
fú chén
  • Floating and sinking;ups and downs;drift along;oscillate;now sink, now emerge;be unstable or uncertain
浮沉 [fú chén]
  • [oscillate;drift along] 在水中时而浮起,时而沉下,指随波逐流,也比喻盛衰,升降

  • 山河破碎风飘絮,身世浮沉雨打萍。--宋. 文天祥《过零丁洋》

浮沉[fú chén]
  1. 本文拟对吴潜从政一生的业绩,壮志难酬及官场浮沉作以简单概述,以希对吴潜有更全面的了解。

    This paper on the performance of a lifetime in politics Wu potential , their aspirations blighted and bureaucratic drift along for a simple overview of the Greek for Wu potential for a more comprehensive understanding .

  2. 那个人在河中浮沉但是救不了那个孩子。

    That man plunged in the river but not to save the child .

  3. EXCEL在煤炭筛分浮沉试验中的应用

    Application of the EXCEL in Coal Sieve Float-and-Sink Analysis

  4. 把中国近现代社会的GDP数据与美国、日本两个不同类型的国家进行对比,可以管窥中国国际地位的浮沉,进而看出近现代中国国际地位的变化。

    Compared China 's GDP with two different types of countries , the United States , Japan , we could see China 's international status and see China 's international status changes .

  5. 本文用浮沉法及酸、碱和有机溶剂抽提方法探讨了小龙潭褐煤中As,Pb,Cr等元素的存在状态。

    The forms of combination of As , Pb , Cr in Xiaolongtan coal was investigated by washability test , inorganic and organic solvent extract , The results show that As is organic association dominantly , contrary to As in bituminous .

  6. 对五种不同煤阶的煤样在25℃的条件下以苯和四氯化碳的混合液为重液进行重介离心浮沉分选,每个煤样从1.320g/cm3到1.459g/cm3分为五个密度级。

    Coals with different ranks were separated respectively into five density grades ranging from 1.320g/cm3 to 1.459g/cm3 in heavy media ( C6H6-CCl4 ) at 25 ° C using centrifugal float-sink separation technique . The separation efficiency of each coal differed significantly .

  7. 利用该装置可实现煤炭浮沉试验的自动操作,提高试验的自动化水平。

    The device makes the operation automatically of coal floating-and-sinking test .

  8. 侧向流斜板浮沉池的设计

    Design of Lateral Flow Air Floating Sedimentation Tank with Inclined Plates

  9. 论1980年代启蒙文学之浮沉

    Study on the Climax and Retreat of Enlightenment Literature in 1980 's

  10. 他过去在政界浮沉。

    He 'd had a checkered past in the government .

  11. 青春期的浮沉令父母伤透脑筋。

    The ups and downs of adolescence can be difficult for parents .

  12. 提高煤炭浮沉试验准确性的方法探讨

    Discussion on improving the accuracy of the float-sink test result

  13. 在线预测原煤浮沉组成的方法

    On-Line Prediction Method of Raw Coal Floating and Setting Components

  14. 煤炭浮沉试验自动操作系统的研究

    Research of automatic operation system of coal floating-and-sinking test

  15. 这家公司历经盛衰浮沉。

    The company has undergone many ups and downs .

  16. 侧向流折板浮沉池的应用

    Application of Lateral Flow Flap Floating and Settling Pool

  17. 大气压下磁力浮沉子法测量中国标准海水的密度

    Determination of Chinese Standard Seawater densities with magnetic float method at atmospheric pressure

  18. 利用磁流体浮沉煤泥的研究

    Development of Float-and-sink Slime by Using Magnetic Fluid

  19. 利用磁流体进行浮沉分离

    Sink and Float Separation by Using Magnetic Fluids

  20. 浅谈对煤炭筛分浮沉试验的全程质量控制

    Discussion on the whole process of quality control of coal sieve and sink-float experiment

  21. 我不能随波浮沉,为了我致爱的亲人。

    For my loved ones . I could not go down with those waves .

  22. 底拖网浮沉力配备设计计算

    Floating and sinking force distribution of bottom trawl

  23. 原煤灰分与原煤浮沉组成关系的分析及应用

    Analysis and Application of the Relation of Ash and Float-sink Compose of Raw Coal

  24. 我们都已各自经历过生活的浮沉。

    We have had our ups and downs .

  25. GB/T478-1987煤炭浮沉试验方法

    Method for float-and sink analysis of coal

  26. 浮沉子效应是超高压岩石形成和折返的力学机制。

    The float-sink effect is the mechanical mechanism for the formation and'exhumation of UHP rocks .

  27. 浮沉池工艺在给水处理中的应用研究

    Application of flotation-sedimentation tank in water treatment

  28. 木排在波浪中浮沉着。挖泥机(不包括浮动挖泥船),非自动推进式

    The swimming raft was dancing in the waves . dredger ( excl. floating ), not self-propelled

  29. 木排在波浪中浮沉着。木头能漂浮(於水面)。

    The swimming raft was dancing in the waves . Wood floats ( in water ) .

  30. 我们只是在梦中浮沉

    All of us were only dreaming