesthetics with enthusiasm .

  3. 灵的内涵在于浮士德一生的精神需求及其满足。

    The connotation of Soul lies in Faust 's spiritual demands and their fulfillment .

  4. 本文着重探讨《浮士德》在人文精神这个重要主题上与《圣经·约伯记》的内在联系。

    The article studies the relation of humane spirit in Faust and The Book of Job , Bible .

  5. 作为一部人类灵魂与时代精神的发展史,《浮士德》既是对“浮士德精神”的颂歌,也是对浮士德式追求的反思;

    Faust , as a developmental history of human soul and zeitgeist , is the canticle of " Faust Spirit " as well as the reflection on Faust 's pursuit .

  6. 在对歌德及其浮士德的研究接受中,中国学者对歌德及其浮士德精神的阐释中也蕴含了有别于传统的新的声音。

    In addition , the interpretation of Goethe and the spirit of Faust by Chinese scholars differed from traditional voices .

  7. 文章用整合的眼光探讨《浮士德》的多层意蕴:从诗剧的显性层面,看诗人的现实思考和批判精神,以及浮士德的进取精神;

    Interpreting Faust from an integrative point of view , this article probes into the poet 's realistic thought and his spirit of criticism .

  8. 经典文本《浮士德》的研究者们往往把视线抬得过高,着重于主人公上天入地表现出的永不餍足的追求精神,但实际上浮士德的理想精神必须建筑在理想肉身的基础之上。

    The scholars , studying the classical work Faust , usually pay attention to the hero 's insistent pursuing , but , in fact , Faust 's ideal spirit is built on the base of human body .